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Subject : Class : Time : Focus : Theme : Topic : Content Standard

English Language 3 Purple 30 minutes Listening and Speaking World of Knowledge Butterfly Life Cycle

1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently
with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. 1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes, tongue twisters and sing songs paying attention to pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. 1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow : (a) simple instructions. By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Listen to and enjoy the song of The Butterfly Life Cycle by showing two thumbs up 2. Use their bodies to show what metamorphosis looks like by listening to simple instructions 3. Make their own origami butterflies by listening to simple instructions Multiple Intelligences

Learning Standard

Cross Curricular Element (EMK) :

Verbal linguistics Musical skills Kinaesthetic Visual-spatial Paper bag and a butterfly toy or picture PowerPoint slideshows

Teaching Aids :


Teachers/Pupils Activities

Lesson Content Wh- questions What How


Language of Instruction



Set Induction (3 minutes)

1. Teacher begins with the daily routine: Day, date, weather

To set the pupils mood into learning English Language.

What is the day today? Could you spell Monday for me? What is the date today? Could you spell September for me? How is the weather today? Could you spell sunny for me?

Whiteboard and marker

2. Teacher asks the pupils to guess what she has inside a paper bag.

Wh- questions What? Is it? Does it?

To get the pupils excited and curious about todays lesson

Paper bag and butterfly toy or picture

3. Teacher takes out a butterfly toy or picture, talks about the characteristics of a butterfly and tells the pupils that today they are going to learn about butterflys life cycle.

Paper bag and

To introduce pupils to the topic of the day.

butterfly toy or picture

Presentation 1 (5 minutes)

1. Teacher introduces the vocabulary of the day by showing the words on a PowerPoint slideshow (Appendix 1). 2. Teacher sings the song Butterfly Life Cycle with the aid of Appendix 1. 3. Teacher sings the song with action. 4. Teacher reads the lyrics line by line and gets the pupils to repeat after her. 5. Teacher sings the song line by line with action and gets the pupils to repeat after her. 6. Pupils sing the song with action. 7. Teacher asks the pupils whether they like the song by showing two thumbs up.

The song

To present the life

Boys and girls, today we are going to learn a song. But first, we are going to learn a few new words today. They are hatch, teeny tiny, munching, chrysalis, silken, escape, and stretch (Teacher will show the pictures of the vocabulary, one by one through the slides).

Appendix 1

Appendix 1- a powerpoint presentation showing: a) vocabulary words b) each stanza with a picture on each slide

Vocabulary hatch teeny tiny munching chrysalis silken thread escape stretch

cycle of a butterfly inductively and in a fun way

Presentation 2 (5 minutes)

1. After singing the song, teacher explains that there are four stages that a caterpillar goes through

Vocabulary metamorphosis egg larva

To teach the pupils about the life cycle

Okay! Now were going to learn about the butterfly life cycle! There are four stages! Lets see the first

Appendix 2

Appendix 2PowerPoint slides showing life cycle of a butterfly

to become a butterfly. These stages are called metamorphosis, which means change. Teacher shows the students the pictures one by one in order as she explains the life cycle. PowerPoint slides from Appendix 2 are used as aids.

pupa chrysalis

of butterfly explicitly

stage! Wow! It starts from an egg. So, the female butterfly lays an egg on a leaf. Then, out of the egg hatches a tiny caterpillar. The caterpillar eats and eats and eats. After that, it wraps itself inside a cocoon and stays inside for about 2 weeks. Then, POPS! Out of the chrysalis comes a beautiful butterfly! So, those are the four stages of butterfly life cycle.

(pictures and texts) in graphic organiser

Practice (5 minutes)

1. The students will use their bodies to demonstrate what metamorphosis looks like. First, teacher tells them they will become an egg. Have them sit on the floor, grasp their knees, and tuck their head under. Demonstrate the position. Next, tell the students they will change into

Instructions Sit on the floor. Grasp you knees Tuck your head in between your knees Lift your head up Crouch down Stretch out yor arms and legs

To get the pupils understan d how does a butterfly change during metamorp hosis

Now, how about we explore how would we act if we are butterflies? Show me how you would be if you are an egg. Very good, kids! Now, I want you to listen. First, I will show you the actions, one by one. Then, everyone will follow my lead. For example, (raise your

caterpillars by stretching out on the floor and wriggling. After that, they will stand very still and cross their arms tightly across their chest to look like the chrysalis. Finally, demonstrate how a butterfly gently stretches its wings and begins to flutter. Allow the students to fly around the room as butterflies in the rain forest.

Wriggle our bodies

hand) Very good! But I have one rule: Listen and follow me. No sounds needed. Ready everyone? Good. To be an egg, we need to sit on the floor. Grasp your knees. Tuck your head in between your knees. Stay still. Now you are an egg. Lift your head up. Tell me, what comes next? (predicted answer: caterpillar) Good! Now, crouch down. I want everyone to stretch out your arms and legs. Your stomach must lay flat on the floor. Great job, everyone! Now, to be a caterpillar, I want all of us to wriggle our bodies. Left and right. Okay, my fellow caterpillar, what do we become next?

Stand up Cross your arms at your chest

Flap them gently

Let us fly Fly and stop

(predicted answer: chrysalis) Everyone, stand up. Cross your arms at your chest. Close your eyes and pretend that you are sleeping. Good! Now, everyone is in their chrysalis. What are we when we woke up from a long sleep? (predicted answer: a butterfly) Right answer! Good. To wake up from a long sleep, everyone must open their eyes. Ready, this is the best part. Slowly, stretch out your arms. Flap them gently. Now, you are a butterfly! Everyone can fly. Let us fly in the room. Fly and stop. We land on many beautiful flowers.

Production (12 minutes)

1. Teacher teaches pupils how to make an origami butterfly. 2. Pupils make their own origami butterfly with guidance.

Vocabulary cut fold crease valley fold corners unfold mountain fold turn over reverse fold

To further learn in a fun way

Now, let me show you how to make an origami butterfly (Refer Appendix 3)

Appendix 3

Appendix 3instructions on how to make an origami butterfly

Closure (3 minutes)

Teacher reviews todays lesson.

The song

To review the learned

Class, what did you learn today? Shall we sing the song again? Well done! Did you enjoy the song? If you do, show me your two thumbs up. Great! Thats all for today. Goodbye and see you.

Appendix 1

Appendix 1- a PowerPoint presentation showing: b) each stanza with a picture on each slide

Pupils sing the song with action again.

structures of the day.

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