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Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (/stfni drmnt/ STE-f-nee jr-m-NOT-; born March 28, 1986), better known by her

stage name Lady Gaga, is an merican recording artist, acti!ist, record "rod#cer, b#sinesswoman, fashion designer, "hi$anthro"ist, and actress% &orn and raised in 'ew (ork )ity, where she $i!es,*2+ ,aga "rimari$y st#died at the )on!ent of the -acred .eart and brief$y attended 'ew (ork /ni!ersity0s 1isch -choo$ of the rts before withdrawing to foc#s on her m#sica$ career% -he soon began "erforming in the rock m#sic scene of Manhattan0s 2ower 3ast -ide% &y the end of 2445, record e6ec#ti!e and "rod#cer 7incent .erbert signed her to his $abe$ -tream$ine 8ecords, an im"rint of 9ntersco"e 8ecords% 9nitia$$y working as a songwriter at 9ntersco"e 8ecords, her !oca$ abi$ities ca"t#red the attention of recording artist kon, who a$so signed her to :on 2i!e ;istrib#tion, his own $abe$ #nder 9ntersco"e% ,aga rose to "rominence with her #g#st 2448 deb#t a$b#m, The Fame, which was a critica$ and commercia$ s#ccess% 1he record inc$#ded the internationa$ n#mber<one tracks =>#st ;ance= and =?oker @ace=% 9n 'o!ember 2449, her e6tended "$ay, The Fame Monster, was re$eased to a simi$ar rece"tion, and "rod#ced the hit sing$es =&ad 8omance=, =1e$e"hone=, and = $eAandro=% 9ts accom"anying Monster &a$$ 1o#r became one of the highest<grossing concert to#rs of a$$ time% ,aga0s second a$b#m, Born This Way, was re$eased in May 2411 and to""ed a$b#ms charts in most maAor markets% 9t generated chart<to""ing songs =&orn 1his Bay=, =>#das=, and =1he 3dge of ,$ory=% .er third a$b#m, Artpop, was re$eased in 'o!ember 241C% 9t was "receded by sing$es = ""$a#se= and =;o Bhat / Bant=%

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