Discrimination Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) College Students in The Philippines

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ROMELIE & AZECENA CLAIRE BSA- C36 Topic: Discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) college students in the Philippines Thesis statement: The Government should solve the issue of discrimination in employment, education, and violent people against LGBT college students because of increasing incidents of discrimination on these three sectors of the country against LGBT. I. II. Introduction Discrimination in employment against LGBT college students in the country. A. Experts and young people call for increased respect for the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people in Asia. 1. According to the Embassy of the United States (2013), LGBT activists emphasized the importance of enacting anti-discrimination laws, particularly in education, health, employment, family affairs, media, community and politics in a public discussion convened by the United Nations Development Programme, United States Agency for International Development and its Regional Development Mission for Asia, and UP. 2. According to the Embassy of the United States (2013), U.S. Embassy Manilas USAID Mission Director Gloria D. Steele said that the human rights of LGBT people must be respected everywhere. B. There are documented evidences of employment discrimination and its effects on LGBT people. 1. According to Mallory and Sears (2011), the General Social Survey (GSS), show that over one in four LGBT employees report discriminatory treatment in the workplace in past the five years, and over one-third are not out to anyone at work. 2. According to Pizer, Mallory, Sears, and Hunter (2012), millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workers remain vulnerable to employment discrimination absent further federal protections against sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination. Discrimination in education against LGBT college students in the country. A. Students are asking the government implement anti-discrimination policies for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Straight (LGBTS) Community both within and outside the university. 1. Filipino student supporters of gay and lesbian rights hold a giant rainbow flag during the annual Pride March at the University of the Philippines Diliman campus, eastern Manila, Philippines, 27 June 2013 to show that they


want the anti-discrimination policies for the LGBTS to be implemented (Ribaya, 2013). B. The Youth and Schools program strives to make public schools and other state institutions for young people safe and bias-free for LGBT kids and teachers. 1. American Civil Liberties Union team up with students to fight for their free expression rights, to establish gay-straight alliances, and to advocate that LGBT kids be able to attend school dances with same-sex dates and dressed in gender nonconforming ways if they choose (ACLU, n.d.). IV. Discrimination against LGBT college students in the country from violent community. A. Some reports highlight the very real and pressing problem confronting the LGBT community in the Philippines. 1. Various human rights violations against LGBT complaints in the Philippines were submitted to the United Nations (Aragones, 2013). 2. There is a second report entitled A Report on Violations of Human Rights Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Philippines," authored by the Progressive Organization of Gays in the Philippines (ProGay), (Aragones, 2013). 3. LGBT are unceasingly being victims of sexually oriented crimes (Guillermo, 2013). 4. Although the Philippines has signed and ratified most of the core human rights instruments, Philippine society and culture maintain much prejudice towards the LGBT community, and lacks basic sensitivity and recognition of the LGBT rights. (Universal Periodic Review, n.d.)

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