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Group 1 Paete: A Living Fusion of Art and Society Reviewer/Handout 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Paete is the ___________ Capital of the Philippines.

Paet means ___________. Paete was founded by _________________ and __________________. It is one of the attractions in Paete and is located at the heart of the Poblacion. This park is located along the shore of Laguna lake. This is a place to spot beautiful sunsets. Tourists visit Paete during the Holy Week to observe the celebration of the _____________, witness the reenactment of the ________________ being done on Holy Thursday. During the night, people observe the moving statues of saints procession depicting the ______________. ______________Falls and ___________ are heritage legacy for the people. ______________ Festival is a one-week grand presentation of all the major handicrafts and well-known products of Paete. Aside from carving, Paete is known for its highly skilled ____________ and ______________. They were attributed with handiwork decorations. The inhabitants of Paete contributed the repairs of _____________ in Cavite during the Colonial period. _____________ and ______________ reached Spain during the Colonial times. It is also called as newsprint papier-mch pieces. She became the source of information about taka. The art of taka-making begins with ________________ that becomes a takaans/___________. The takas from the road shops are carved during any season to _____________________. It is a wooden slippers used for everyday in and around the household. What is the original purpose of bakya? It is called as the miscellaneous products made out of wood. He is known as the earliest recorded painters in the Philippines Give the three artworks of #18. _______________ depicts hierarchy of heaven: holy trinity, mother of Christ and saints, _______________ and hell in visual. It is know as the 8 modes of punishments. She is responsible for making local toys and paper mache toys. What is the current issue of Paete? Group 1 Lajia Uy Rei Dones Iris Bontoyan Chena Pericon Aris Formalejo Tricia del Rosario Wito Pangalangan

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

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