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Unit 1 Communication Networks and Services

BTech EXTC Trim IX Faculty: Prof. Sonia Relan

Network functions Network Topology Basics of message switching Packet switching Circuit switching Cell switching Reference model ISO-OSI TCP/IP Overview


Prof. Sonia Relan

Communication Networks
With a large number of devices it is not practical to connect each pair of devices


Prof. Sonia Relan

Communication Networks
A communication network provides a general solution to the problem of connecting many devices: Connect each device to a network node Network nodes exchange information and carry the information from a source device to a destination device. Note: Network nodes do not generate information


Prof. Sonia Relan

Communication Networks
A generic communication network:


Prof. Sonia Relan

Communication Services & Applications

A communication service enables the exchange of information between users at different locations. Communication services & applications are everywhere Email Instant messaging Web Browsing Telephone Cell phone Short message service


Prof. Sonia Relan

What is a communication network?

The equipment (hardware & software) and facilities that provide the basic communication service Virtually invisible to the user Communications networks transport information across space, but at the speed of light and at very high rates The effectiveness of Data Communications system depends on four fundamental characteristics Delivery Accuracy Timeliness Jitter


Prof. Sonia Relan

A Communications Model


Prof. Sonia Relan

A Communications Model
Key elements of the model Source Entity that generates data Person who speaks into the phone, or computer sending data to the modem Transmitter Device to transform/encode the signal generated by the source The transformed signal is actually sent over the transmission system Modem transforms digital data to analog signal that can be handled by telephone network Transmission system Medium that will allow transport of signal from one point to another Telephone network for our computer/modem example Receiver Device to decode the received signal for handling by destination device Modem converts the received analog data back to digital for use by the computer Destination Entity that uses the data Computer on the other end of receiving modem


Prof. Sonia Relan

Communications Tasks
Transmission system utilization Interfacing Signal generation Synchronization Exchange management Error detection and correction Flow control Addressing Routing Recovery Message formatting Security Network management


Prof. Sonia Relan


What is a Computer network

Interconnected collection of autonomous computers that are able to exchange information No master/slave relationship between the computers in the network Set of devices communicating with each other. Could be a CPU, monitor and other peripheral devices connected (and exchanging data) to each other. Could be a group of people . A network of friends. Or, could be a set of computers communicating with each other.


Prof. Sonia Relan


Uses of Computer Networks

Business Applications Home Applications

Access to remote information(WWW etc) Person-to-person communication(Email, Instant Messaging etc, Phone) Interactive entertainment(Remote operated or online Games) Electronic commerce
Mobile Users Notebook computers, PDAs, Cell phones, etc Social Issues
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Networking Terminology
Media Client/Server Networks Peer to Peer LAN, WAN, MAN, SAN Network Operating System NIC: Network Interface Card Networking Hardware Physical Structures: Topology: Types of Connection: Point to Point, Multipoint Networking Software Virtual Private Networks Extranet Intranet VPNs can be intranet VPNs or extranet VPNs
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Peer-to-Peer Model of Communication

In peer-to-peer system there are no fixed clients and servers.

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Network Hardware
Local Area Networks Metropolitan Area Networks Wide Area Networks Internetworks


Prof. Sonia Relan


Broadcast Networks Types of transmission technology Broadcast links Point-to-point links


Prof. Sonia Relan


Broadcast Networks (2)


Prof. Sonia Relan


Local Area Networks

Two broadcast networks (a) Bus (b) Ring

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Metropolitan Area Networks

A metropolitan area network based on cable TV.

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Wide Area Networks

Relation between hosts on LANs and the subnet.


Prof. Sonia Relan


Wide Area Networks (2)

A stream of packets from sender to receiver.

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Physical Topology
Mesh Every node must be connected to every other node. For Ex. Node n must be connected to N-1 node, hence we need n(n-1)/2 links for duplex mode. Star Each device has a dedicated point to point link only to a central controller, usually called a hub. Controller act as an exchange. Less expensive then mesh. Used in LANs Bus One long cable act as a backbone to link all the devices in the network. Multipoint Nodes connected to cable by drop line and taps. Ring Each device has a dedicated point to point connetion with only the two devices on either side of it. Hybrid


Prof. Sonia Relan


Home Network Categories

Computers (desktop PC, PDA, shared peripherals Entertainment (TV, DVD, VCR, camera, stereo, MP3) Telecomm (telephone, cell phone, intercom, fax) Appliances (microwave, fridge, clock, furnace, airco) Telemetry (utility meter, burglar alarm, babycam).


Prof. Sonia Relan


Essential Network Functions

Basic user service Voice connections or packet transfer. Terminal the end system that connects to the network, telephone or computer.

Transmission system the means for transmitting information across a physical medium: copper telephone wires, coaxial TV cable, optical fiber. Information representation the format of the information handled by the network, voice or bits. Addressing the means for identifying points of connection to the network: telephone number or IP address


Prof. Sonia Relan


Essential Network Functions (cont.)

Routing the means for determining the path across the network Switching/forward approach the means of transferring information flows between communication lines. Multiplexing the means for connecting multiple information flows into shared connection lines. Flow & congest control. Collection of techniques used in serial communications to stop the sender sending data until the receiver can accept it. Receiver typically has a fixed size buffer into which received data is written as soon as it is received;


Prof. Sonia Relan


Network Software
Protocol Hierarchies Design Issues for the Layers Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Services Service Primitives The Relationship of Services to Protocols


Prof. Sonia Relan


Network Software
Protocol Hierarchies

Layers, protocols, and interfaces.


Prof. Sonia Relan


Protocol Hierarchies (2)

Example information flow supporting virtual communication in layer 5.

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Network Topology: How a Network Grows

A network involves the interconnection of transmission lines using switches to convey information among users The growth of a network from a few users in close proximity to a very large community over a wide geographic region leads to a hierarchical network structure


Prof. Sonia Relan


Classification of Communication N/W

Communication networks can be classified based on the way in which the nodes exchange information:


Prof. Sonia Relan


Network design and evolution

Network functions and network topology Telegraph networkmessage switching digital transmission Telephone networkcircuit switching Analog transmission digital transmission Mobile communications Computer networks and the Internet---packet switching Next-Generation Internet Multiservice packet switching network


Prof. Sonia Relan


Broadcast Communication Networks

Broadcast Communication Network do not have intermediate switching nodes: Each station has a transmitter/receiver that communicates over a medium shared by other stations Transmission from any station is received by all other stations Multicasting Transmission is sent only to a subset of machines Possible by reserving one bit in the address field to indicate the presence of multicasting, with remaining bit holding a group number A machine can subscribe to one or more groups Packet sent to a group is delivered to all machines in that group Typically used for smaller localized networks


Prof. Sonia Relan


Switched Communication Networks

A switched communication network consists of an interconnected collection of nodes. Data are transmitted from source to destination by being routed through the nodes. The switching method describes how data are processed and routed in the network The basic switching methods are: Circuit Switching Packet Switching Datagram Packet Switching Virtual-Circuit Packet Switching


Prof. Sonia Relan


Circuit Switching
In a circuit-switched network, a dedicated communication path is established between two stations through the nodes of the network The dedicated path is called a circuit-switched connection or circuit. A circuit occupies a fixed capacity of each link for the entire lifetime of the connection. Capacity unused by the circuit cannot be used by other circuits Data is not delayed at the switches Circuit-switched communication involves three phases: 1. Circuit Establishment 2. Data Transfer 3. Circuit Termination Busy Signal if capacity for a circuit not available. Most important circuit-switching networks: - Telephone networks - ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Networks)
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Circuit Switching
A node in a circuit-switching network


Prof. Sonia Relan


Timing in Circuit Switching


Prof. Sonia Relan


Packet Switching
Data are sent as formatted bit-sequences, so-called packets. Packets have the following structure:

Header and Trailer carry control information Each packet is passed through the network from node to node along some path (Routing) At each node the entire packet is received, stored briefly, and then forwarded to the next node (Store-and-Forward Networks) No capacity is allocated for packets Considerable amount of overhead to compensate for errors Additional bits to add redundancy and extra processing at each node for error detection and correction Average data rate of about 64kbps


Prof. Sonia Relan


Packet Switching


Prof. Sonia Relan


Datagram Packet Switching

Packets are called datagrams The network nodes process each packet independently If Host A sends two packets back-to-back to Host B over a datagram packet network, the network cannot tell that the packets belong together. In fact, the two packets can take different routes. Implications of processing packets independently: - A sequence of packets can be received in a different order than it was sent - Each packet header must contain the full address of the destination The main example of a datagram packet-switching network is the Internet


Prof. Sonia Relan


Datagram Packet Switching


Prof. Sonia Relan


Timing of Datagram Packet Switching


Prof. Sonia Relan


Virtual-Circuit Packet Switching

As the name suggests: Virtual-circuit packet switching is a hybrid of circuit switching and packet switching All data is transmitted as packets All packets from one packet stream are sent along a pre-established path (=virtual circuit) Guarantees in-sequence delivery of packets However: Packets from different virtual circuits may be interleaved Communication with virtual circuits (VC) takes place in three phases: 1. VC Establishment 2. Data Transfer 3. VC Disconnect


Prof. Sonia Relan


Examples Virtual Packet Switching

X.25 X.25 networks have been around since the 1970s It is used in many public packet switching networks ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) Developed in the 1980s For transmission of voice, video, and data in a single network Others SNA (Systems Network Architecture) by IBM


Prof. Sonia Relan


Virtual-Circuit Packet Switching


Prof. Sonia Relan


Timing of Virtual Ckt. Pkt. Switching


Prof. Sonia Relan




Prof. Sonia Relan


Merely sending the bit stream from one node to another and expecting a proper communication to occur ! Protocol defines: What is communicated; how it is communicated and When it is communicated. Set of rules governing the transfer of data between entities Used for communication between entities in different systems For two entities to communicate, they must speak the same language Communication must follow some mutually acceptable conventions, referred to as protocol Key elements of a protocol Syntax. Data formats and signal levels Semantics. Control information for coordination and error handling Timing. Speed matching and sequencing


Prof. Sonia Relan


Protocol Architecture
Task of communication broken up into modules For example file transfer could use three modules File transfer application Communication service module Network access module


Prof. Sonia Relan


Protocol Architectures and Networks


Prof. Sonia Relan


Standardized Protocol Architectures

Required for devices to communicate Vendors have more marketable products Customers can insist on standards based equipment Two standards: OSI Reference model Never lived up to early promises TCP/IP protocol suite Most widely used Also: IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA)


Prof. Sonia Relan



The original TCP/IP protocol suite was defined as having four layers: layers: 1. host host-toto-network, 2. internet, 3. transport, and 4. application application. . However, when TCP/IP is compared to OSI, we can say that the TCP/IP protocol suite is made of five layers: layers: physical, data link, network, transport, and application. application. Most widely used interoperable structure Developed by the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) for its packet switched network (ARPANET) Used by the global Internet
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TCP/IP Protocol Architecture

Organizes the communications task into five layers 1. Physical layer Physical interface between transmitter and network Species the characteristics of transmission medium, nature of signals, data rate, and related matters 2. Network access layer Exchanges data between end system and network Transmitter must provide the address of destination to the network for proper routing Transmitter may invoke certain network services such as priority Different standards are used for circuit switching, packet switching (X.25), Lans (Ethernet) Mainly concerned with access and routing data between two computers connected to the same network


Prof. Sonia Relan


TCP/IP Protocol Architecture

3. Internet layer Used to transfer data between devices attached to different networks Data may have to traverse multiple interconnected networks Uses Internet Protocol to route data across multiple networks Protocol is implemented both in end systems as well as in routers Router connects two networks and relays data from one network to the other 4. Transport (host-to-host) layer Ensures data reliability and packet order Most common protocol in this layer is the transmission control protocol or tcp 5. Application layer Contains logic to support various user applications Separate module for each application (such as ftp)


Prof. Sonia Relan



Established in 1947, ) is a multinational The International Standards Organization (ISO (ISO) body dedicated to worldwide agreement on international standards. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network communications is the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI (OSI) ) model. It was first introduced in the late 1970s. Note: ISO is the organization. OSI is the model. OSI is a layer model Each layer performs a subset of the required communication functions Each layer relies on the next lower layer to perform more primitive functions Each layer provides services to the next higher layer Changes in one layer should not require changes in other layers


Prof. Sonia Relan


Seven layers of the OSI model


Prof. Sonia Relan


Standard model for classifying communications functions Contains seven layers 1. Physical layer Transmits unstructured bit stream over transmission medium Mechanical, electrical, functional, and procedural characteristics to access the medium 2. Data link layer Reliable transfer of information across physical layer Sends blocks/frames with synchronization, error control, and flow control 3. Network layer Separates data transmission and switching technologies from upper layers Establishes, maintains, and terminates connections


Prof. Sonia Relan


4. Transport layer Reliable and transparent transfer of data between end points End-to-end error recovery and flow control 5. Session layer Control structure for communicating between applications Establishes, maintains, and terminates connections (sessions) between cooperating applications 6. Presentation layer Makes applications independent from differences in data representation 7. Application layer Access to the OSI environment Distributed information services


Prof. Sonia Relan


Network Standardization
Whos Who in the Telecommunications World Whos Who in the International Standards World Whos Who in the Internet Standards World Two types of standards: a) De facto (By Fact) b)De Jure (By Law) i) Proprietary (closed standards) ii) Nonproprietary (Open standards;Developed by groups or committees)
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DE Jure and Defacto

De jure standards are those ratified by recognized international standards bodies such as the ISO and IEEE. Ethernet is an example of a de jure standard De facto: de facto standards usually result from a standards battle in the market where dominance is achieved by being first, being bigger, being better or having more marketing clout. Those which arent necessarily open or based on any de jure standards. DOS is an example of a de facto standard. At a time when it mattered, there were three distinct DOS products on the market: MS-DOS from Microsoft, PC DOS from IBM, and DR DOS from Digital Research. Although they were similar products with similar features, your software would run on them all.
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Standards Organizations
Standards are developed by cooperation between: Standards Creation committees, forums and government agencies Standards Creation Committees: a) ISO (International standards Organization,1947)
Provides models for Compatibility, improved Quality, increased productivity decreased prices)

b) ITU-T (International Telecommunication UnionTelecommunication Standards Sector) United nation developed CCITT.

It sponsored an important project for local area network called Project 802
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ITU(International Telecommunication Union) Main sectors

Radiocommunications (allocating Radio Frequencies) :ITU-R Telecommunications Standardization (telephone and data communication systems) : ITU-T Development: ITU-D

Classes of Members
National governments (members of United Nations) Sector members (Telecom, Computer, Media) Associate members (Smaller Organizations interested in a particular Study Group) Regulatory agencies (Controlling authorities)


Prof. Sonia Relan


IEEE 802 Standards

The 802 working groups. The important ones are marked with *. The ones marked with

are hibernating.
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The one marked with gave up.

Metric Units


Prof. Sonia Relan


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