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A Project on

Harassment of Women at Workplace

In the subject of Research Methodology in Commerce Submitted to ni!ersity of Mumbai "or Semester III of Master of Commerce #y Shruti $ikram %Management &'() nder the *uidance of Prof +r, Samiksha -adha! .ear /0&' 1 /0&2

e-mail, Website : www.lsrahe Tel. : 26609320

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Juhu Road, Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400 054.

+3C4ARA5I67 #. 5H3 S5 +375

I, Shruti $ikram student o M Com Part8II Ro!! "umber &'( hereb# dec!are that the $ro%ect or the &a$er Research Methodology in Commerce Submitted b# me or Semester II durin' the academic #ear (01)*14, is based on actua! +or, carried out b# me under the 'uidance and su$er-ision o Prof Samiksha -adha!. I urther state that this +or, is ori'ina! and not submitted an#+here e!se or an# e.amination.

Signature of Student

3$A4 A5I67 C3R5I"ICA53

/his is to certi # that the undersi'ned ha-e assessed and e-a!uated the $ro%ect on Harassment of Women at Workplace submitted b# Shruti $ikram student o M 0om II. /his $ro%ect is ori'ina! to the best o our ,no+!ed'e and has been acce$ted or Interna! 1ssessment.

Internal 39aminer

39ternal 39aminer


4, S, RAH3-A C6443*3 6" AR5S : C6MM3RC3 Internal Assessment; Project 20 Marks

7ame of the Student
"irst name ; Shruti M 03M &1R/ II Surname ; 2i,ram Mana'ement 1)4




"ather<s 7ame;

Subject; Research Methodo!o'# in 0ommerce 5opic for the Project; 5arassment o Women at Wor,$!ace

Marks A=arded Signature +6C M375A5I67 Internal 39aminer %6ut of &0 Marks) 39ternal 39aminer %6ut of &0 Marks) Presentation %6ut of &0 Marks) $i!a and Interaction %6ut of &0 Marks)

565A4 MAR>S %6ut of 20)


I am than, u! to e-er#one +ho su$$orted me to com$!ete m# $ro%ect e ecti-e!# and moreo-er, on time.

I am e6ua!!# 'rate u! to m# &ro essor Sami,sha Jadha-. She 'a-e me mora! su$$ort and 'uided me in di erent matters re'ardin' the to$ic. She has been -er# ,ind and $atient, +hi!st su''estin' to me the out!ines o this $ro%ect, and correctin' m# doubts. I than, her or her o-era!! su$$ort.

7ast but not the !east, I +ou!d !i,e to than, m# mother and m# husband +ho he!$ed me a !ot in 'atherin' di erent in ormation, co!!ectin' data and 'uidin' me rom time to time in com$!etin' this $ro%ect. 8es$ite their bus# schedu!es, the# 'a-e me di erent ideas to he!$ ma,e this $ro%ect uni6ue.

/han,in' #ou Shruti 2i,ram M.0om II 9mana'ement * 1)4:

Chapter 7o I Contents 5H3 CAS3 Introduction Research Problem 6bjecti!es of study Hypothesis II III R3$I3W 6" 4I53RA5 R3 R3S3ARCH M35H6+646*. Research +esign ni!erse of Study &0 /( Page 7o ?

Sampling Collection of +ata +ata Analysis I$ S MMARI@I7* "indings Conclusions and Suggestions #ibliography '2


I75R6+ C5I67

In the modern societ#, as +omen tr# to i'ht economic dis$arit# +ith men, a ne+ orm o crime emer'es. /hat is! harassment at the +or, $!ace. /his o ence is the most '!arin'$!e o human ri'hts -io!ation, 'ender ine6ua!it# and in%ustice. What e.act!# is! harassment at +or, $!ace; It is on!# recent!# that it has been reco'nized that -io!ations o +omen<s bodies ma# e.tend be#ond the bruta! instances o ra$e, to other as$ects o men<s conduct to+ards +omen. 1ccordin' to South =ast Re'ion Women<s >rou$,! harassment ta,es a mu!titude o orms +hich inc!udes, ?0omments about

a$$earance@ bod#@ c!othesA starin' at a $erson<s bod#A remar,s or %o,es, un+e!come! in-itations, $romise or threats concernin' em$!o#ment conditions in e.chan'e or! a-orsA dis$!a# o!!# e.$!icit materia!, touchin', hu''in' e-en indecent assau!t or ra$e.B In 2isha,a -s. State o Ra%asthan, the Su$reme 0ourt too, note o the act that the $resent 0i-i! and &ena! !a+s in India do not ade6uate!# $ro-ide or s$eci ic $rotection o +omen rom! harassment in +or, $!aces and ti!! enactment o such !e'is!ations, the Su$reme 0ourt 'uide !ines and norms +i!! be the !a+.

4 R3S3ARCH PR6#43M

/his research is to ind out +hether +omen are harassed at her +or,$!ace, +hether it is $ub!ic or $ri-ate. 1!so it is to ind out, +hether the State >o-ernment had done an#thin' a'ainst the harassment o +omen at her +or,$!ace.

/he 6uestion is not +hether +omen ha-e the ri'ht to bodi!# inte'rit#, as this ri'ht is a!read# there under 1rtic!e.(1 o the Indian 0onstitution, +hich 'uarantees the ri'ht to !i e and !ibert# to both men and +omen. It is time to ta,e decisi-e ste$s to curb this e-i! and ma,e the contem$orar# and uture societ# a sa e hea-en or +omen. 1ccordin' to o icia! statistics o 1DD1, one +oman is mo!ested e-er# (C minutes. /hese statistics came rom re$orted cases, i the unre$orted cases +ere to be inc!udedA it +ou!d be a matter o seconds rather than minutes. Most cases are not re$orted b# -ictims because o -arious reasons such as ami!# $ressure, the manner o the $o!ice, the unreasonab!e and un%ust $rocess o !a+, and the conse6uences thereo . In instances +here +omen ha-e re$orted such i!!e'a! and un+e!come beha-ior, there ha-e been si'ni icant -ictories.

E 6#-3C5I$3S 6" 5H3 S5 +.

I too, this $ro%ect under the o!!o+in' ob%ecti-es.


/o en6uire +hether there is harassment o +omen at +or, $!ace.


Whether State >o-ernment had ta,en an# ste$s to curb! harassment o +omen at +or,$!ace.


/o increase the a+areness amon' $ub!ic, es$ecia!!# +or,in' +omen about! harassment and its remed#.


1. Women are bein'!!# harassed at her +or, $!ace, both $ub!ic and $ri-ate.

(. /he >o-ernment machiner# is ine ecti-e in curbin'! harassment o +omen at her +or, $!ace.

). /he 'enera! $ub!ic is una+are, es$ecia!!# +or,in' +omen, about! harassment and its remed#.


CHAP53R 8 II R3$I3W 6" 4I53RA5 R3

With more and more +omen comin' out to com$!ain about! harassment at the +or,$!ace, eminist 'rou$s su''est se-ere $unishments and com$ensation to combat the situation.! harassment o a ema!e at the $!ace o +or, is incom$atib!e +ith di'nit# and honor o a ema!e and needs to be e!iminated and there can be no com$romise +ith such -io!ations.! harassment is a orm o se. discrimination $ro%ected throu'h un+e!come! ad-ances, re6uest or! a-ors and other -erba! or $h#sica! conduct +ith! o-ertones +hether direct!# or b# im$!ication, $articu!ar!# +hen submission to or re%ection o such a conduct b# the ema!e em$!o#ee +as ca$ab!e o bein' used or e ectin' the em$!o#ment o the ema!e em$!o#ee and unreasonab!# inter erin' +ith her +or,

$er ormance and had the e ect o creatin' an intimidatin' or hosti!e +or,in' en-ironment or her.

1n# action o 'esture, +hether direct!# or b# im$!ication, aims at or has the tendenc# to outran'e the modest# o a ema!e em$!o#ee, must a!! under the 'enera! conce$t o the de inition o! harassment.


03"S/I/F/I3"17 &R32ISI3"SG

/he 0onstitution o India $ro-ides or the en orcement o

undamenta! ri'hts o +or,in'

+omen under 1rtic!es 14, 1D and (1. It +as b# certain socia! acti-ists and ">3s +ho he!$ed in indin' the true conce$t o 'ender e6ua!it# and to $re-ent! harassment o +or,in' +omen in a!! +or,$!aces throu'h %udicia! $rocess and to i!! -acuum in e.istin' !e'is!ation. /he Su$reme 0ourt o India in 1DD4 he!d that the +or,in' +omen ha-e ri'hts to 'ender e6ua!it#, to +or, +ith di'nit# and to a +or,in' en-ironment sa e and $rotected rom! harassment or abuse. 1ccordin'!#, the Su$reme 0ourt issued 'uide!ines and norms or $rotection and en orcement o the ri'hts o the +omen at their +or,$!aces.

Hurther, the Su$reme 0ourt he!d that these 'uide!ines obser-ed in a!! +or,in' $!aces b#

and norms must be strict!#

treatin' them as !a+ dec!ared under 1rtic!e 141

o the 0onstitution o India i.e., the !a+ dec!ared b# the Su$reme 0ourt sha!! be bindin' on a!! courts +ithin the territor# o India.


&R32ISI3"S I" I"8I1" &="17 038=, 1EC0G

Sections )54 and 50D o the Indian &ena! 0ode, 1EC0 dea!s +ith assau!t or crimina! orce to +oman +ith intent to outra'e her modest# and the +ord, 'esture or act intended to insu!t the modest# o a +oman. I there are an# -io!ations on +omen +ith re'ard to her modest#, the abo-e sections +i!! strict!# a$$!# and crimina! $roceedin's +i!! o!!o+ immediate!# on a com$!aint made to the nearest $o!ice station. /he o ences under section 50D are co'nizab!e and are non*bai!ab!e.

Sec.)54G 1ssau!t or crimina! orce to +oman +ith intent to outra'e her modest#. Whoe-er assau!ts or uses crimina! orce to an# +oman, intendin' to outra'e or ,no+in' it to be !i,e!# that he +i!! thereb# outra'e her modest#, sha!! be $unished +ith im$risonment o either descri$tion or a term +hich ma# be e.tend to t+o #ears or +ith ine or +ith both.

Sec 50DG Word, 'esture or act intended to insu!t the modest# o a +oman. Whoe-er, intendin' to insu!t the modest# o an# +oman, utters an# +ord, ma,es an# sound or 'esture, or e.hibits an# ob%ect, intendin' that such +ord or sound sha!! be heard, or that such 'esture or ob%ect sha!! be seen, b# such +oman, or intrudes u$on the $ri-ac# o such +oman, sha!! be $unished +ith sim$!e im$risonment or a term +hich ma# e.tend to one #earA or +ith ine or +ith both.



1$art rom this, i a +oman aces an# ,ind o! harassment at +or,$!ace can direct!# ma,e a com$!aint to the State Women 0ommissions or "ationa! 0ommission or Women. /he Women 0ommission +i!! o!!o+*u$ the com$!aints, in orms to concerned $o!ice stations to initiate crimina! $roceedin's and directs the em$!o#er to conduct an en6uir# and recommend sus$endin' the concerned harasser +ith an immediate e ect $endin' en6uir#.

/he -ictim o! harassment can c!aim dama'es@com$ensation on concerned harasser b# +a# o i!in' a ci-i! suit under ci-i! %urisdiction.


01S= S/F8I

/he Su$reme 0ourt o India or the irst time in 2isha,a and others 2s. State o Ra%asthan and others, dea!t +ith! harassment on +omen. /he Su$reme 0ourt made the de inition o! harassment and !aid do+n certain 'uide!ines. It a!so s$eci ied the duties o the em$!o#er, $re-enti-e ste$s, a+areness o the ri'hts o ema!e em$!o#ees and +or,ers initiati-e to curb! harassment at +or, $!ace. Su$reme 0ourt said that, it sha!! be the dut# o the em$!o#er or other res$onsib!e $ersons in +or,$!aces or other institutions to $re-ent or deter the commission o acts o! harassment and to $ro-ide the $rocedures or the reso!ution, sett!ement or $rosecution o acts o! harassment b# ta,in' a!! ste$ re6uired.

Hor the $ur$ose o de inition o! harassment the Su$reme 0ourt said that, the! harassment inc!udes such un+e!come!!# determined beha-ior (+hether direct!# or b# im$!ication) asG (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) $h#sica! contact and ad-ancesA a demand or re6uest or! a-orsA!!# co!ored remar,sA sho+in' $orno'ra$h#A an# other un+e!come $h#sica! -erba! or non*-erba! conduct o! natureA


/he Su$reme 0ourt in absence o an# enacted !a+ to $ro-ide or e ecti-e en orcement o basic human ri'hts o 'ender e6ua!it# and 'uarantee a'ainst! harassment, !aid do+n the o!!o+in' 'uide!inesG

1. 1!! the em$!o#ers in char'e o +or,$!ace +hether in the $ub!ic or the $ri-ate sector, shou!d ta,e a$$ro$riate ste$s to $re-ent! harassment +ithout $re%udice to the 'enera!it# o his ob!i'ation, shou!d ta,e the o!!o+in' ste$sG

a) =.$ress $rohibition o! harassment +hich inc!udes $h#sica! contact and ad-ances, a demand or re6uest or! a-ors,!!# co!ored remar,s, sho+in' $orno'ra$hic or an# other un+e!come $h#sica!, -erba!@non*-erba! conduct o! nature shou!d be noticed, $ub!ished and circu!ated in a$$ro$riate +a#s. b) /he ru!es and re'u!ations o 'o-ernment and $ub!ic sector bodies re!atin' to conduct and disci$!ine shou!d inc!ude ru!es $rohibitin'! harassment and $ro-ide or a$$ro$riate $ena!ties in such ru!es a'ainst the o ender. c) 1$$ro$riate +or, conditions shou!d be $ro-ided in res$ect o +or, !eisure, hea!th and h#'iene, to urther ensure that there is no hosti!e en-ironment to+ards +omen and no +omen shou!d ha-e reasonab!e 'rounds to be!ie-e that she is disad-anta'ed in connection +ith her em$!o#ment.

1C (. Where such conduct amounts to s$eci ic o ences Fnder the Indian &ena! 0ode or an# other !a+ the em$!o#er sha!! initiate a$$ro$riate action in accordance +ith the !a+, b# ma,in' a com$!aint +ith the a$$ro$riate authorit#.

). 2ictims o! harassment shou!d ha-e the o$tion to See, trans er o the $er$etrator or their o+n trans er.

14 /hese 'uide!ines are a$$!icab!e toG

/he em$!o#er or other res$onsib!e $ersons or other institutions to $re-ent! harassment and to $ro-ide $rocedures or the reso!ution o com$!aints. Women +ho either dra+ a re'u!ar sa!ar#, recei-e an honorarium, or +or, in a -o!untar# ca$acit# in the 'o-ernment, $ri-ate or or'anized sector come under the $ur-ie+ o these 'uide!ines.

&re-enti-e Ste$sG

=.$ress $rohibition o! harassment shou!d be noti ied and circu!ated. Inc!usion o $rohibition o! harassment in the ru!es and re'u!ations o 'o-ernment and $ub!ic sector. Inc!usion o $rohibition o! harassment in the standin' 3rders under the Industria! =m$!o#ment (Standin' 3rders) 1ct, 1D4C b# the $ri-ate em$!o#ers. &ro-ision shou!d be made or a$$ro$riate +or, conditions or +omen.

1E &rocedure $ertainin' to i!in' o com$!aintsG


=m$!o#ers must $ro-ide a 0om$!aints 0ommittee +hich is to be headed b# a +oman, o +hich ha! members shou!d be +omen.


0om$!aints 0ommittee shou!d a!so inc!ude an ">3 or other 3r'anization, +hich is ami!iar +ith matters o! harassment.

). 4. 5.

0om$!aints $rocedure shou!d be time bound. 0on identia!it# o the com$!aints $rocedure has to be maintained. 0om$!ainant or +itnesses shou!d not be -ictimized or discriminated a'ainst, +hi!e dea!in' +ith com$!aints.


/he 0ommittee shou!d ma,e an annua! re$ort to the concerned >o-ernment de$artment and a!so in orm o the action, i an# ta,en so ar b# them.

Misce!!aneous &ro-isionsG

1. >uide!ines shou!d be $rominent!# noti ied to create a+areness as re'ards the ri'hts o the ema!e em$!o#ees. (. /he em$!o#ers shou!d assist the $ersons a ected, in cases o! harassment b# outsiders or third $arties. ).! harassment shou!d be discussed at +or,er<s meetin's, em$!o#er*em$!o#ee meetin's and at other a$$ro$riate orums. 4. Joth 0entra! and State 'o-ernments are re6uired to ado$t measures inc!udin' !e'is!ations to ensure that $ri-ate em$!o#ers a!so obser-e these 'uide!ines.


/he Su$reme 0ourt o India rendered #et another Jud'ment on! harassment in 1=&0 2s. 1.K. 0ho$ra.

/he chairman cha!!en'ed the disci$!inar# committee order in 8e!hi 5i'h 0ourt and the harasser +as success u! on the 'round that the chairman on!# Ltried to mo!estL but did not Lin act mo!estL the ema!e em$!o#ee. J# shoc,in' +ith the -erdict, the com$an# i!ed a$$ea! be ore the same 5i'h 0ourt +hich +as heard b# 8i-ision Jench (t+o members Jench). Interestin'!#, the 8i-ision Jench a'reed +ith the indin's o sin'!e %ud'e and reiterated that the chairman not Lactua!!# mo!estedL the ema!e em$!o#ee, as a'ainst the Jud'ment, the com$an# once a'ain i!ed an a$$ea! in the Su$reme 0ourt. 3ne o the issues that +ere de!iberated at !en'th b# this court +as ?+hether $h#sica! contact +ith the +oman +as an essentia! in'redient o a char'e o! harassment.B

(0 /he Su$reme 0ourt +hi!e settin' aside the 5i'h 0ourt and u$ho!din' the dismissa! o chairman he!d thatG

a) /he attem$ts b# the su$erior to sit c!ose to the ema!e em$!o#ee and touch her, thou'h unsuccess u!, +ou!d amount to! harassmentL. /he beha-ior o the su$erior did not cease to be outra'eous in the absence o an actua! assau!t b# the su$erior.

b) In the conte.t o a ema!e em$!o#ee the! harassment at the +or, $!ace is a orm o se. discrimination +hich an# be $ro%ected throu'h un+e!come! ad-ances, re6uest or! a-ors and other -erba! or $h#sica! conduct +ith! o-ertones, +hether direct!# or b# im$!ication. /his +ou!d be $articu!ar!# so +hen submission or re%ection o such conduct b# the ema!e em$!o#ee cou!d be used to a ect her em$!o#ment b# unreasonab!# inter erin' +ith her +or, $er ormance thereb#, creatin' a hosti!e +or,in' atmos$here or her.

c) Where the conduct o a su$erior to+ards his %unior ema!e em$!o#ee +as +ho!!# a'ainst mora! sanctions and +as o ensi-e to her modest#, an# !enient action +ou!d demora!ize +or,in' +omen. /here ore, the $unishment o dismissa! rom ser-ice +as commensurate +ith the 'ra-it# o the su$eriorLs beha-ior.

d) =ach incident o! harassment at +or,$!ace -io!ates the undamenta! ri'ht to 'ender e6ua!it# and the ri'ht to !i e and !ibert# 'uaranteed b# the constitution o India. /he undamenta! ri'ht in the 0onstitution co-ers a!! acts o 'ender e6ua!it# inc!udin' $re-ention o! harassment and abuse.

(1 /he courts are under a constitutiona! ob!i'ation to $rotect and $reser-e those ri'hts.

e) Internationa! instruments, cast an ob!i'ation on the Indian >o-ernment to sensitize its !a+s. /he courts are under an ob!i'ation to see that this messa'e is acce$ted and o!!o+ed.


C6+3 6" C67+ C5 "6R W6R>P4AC3 #. 7CW! harassment is a serious crimina! o ense +hich can destro# human di'nit# and reedom. In an e ort to $romote the +e!! bein' o a!! +oman em$!o#ees at the +or, $!ace the o!!o+in' code o conduct has been $rescribedG* 1. It sha!! be dut# o the em$!o#er to $re-ent or deter the commission o an# act o! harassment at the +or, $!ace. (.! harassment +i!! inc!ude such un+e!come!!# determined beha-ior b# an# $erson either indi-idua!!# or in association +ith other $ersons or b# an# $erson in authorit# +hether direct!# or b# im$!ication such asG* (i) =-e*teasin' (ii) Fnsa-or# remar,s (iii) Jo,es causin' or !i,e!# to cause a+,+ardness or embarrassment (i-) Innuendos and taunts (-) >ender based insu!ts or remar,s (-i) Fn+e!come! o-ertone in an# manner such as o-er te!e$hone. (-ii) /ouchin' or bruisin' a'ainst an# $art o the bod# and the !i,e (-iii) 8is$!a#in' $orno'ra$hic or other o ensi-e or dero'ator# $ictures, cartoons, $am$h!ets or sa#in's. (i.) Horcib!e $h#sica! touch or mo!estation (.) &h#sica! con inement a'ainst ones +i!! and an# other act !i,e!# to -io!ate ones $ri-ac# and inc!udes an# act or conduct b# a $erson in authorit# and be!on'in' to one se. +hich denies or +ou!d den# e6ua! o$$ortunit# in $ursuit o career de-e!o$ment or other+ise

() ma,in' the en-ironment at the +or, $!ace hosti!e or intimidatin' to $erson be!on'in' to the other se., on!# on the 'round o se..

It is an amazin' truth that #ears a ter an estab!ished tradition o Indian +or,in' +omen their harassment at $!ace o +or, is so common. /here are about 10 mi!!ion +omen +ho ha-e entered a!! ie!ds rom medicine to $o!itics to $i!otin', #et near!# a!! ace the same $rob!em.



3ne o the e-i!s o the modern societ# is the! harassment caused to the +omen $articu!ar!# the +or,in' +omen b# their ma!e counter$arts and other members o the societ#. /here is no !a+ in India, +hich is ade6uate to combat the e-i! o!

harassment. In 2isha,a and others -. State o Ra%asthan, a &ub!ic Interest 7iti'ation i!ed be ore the a$e. court em$hasized the need or an e ecti-e !e'is!ation in India to curb the! harassment o +or,in' +omen and he!d that each incident o! harassment o +omen at the +or, $!ace is a -io!ation o the ri'ht o !i e under 1rtic!e (1, +hich im$!ies ri'ht to di'nit#.


S3A A4 HARASSM375 7+3R H MA7 RI*H5S! harassment and se. discrimination are considered to be -io!ation o 5uman Ri'hts. 1!! human ri'hts deri-e rom the di'nit# and +orth inherent in the human $erson and the human $erson is the cu!tura! sub%ect o 5uman Ri'hts and Hundamenta! Hreedoms.

/he Fnited "ations 3r'anization (F"3), ,ee$in' +ith its charter to $romote and encoura'e res$ect o 5uman Ri'hts and Hundamenta! Hreedoms or a!! +ithout distinction, came out +ith an Internationa! Ji!! o 5uman Ri'hts consistin' o G (a) Fni-ersa! 8ec!aration o 5uman Ri'ht, 1D4E. (b) /he Internationa! co-enant on ci-i! and &o!itica! Ri'hts, 1DCC. (c) /he Internationa! co-enant o =conomic, Socia! and 0u!tura! Ri'hts, 1DCC. (d) /he 3$tiona! $rotoco!, 1DCC $ro-idin' or the ri'ht o the Indi-idua! to $etition Internationa! 1'encies.

/he F.".3. he!d that a!! human ri'hts and undamenta! reedoms are indi-isib!e and interde$endentA e6ua! attention and ur'ent consideration shou!d be 'i-en to the im$!ementation, $romotion and $rotection o a!! human ri'hts. /he o!!o+in' are the $rinci$!es on +hich the abo-e charters +ere introduced. 1) 1!! 5uman bein's, +ithout distinction, ha-e been brou'ht +ithin the sco$e o ri'ht instruments. human

(C () =6ua!it# o a$$!ication +ithout distinction o race, se., !an'ua'e or Re!i'ion, )) =m$hasis on internationa! co*o$eration or im$!ementation.

Article 1, 2 and 7 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 deals with e ualit! in dignit!, rights and freedoms and e ual "rotection against an! discrimination# $art %% of Article 2 &2' and ( of %nternational covenant on )conomic, *ocial and +ultural Rights, 19,, also deals with discrimination of an! -ind and e ual right of men and women# Article 2 &2'. /he *tate $arties to the "resent covenant underta-e to guarantee that rights enunciated in the "resent covenant will 0e e1ercised without discrimination of an! -ind as to race, color, se1, language, religion, "olitical or other o"inion, national or social origin, "ro"ert!, 0irth or other status# Article (. /he *tate $arties to the "resent covenant underta-e to ensure the e ual right of men and women to the en2o!ment of all )conomic, *ocial and +ultural Rights set forth in the "resent covenant#


CHAP53R 8 III R3S3ARCH M35H6+646*.


Research 8esi'n is the +a# in +hich I did the stud#. /he stud# is both a combination o doctrina! and non doctrina! one. /he doctrina! $art dea!s +ith the detai!ed stud# o case !a+s b# the Su$reme 0ourt o India and a!so the 'uide !ines $ut or+ard b# the Su$reme 0ourt. &resent!# there is no !a+ dea!in' +ith! harassment o +omen at +or, $!ace. 1 dra t bi!! has been $ut in &ar!iament in (00C and has been 'i-en or the recommendations o -arious +omen or'anizations.

=m$irica! stud# or "on 8octrina! stud# has been conducted in t+o +a#s, irst b# ha-in' an Inter-ie+ schedu!e or inter-ie+in' o icia!s and second!# ha-in' a 6uestionnaire or co!!ectin' in ormation rom the +or,in' +omen.

7I$3RS3 6" 5H3 S5 +.

(E /he sur-e# +as conducted amon' +or,in' +omen, +ho are +or,in' both in 'o-ernment o ices and $ri-ate o ices +hich a!so inc!ude +omen +or,in' in /echno &ar,, +omen +or,in' in sho$s, $etro! $um$s etc, in /hiru-anantha$uram 0it#.

SAMP4I7* 1 sam$!e has been se!ected or the stud#. /he +omen +or,in' in /hiru-anantha$uram cit# has been ta,en as sam$!e.

C6443C5I67 6" +A5A 8ata has been co!!ected both rom $rimar# and secondar# sources. &rimar# data has been co!!ected direct!# rom +omen em$!o#ees +or,in' both in 'o-ernment and $ri-ate +or, $!ace and secondar# data ha-e been co!!ected rom the o icia!s o Women<s 0ommission and 1bha#a.

5IM3 "RAM3

1s the time $eriod a!!otted

or m# stud# is ) months, the stud# is con ined to

/hiru-anantha$uram cit# and the +omen sur-e#ed is con ined to 100 inc!udin' o icia!s o Women<s 0ommission and 1bha#a.



1n =m$irica! stud# has been conducted amon' di erent strata o +omen +or,in' in >o-ernment and $ri-ate em$!o#ment +hich inc!ude, /echno &ar,, /ri-andrum and a!so +omen +or,in' in -arious sho$s and $etro! $um$s. /he ana!#sis o data is 'i-en be!o+.

1. 8urin' the sur-e# 45M o +or,in' +omen he!d that there is! harassment at +or, $!ace and (5M+ere o the o$inion that there is no such harassment. 8ia'ram 1


75% held that there is sexual harassment ande 25% held no harassment



(. /he res$onse or +hether the# ace an# harassment at +or, $!ace, C0M had aced +or, $!ace harassment and 40M ne-er aced +or,$!ace harassment. 8ia'ram. (


60% women faced harassment & 40% never faced harassment



). 1s the res$onse in the matter o com$!ainin' about 4EM +here in a-or o com$!ainin' to Women 0ommission is. 3n!# 1(M +here in a-or o com$!ainin' to hi'her o icia!s in their o ice and on!# 10M ee!, it is a$t to a$$roach the $o!ice.

)( 8ia'ram ).

78% where in favour of complaining to Women s !ommission "2% to senior officials in their office and "0% to police#

10% 12%


4. /he res$onse or the a+areness about 'uide !ines and $re-enti-e measures $ut or+ard b# the Su$reme 0ourt in 2isha,<s 0ase, about D5M +here una+are o such ru!in's and on!# 5M heard about it. 8ia'ram 4.


$5% unaware and 5% aware of %upreme !ourt guide lines and preventive measures



5. 1s the res$onse or trustin' the authorities, +hen com$!ainin' the# +i!! ta,e necessar# action, about 44M trust in the authorities and ()M +here o the o$inion that com$!ainin' is o no use. 8ia'ram5


77% had faith in authorities and 2&% do not have faith





)5 8urin' the sur-e# it is ound that about 45M o +omen had aced the $rob!em o! harassment at +or, $!ace, and (5M o$ined that there is no such harassment. When

en6uired about incidents o $ersona! e.$erience o +or, $!ace harassment, about C0M o +or,in' +omen aced the $rob!em. 3n!# 40M had o$ined that the# had ne-er aced an# such hardshi$. When en6uired +hether the# com$!ained about! harassment in +or,$!ace, on!# 1(M com$!ained about! harassment and remainin' EEM ne-er com$!ained it. When

as,ed, i the# ace such $rob!em to +hom the# +ant to a$$roach, 4EM he!d that the# +i!! com$!ain on!# to Women<s 0ommission, about 1( M he!d that the# +i!! com$!ain to senior o icia!s, and on!# 10M +here o the -ie+ that the# +i!! 'o to the $o!ice. When +e came to a+areness o +omen in matters o 'uide!ines and $re-enti-e measures $ut or+ard b# Su$reme 0ourt in 2isha,a<s case, on!# 5M heard about it and D5M +here una+are o such ru!in's.

1bout C0M had trust and aith in the authorities in hand!in'! harassment in +or, $!ace, on!# (0M o$ined that the# do not trust the authorities. Hrom the sur-e# it is c!ear that a!most e-er# +or,in' +omen ace the $rob!em o +or, $!ace! harassment. 1nother thin' to note is that, the# +ant Women 0ommission to dea! +ith this $rob!emA the# do not +ant the $o!ice to inter ere in this. Women are una+are o the 'uide!ines or $re-enti-e measures b# Su$reme 0ourt.

C67C4 SI67S A7+ S **3S5I67S

)C M# stud# $ut !i'ht to the act that +omen in this modern societ# are acin' the $rob!em o! harassment at her +or, $!ace. /his $rob!em is made to her b# her counter$art NMan<. In order to curb this e-i! +e shou!d train him rom his chi!dhood. We shou!d 'i-e o$$ortunities or them to coo$erate and min'!e in e-er# as$ect o !i e. We shou!d not encoura'e se$arate schoo!s or co!!e'es or bo#s or 'ir!s. /he# shou!d !earn to !ea-e and +or, in an en-ironment o e6ua!it# and the# shou!d not ee! the di erence bet+een Iou ee! this as an uto$ian idea, but +e shou!d stri-e or it.

In the abo-e circumstances I +ou!d !i,e to $ut or+ard the o!!o+in' su''estions.

1. It is im$ossib!e to ha-e a +omen 'rie-ance ce!! in e-er# o ice and to monitor its +or,in'. So it is better to 'i-e Women<s 0ommission the so!e $o+er o dea!in' +ith +omen<s 'rie-ance. It shou!d be 'i-en 'ood bui!din', more $o+er and 6ua!i ied $ersons in dea!in' +ith $rob!em re!atin' to +omen.

(. &o!ice shou!d not be a!!o+ed to in-esti'ate +or, $!ace! harassment, because it urther !eads to more harassment. Women<s 0ommission shou!d be the so!e a'enc# dea!in' +ith +or,$!ace! harassment.

). Women shou!d be 'i-en a+areness about +or,$!ace harassment and a!so about a'encies dea!in' +ith these $rob!ems. Men +ere a!so 'i-en a+areness about the conse6uences o! harassment at +or, $!ace.


)4 /he source or 'atherin' in ormation or m# $ro%ect.

W3#SI53S; +++.'oo'! +++.mana'ement$

#66>S 8r. Mamta Rao, ((005), 7a+ Re!atin' to Women and 0hi!dren. J.M.>andhi, ((00C), Indian &ena! 0ode. Shohna Sa.ena, (1DDD), 0rime a'ainst Women and &rotecti-e 7a+s. 8r. F.0handra, ((005), 5uman Ri'hts, 1!!ahabad 7a+ 1'enc# &ub!ications, 1!!ahabad

1$$endi. I I753R$I3W SCH3+ 43

)E I"/=R2I=W WI/5 /5= 3HHI0I17S

1. "ame. (. 8esi'nation.

1. Whether +omen ha-e com$!aint about! 5arassment at +or, $!ace; (. 5o+ man# com$!aints $ertainin' to! 5arassment at +or, $!ace ha-e been re$orted durin' the #ear (00E; ). 8o #ou thin, +omen are!!# 5arassed at her +or, $!ace; 4. Sir, in #our o$inion +h# +omen are not com$!ainin' about! 5arassment at +or, $!ace; 5. 8o #ou thin, that +or,in' +omen are a+are o e.istin' sa e'uards a'ainst 5arassment o +omen at +or, $!ace; C. 8o #ou thin, that >o-ernment is acti-e enou'h to u! i!! their ob!i'ations, +hich +as $ut orth b# the Su$reme 0ourt in 2isha,a case;

1$$endi. II B 3S5I677AIR3

)D H3R W3RKI"> W3M=" 1. "ame. (. 8esi'nation. ). 3r'anization.

1. 8o #ou thin, that there is! harassment o +omen at her +or, $!ace; I "

(. 8id #ou e-er ace an# ,ind o! harassment at +or, $!ace; I "

). 8o #ou e-er com$!aint about! harassment at +or, $!ace; I "

4. I #ou e-er com$!aint, to +hom #ou com$!aint; /o the Su$erior. /o the $o!ice. /o other machiner#. 5. 8o #ou ,no+ about the 'uide!ines and $re-enti-e measures $ut or+ard b# the Su$reme 0ourt in 2isha,a<s case; I "

C. 8o #ou trust the authorities in matters o ta,in' action, +hen #ou made a com$!aint; I "

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