NCP Nephrotic Syndrome

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NURSING CARE PLAN Nephrotic Syndrome

SUBJECTIVE: Namamaga ang mukha ko (I have facial edema) as verbalized by the patient. OBJECTIVE: Facial puffiness Bipedal edema V ! taken as follo"s# $# %&.' (#)* +# ', B(# '&- *-

./cess fluid volume related to compromised regulatory mechanism "ith changes in hydrostatic or oncotic vascular pressure and increased activation of the renninangiotensin0 aldosterone system.

Nephrotic syndrome is a clinical disorder of unkno"n cause characterized by proteinuria1 hypoalbuminemia1 edema1 and hyperlipidemia. $his conditions result from e/cessive leakage of plasma proteins into the urine because of impairment of the glomerular capillary membrane.

2fter 3 hours of nursing interventions1 the patient "ill display a stable condition1 vital signs "ithin patient4s normal range1 and nearly absence of edema.

Independent: 5onitor vital !igns +ecord accurate intake and output of the patient.

For base line data 2ccurate 8ntake and output is necessary for determining renal function and fluid replacement needs and reducing risk of fluid overload. 5easures the kidney4s ability to concentrate urine. 9aily body "eight is the best monitor of fluid status. 2 "eight gain of more than -.) kg day suggest fluid retention. .dema occurs primarily in dependent tissues of the body. 8t "ill serve as parameter the

2fter 3 hours of nursing interventions1 the patient "as able to display a stable condition1 vital signs "ithin patient4s normal range1 and nearly absence of edema.

5onitor urine specific gravity. 6eigh daily at same time of the day1 on same scale1 "ith same e7uipment and clothing. 2ssess skin1 face1 dependent areas of edema.

5onitor heart rate and blood pressure.

2ssess level of consciousnes : investigate changes in mentation1 presence of restlessness. Collaborative: 5onitor laboratory and diagnostic studies.

severity of fluid e/cess. $achycardia and hypertension can occur because of failure of the kidneys to e/crete urine. 5ay reflect fluid shifts and electrolyte imbalances.

2dminister diuretics as

(rovide assessment of the progression and management of the dysfunction. $o promote ade7uate urine volume that aids in prevention of further edema.

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