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Purple Line Functional Master Plan Advisory Group

Meeting Agenda: Tuesday, September 22 @ 7:00 PM

M-NCPPC Montgomery County Office (Auditorium)
8787 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Overview of Schedule (15 Minutes)

The staff attended a Project Team meeting held by the MTA on September 11, 2009. We will brief the Group on items covered
at that meeting as well as the updated schedule for the Functional Master Plan.

Locally Preferred Alternative and Dale Drive Station (45 Minutes)

The MTA project team has completed a preliminary analysis of the ridership for the Locally Preferred Alternative – both without
and with the Dale Drive station. Greg Benz from the MTA Project Team will join us to present those findings.

Draft Functional Master Plan (45 Minutes)

A copy of the Draft Functional Plan narrative is provided as part of this package for the 09/22/09 meeting. Please try to review
it in advance of the meeting if at all possible. This is the complete narrative. There will be graphics (maps, photos, and possibly
drawings) that will be included in the Draft Plan as well. We will review the document and consider suggested changes in
advance of publishing a (Draft) Planning Board Draft. Right now, the schedule calls for the Planning Board to review the Draft
Plan at its regularly scheduled meeting on October 15, 2009 and consider setting a hearing date at that time.

Upcoming Meetings

As a reminder, the tentative upcoming meeting dates are:

October 27, 2009

November 17, 2009

Thank you again for your help with our Purple Line Planning efforts!

Tom and Katherine

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