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Example of an informal letter

2nd May Dear John(,) Thanks for your last letter and the nice photos. Sorry, but I ha e to finish. !ope to hear fro" you a#ain. Take care. $eter tips% & the date% top ri#ht hand corner (day'"onth&() * or "onth'day&+))& co""a after na"e not necessary, but be#in after that ,ith a -+$IT+. letter& endin#% Take care, -heers, /ours, .o e, then a co""a and your na"e )0ercise on Infor"al .etters Which phrase or type of language would you find in a formal letter? Which phrase or type of language would you find in an informal letter? Put the letter F next to those phrases or language types that are used in formal letters and I next to those used in informal letters.

I a" sorry to infor" you that phrasal erbs I a" ery #rateful for 1hy don2t ,e I ,ill not be able to attend the idio"s and slan# contracted erb for"s like weve, Im, etc. 3i e "y re#ards to I look for,ard to hearin# fro" you .et "e kno, as soon as short sentences

Dear To", Dear Ms S"ithers, (est ,ishes, /ours faithfully, I2" really sorry I 4nfortunately, ,e ,ill ha e to postpone 1e had a little bit of luck 5ur co"puters are used for a ariety I use "y pencil sharper for polite phrases fe,er passi e erb for"s

Loo at the phrases !"!! and match them with a purpose #"$ 6. That re"inds "e, 2. 1hy don2t ,e 7. I2d better #et #oin# 8. Thanks for your letter 9. $lease let "e kno, :. I2" really sorry ;. .o e, <. -ould you do so"ethin# for "e= >. 1rite soon 6?. Did you kno, that.. 66. I2" happy to hear that 6. to finish the letter 2. to apolo#i@e 7. to thank the person for ,ritin# 8. to be#in the letter 9. to chan#e the subAect :. to ask a fa or ;. before si#nin# the letter <. to su##est or in ite >. to ask for a reply 6?. to ask for a response 66. to share so"e infor"ation

%hoose one of the three su&'ects and write a letter to a friend or family mem&er

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