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List of EMK (1) Bahasa () Language (2) Pendidikan Alam Sekitar() Environmental Studies (3) Nilai Murni () Moral

Values (4) Sains dan Teknologi() Science and Technology (5) Patriotisme () Patriotism (6) Kemahiran Berfikir () Thinking Skills (7) Kepimpinan () Leadership (8) Kemahiran Belajar Cara Belajar() Learning To Learn (9) Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial() Reproductive Health and Social Education (10) Pencegahan Rasuah () Corruption Prevention (11) Kajian Masa Depan () Future Studies (12) Pendidikan Pengguna() Consumer Education (13) Keselamatan Jalanraya() Road Safety (14) Kreativiti dan Inovasi() Creativity and Innovation (15) Keusahawanan () Entrepreneurship (16) Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK) () Information, Communication and Technology (ICT)

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