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Chapter No.

1 Measurements

Q1. Name several repetitive phenomena occurring in nature, which could serve as reasonable time standards? Answer: Any phenomenon that repeats itself after regular time intervals can be used as a time standard. i) Heart beat or Human pulse rate iii) Oscillations of a simple pendulum iv) Revolution of moon around the earth v) Characteristic vibrations of crystals such as quartz crystals vi) Radioactive decay rate of same substances i.e. Half life of a radioactive substance.vii) Rotation of Earth around its own axis

Q2. Give the drawbacks cause the period of a pendulum as a time standard. Answer: We know that the time period of a pendulum is T=

i) A pendulum of fixed length may have different periods at different places due to even slight change in g. As the value of g changes at different places, so it will increase or decrease the time period of a pendulum.

ii) Usually matter expands on heating and contracts on cooling. In summer season the length of pendulum is slightly increased by the temperature. Hence the time period of a pendulum is also increased. While in winter seasons, the length l is slightly decreased by falling the temperature. Hence the time period of the pendulum is also decreased. iii) Air resistance on pressure may also effect the time period of the pendulum. In the light of above mentioned drawbacks, the time period of a pendulum cannot be used as time standard. Q3. Why do we find it useful to have two units for the amount of substance, the kilogram and the mole?

Prepared by Asif Rasheed 0344-7846394

Answer: The amount of substances can be estimated by two methods. i) By weighing for which the unit is kilogram. The unit kilogram is a big unit and used to measure mass of macroscopic bodies. ii) By counting the number of entities contained in the substance for which the unit is mole. The unit mole is small unit and used to measure mass of microscopic particles. Q4. Three students measured the length of a needle with a scale on which minimum division is 1mm and recorded as (i) 0.2195m (ii) 0.21m (iii) 0.214m. Which record is correct and why? Answer: The least count of the scale is 1mm or 0.001m. in the above mentioned three readings, 0.214m is more correct than other readings because in this reading the length is measured up to three decimal places and it is more accurate than having less percentage error. Q5. An old saying is that A chain as only as strong as its weakest link. What analogous statement can you make regarding experimental data used in a computation? Answer: The analogous statement of old saying A chain as only as strong as its weakest link. Is that the result of an experimental data is as accurate as any of the least accurate measurement used in the computation. Q6. The period of a sample pendulum is measured by a stopwatch. What types of errors is possible in the time table? Answer: While measuring the period of a single pendulum two types of errors may occur. These are: SYSTEMATIC ERROR:

Prepared by Asif Rasheed 0344-7846394

The error is due to any default in the measuring instrument i.e. stopwatch. This error may be eliminated by applying a correction factor. It may occur due to zero error of the instrument or poor calibration. PERSONAL ERROR: This error occurs due to the negligence and inexperience of the observer. This error may be minimized by taking several measurements with the help of different observers. Q7. Does a dimensional analysis give any information on constant proportionality that may appear in a algebraic expression? Explain. Answer: The method of dimensional analysis does not give any information about the dimensionless constant i.e. number only. The value to be determined either by experimentally or theoretically. EXAMPLES: i) We know that T=2

Here 2 = constant of proportionality. The numerical value of the above said constant cannot be determined dimensional analysis. However it can be found by experiments. ii) F= 6 nrv have no dimensions. Its value

In this expression the proportionality constant 6 can be found by experiments. 8. Write the dimensions of (i) pressure, (ii) density Answer: i) Dimensions of pressure= P= =ma/m2

Prepared by Asif Rasheed 0344-7846394

= = [M] [L-1] [T-2] [P] = [ML-1T-2] ii) Dimensions of density= [ ]=[ ]

[ ] = [M] [L-3] [ ]= [ML-3] Q9. The wavelength of a wave depends on the speed v of the wave and its frequency f knowing that; [ ] = [L] v = [LT-1] and f = [T-1]

Decide which of the following is correct, f= v or f=

i) To check f = v The dimension of left hand side: f = [T-1] The dimensions of right hand side: [v] [ ] = [LT-1] x [L] = [L2T-1]

Thus the dimensions on the two sides are not same. Hence the equation is not dimensionally correct. ii) f = The dimensions of left hand side: [f] = [T-1] = [ms-1] / [m]

Prepared by Asif Rasheed 0344-7846394

= [T-1] As dimensions of left hand side are the same as that of the right hand side. Hence this equation is dimensionally correct

Prepared by Asif Rasheed 0344-7846394

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