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Save the Children US's SANDEEP Program

(Sustainable Organizational Change)

Compiled by
K. Badu
March 22, 2006

A. NEPALI NGO SUPPORT ORGANISATIONS.................................................. 1

Organisation development centre, Inc. (ODC)...................................................................................... 2

SAP Nepal ........................................................................................................................................................... 3

Samuhik Abhiyan (SA) ................................................................................................................................... 4

Sahakarya ........................................................................................................................................................... 5

Nepal Participatory Action Network (NEPAN)....................................................................................... 6

Empowerment and Learning Development Centre – ELD-Nepal.................................................... 7

B. NEPALI NGO RESOURCE ORGANISATIONS ............................................... 8

Management association of Nepal (MAN) .............................................................................................. 9

Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI)........................................................................... 10

Lotus Intellect................................................................................................................................................. 11

NEFSCUN (Nepal Federation of Savings & Credit Co-operative Unions Ltd.) .......................... 12

Nucleus for Empowerment Through Skill Transfer (NEST) ............................................................ 13

Centre for Micro Finance (CMF)................................................................................................................ 14

Centre for Community Development & Research (CCODER) ......................................................... 15

Education Network........................................................................................................................................ 16

Seto Gurans...................................................................................................................................................... 17

Women Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC) ............................................................................................... 18

Maiti Nepal ....................................................................................................................................................... 19

C. NGO NETWORKS IN NEPAL ......................................................................... 20

Land rights concern group/CSRC............................................................................................................. 21

Dalit NGO Federation (DNF)....................................................................................................................... 22

NGO Federation of Nepal - NFN ................................................................................................................ 23

Child NGO Federation Nepal - CNFN ....................................................................................................... 24

Federation of community forestry Users of Nepal (FECOFUN) ..................................................... 25

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
D. MULTI-LATERAL DONORS IN NEPAL........................................................ 26

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)............................................................................................. 27

International Labour Organisation (ILO).............................................................................................. 28

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal (OHCHR)...... 29

UNAIDS.............................................................................................................................................................. 30

United Nations development Programme (UNDP) ............................................................................ 31

UNESCO ............................................................................................................................................................. 32

UNFPA ................................................................................................................................................................ 33

UNHCR ............................................................................................................................................................... 34

UNICEF............................................................................................................................................................... 35

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) ............................................................. 36

World Food Programme (WFP)................................................................................................................. 38

World Health Organisation (WHO).......................................................................................................... 40

Asian Development Bank (ADB) ............................................................................................................... 43

WORLD BANK .................................................................................................................................................. 44

E. BI-LATERAL DONORS IN NEPAL ................................................................ 45

CIDA/CCO ......................................................................................................................................................... 46

DANIDA.............................................................................................................................................................. 47

Department for International Development (DFID)......................................................................... 48

European Commission - EC......................................................................................................................... 50

FINLAND Embassy ......................................................................................................................................... 51

German Technical Cooperation - GTZ..................................................................................................... 52

Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA ................................................................................ 53

Royal Norwegian Embassy - NORAD ...................................................................................................... 54

Swiss Development Cooperation - SDC ................................................................................................. 55

SNV Nepal ......................................................................................................................................................... 57

United States Agency for International Development - USAID .................................................... 58

F. INGOS IN NEPAL............................................................................................ 60
Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
Actionaid Nepal............................................................................................................................................... 61

ADRA/Nepal..................................................................................................................................................... 62

The Asia Foundation - TAF.......................................................................................................................... 63

British Nepal Medical Trust - BNMT ........................................................................................................ 64

CARE Nepal....................................................................................................................................................... 65

Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA) ......................................................... 66

Child Welfare Scheme (CWS) .................................................................................................................... 67

Eco Himal – Austrian Development Cooperation ............................................................................... 68

Family Health International - FHI............................................................................................................ 69

HANDICAP International............................................................................................................................. 70

Helen Keller International (HKI).............................................................................................................. 71

Heifer Project International Nepal .......................................................................................................... 72

Helvetas Nepal ................................................................................................................................................ 73

Practical Action............................................................................................................................................... 74

International Nepal Fellowship (INF) .................................................................................................... 76

International Alert......................................................................................................................................... 77

Lutheran World Federation - LWF Nepal............................................................................................... 78

MS Nepal ........................................................................................................................................................... 79

The Mountain Institute................................................................................................................................ 80

OXFAM GB......................................................................................................................................................... 81

Panos South Asia............................................................................................................................................ 82

Population Services International - PSI ................................................................................................ 83

Plan Nepal......................................................................................................................................................... 84

Planete Enfants Nepal .................................................................................................................................. 85

Save the Children Norway .......................................................................................................................... 86

Save the Children US .................................................................................................................................... 87

Save the Children Japan.............................................................................................................................. 88

Shapla Neer...................................................................................................................................................... 89

SPW Nepal ........................................................................................................................................................ 90

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
Terre des Hommes......................................................................................................................................... 91

UMN .................................................................................................................................................................... 92

VSO Nepal ......................................................................................................................................................... 93

WaterAid ........................................................................................................................................................... 94

Winrock International Nepal ..................................................................................................................... 95

World Neighbours - South Asia Office.................................................................................................... 98

World Vision International - WVI ............................................................................................................ 99

World Wildlife Fund - WWF ...................................................................................................................... 100

The Daywalka Foundation ........................................................................................................................ 101

Nepal Family Health Program (NFHP).................................................................................................. 102

International Development Enterprises (IDE) Nepal ..................................................................... 103

World Education Inc. .................................................................................................................................. 105

G. INTERNATIONAL NGO SUPPORT ORGANISATIONS ........................... 106

Sahbhagi Sikshan Kendra (SSK)............................................................................................................. 107

SAMARTHAN .................................................................................................................................................. 108

INTRAC, Oxford, UK .................................................................................................................................... 109

Community development resource organisation - CDRA .............................................................. 110

PRIA New Delhi ............................................................................................................................................ 111

PRIP Trust Bangladesh .............................................................................................................................. 112

H. WEB RESOURCES.......................................................................................... 113

Website............................................................................................................................................................ 114

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
A. Nepali NGO Support Organisations

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Organisation development centre, Inc. (ODC)
2 Type of organisation OD/Support organisation

3 Mailing Address Mohan D Manandhar, Director

Kupondole, Lalitpur
GPO Box no. 8975, EPC 2637
Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email Email:

5 Tel/Fax Tel. (977-01)-5554067, 5554063, 5551979

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Provides training and consultancy services through the

3 sister organisations:
• The Sansthagat Bikas Consultancy Kendra (SBCK)
• SBCK supports community organisations to acquire
and apply knowledge and skills which enable
communities to improve their socio-economic
• Organisation Development Centre (ODC)
• ODC provides services within organisation
development, institutional strengthening, general
management, good governance and social inclusion.
• Institute of Development Management Studies
• IDMS aims to support development organisations
through quality development management
education, research and policy advise.

8 Geographical focus South and Eastern Asia, Africa and Europe

9 Existing Programmes • Organisation Development

• Active Learning
• Human Resource Development/ Human
Resource Management
• Management and Organisational Consultancies
• Research and Policy Development and Advise
• Community Based Organisation Development
• Monitoring and Evaluation
• Partnerships
• Learning Materials Development

10 Types of Resources • Training

available • Consultancy services
• Publications – Books, The organisation Magazine

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation SAP Nepal
2 Type of organisation NGO support/training organisation

3 Mailing Address Tirtha Prasad Gyawali, Director

Babar Mahal, G P O : 3827
Kathmandu, Nepal.

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Telephone : 4223230, 4223050

Fax: 4241338

6 Website: Website:

7 Sector Focus • Empowerment of disadvantage Groups (DAG) to

enhance their human development potentialities
• Creation of congenial environment for the promotion
of human development of DAG
• Enhance access to economic opportunities with Poor
including DAG
• Enhance productive utilization of resources among
poor including DAG
• Enhancement of Conflict Transformation Practices
• Promotion of Accountable System in Governance

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Strengthening Civil Society Organizations Program

• South Asia Regional People in Policy Program
• South Asia Regional Initiative for Equity (SARIQ)
• Participatory Approach Towards Holistic
Development (PATH)
• International Network for Alternative Finance
• Bellanet

10 Types of Resources • NGO resource directory (1996) in 3 volumes

available • INGO resource directory
• Various other publications available on Peace
Building, good governance and organisation

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Samuhik Abhiyan (SA)
2 Type of organisation NGO Support Organisation; NGO in special consultative
status with the "Economic & Social Council of the United

3 Mailing Address SAMUHIK ABHIYAN, Kamalpokhari, PO Box 6502

Kathmandu , Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 4413166/4439770

Fax: 4425504

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Strengthen the abilities and opportunities of civil

society organizations
• Build capacity of the local communities to enable
them to develop their own organization for self-

8 Geographical focus All over Nepal

9 Existing Programmes • National Volunteer Programme

• Educational development support programme
• Advocacy
• Institutional development support programme
• Animation training programme

10 Types of Resources SA conducts the following training at grass roots as well

available as higher level:
• Organizational Management for development
• Savings and Credit Cooperative promotion and
• Gender and Development,
• Training of Trainers
• Participatory Program Management
• Leadership in People Centered Development
• Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
• Rural Development and communication
• Financial management
• Advocacy
• Participatory Rural Appraisal, Strategic Planning

11 Other information: SA has published various manual and handbooks. It is

available at the office.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Sahakarya
2 Type of organisation NGO support organisation

3 Mailing Address Prakash Pokharel, Vice Chairperson

Bagdol Lalitpur

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax 5548068

6 Website: Not available

7 Sector Focus • NGO capacity building

• Organisational capacity assessment support

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Participatory organisational assessment (POCAP)

• Conflict management training

10 Types of Resources Capacity building training, Manuals available:

available • Opportunities and challenges of NGOs in Nepal
• POCAP Manual
• Conflict Management handbook
• Guidebook for NGOs on Development Terminologies

11 Other information: Organisation evolved from DFID's NPLAP project, which

phased-out in 2005.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Nepal Participatory Action Network (NEPAN)
2 Type of organisation Network/ resource Organisation

3 Mailing Address P.O. Box: 13791, New Plaza, Putali Sadak, Kathmandu,

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Phone: 0977-01-2003550

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Promotion of participatory approaches

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Participatory Approach

• Good Governance
• Social Inclusion
• Peace and Development

10 Types of Resources Directory of Resource Persons (among NEPAN

available members) has been published.

11 Other information: Resources could be tapped through

• Training
• Library
• Publications

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Empowerment and Learning Development
Centre – ELD-Nepal
2 Type of organisation Training organisation

3 Mailing Address Mr Neil Kendrick

GPO Box 24167
Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax 5555071

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Organizational development support

• Human resource development
• Skills training

8 Geographical focus Nepal, Thailand, Laos

9 Existing Programmes • Reporting Skills & Professional Writing

• Developing Project Proposals
• Presentation Skills
• Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
• Facilitation Skills
• Negotiation Skills

10 Types of Resources • Training

available • workshops

11 Other information: Details of training courses are given in webpage.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
B. Nepali NGO Resource Organisations

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Management association of Nepal (MAN)
2 Type of organisation Training Institution on Management

3 Mailing Address Ganesh R Pokharel, CEO

G.P.O. Box No. 3032,

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel.: 00977-1-4224475, Fax: 4240475

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Management training

• Organize events

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes Conducts training on the following themes:

• General management
• Accounting and financial management
• Banking
• I/NGOs and local bodies – LFA, strategic planning
• Insurance
• Marketing

10 Types of Resources Training courses


11 Other information: Details of training courses are given in webpage.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Training Institute for Technical Instruction
2 Type of organisation Training institution related to CTEVT

3 Mailing Address Madhyapur Thimi-17

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
PO Box: 5694
(Kathmandu) Nepal

4 Email:

5 Tel/Fax Phone: 6630187; Fax: 6630289

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Conducts training on

• Development facilitation,
• Planning,
• Entrepreneurship development,
• TOTs
• Monitoring & Evaluation of programs

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Modular Training Courses

• Long-term training programs
• Advanced Diploma programs
• Short-term Training Packages

10 Types of Resources • Training modules

available • Training opportunities
• Training venues
• Dormitory facilities for participants

11 Other information: Details of training courses are given in webpage.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Lotus Intellect
2 Type of organisation Development Consulting and Training

3 Mailing Address Poshan Bahadur KC, Executive Director

PO Box 3459,
Sanepa, Lalitpur, Nepal.

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Phone No .: 977-1-5530313; Fax No .: 977-1-5532013

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Training

• Consultancy
• Event management

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes Training Programmes

• Sub Sector Market Development
• Value Chain
• Business Development Services ( BDS)
• Institutional Development and Organizational
Strengthening ( ID/OS)
• Environmental Management Systems ( EMS)
• Quality Management Systems (QMS)

Provides Consultancy Support for

• Sub Sector Analysis
• Value Chain Development
• Business Plan Development
• Strategic HR Formulation
• Environmental Management Systems
• Quality Management Systems

10 Types of Resources • Training

available • Consultancy support

11 Other information: Monthly E-Newsletter

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation NEFSCUN (Nepal Federation of Savings & Credit
Co-operative Unions Ltd.)
2 Type of organisation National apex body for Savings and Credit Cooperatives
(SACCOS) and their District Unions in Nepal. Affiliated with
Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions, and also
with Centre for Co-operation and Training in Agricultural

3 Mailing Address Suman Khanal, CEO

P.O. Box 9169,
New-Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel 4780597 / 4780069 ; Fax 00977-1-4780571

6 Website:

9 Sector Focus Institutional Strengthening of Savings & Credit Co-operatives

and Micro-finance Institutions in Nepal by providing value
added financial and non-financial services on sustainable

10 Working Area Throughout the Country

11 Existing Programmes • Representation, advocacy & networking,

• Financial/non-financial services,
o Central Finance Facility Inter-lending (CFFI),
o NEFSCUN Mutual Assistance Program (NEFSCUN MAP)
o Financial Intermediation
• Democratic governance
• Capacity building support
• Women Empowerment and Micro finance
• Reproductive Health
• Benchmarking of Credit Unions etc.
• SACCOS Ranking System
• Other support services

Types of Resources • Resource Centre for Savings and Credit Co-

available operatives/Credit Unions worldwide
• Different Types & Level of training program including
• Micro-mutual Insurance Services
• Software Package for Savings & Credit Co-operatives
• All stationary products for the Savings & Credit Co-

Other information: As the federation, NEFSCUN has always been working in

getting the conducive policies and decisions for the
betterment of Co-operatives in general and Savings and
Credit Co-operatives in particular by mobilizing national and
international human and other resources.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Nucleus for Empowerment Through Skill
Transfer (NEST)
2 Type of organisation Training organisation on livelihood/economic

3 Mailing Address Mr Arogya Bajimaya, Director

New Road
P.O. Box No. 62
Pokhara, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 542119/520492, 528036

Fax No. 977-061-521953

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Skill based practical training on agriculture, animal

health, facilitation and capacity building

8 Geographical focus nationwide

9 Existing Programmes Training and consultancy support through:

• Animal health and husbandry improvement
programme (AHHIP)
• Agriculture development programme (ADP)
• capacity development programme (CBP)
• Forest development programme (FDP)
• Water and sanitation programme (WSP)

10 Types of Resources • Training and Follow up support

available • Training manuals
• Manuals for animal health workers

11 Other information: Information on resources is given in webpage.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Centre for Micro Finance (CMF)
2 Type of organisation Resource organisation for livelihoods and economic
development to promote awareness of and commitment
to micro-finance (MF) best practices in Nepal within the
community of donors, government and MF practitioners.

3 Mailing Address GPO Box 20933, Bhatbhateni, Kathmandu, NEPAL

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 977-1-4434041 / 4446446 Fax: 977-1- 4443984

6 Website: URL:

7 Sector Focus micro finance

8 Geographical focus nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • training to women cooperatives

• Business planning
• social intermediation
• research, impact assessment
• Networking

10 Types of Resources Resource centre is available with books on gender and

available micro finance.

11 Other information: Please refer to the webpage.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Centre for Community Development &
Research (CCODER)
2 Type of organisation Resource centre on social mobilisation, education and

3 Mailing Address Mr Binod Adhikary, Coordinator

GPO Box 5716, Samakushi,
Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : 977-1-4351681 or 4354591

6 Website: URL:http//

7 Sector Focus • Social mobilization

• Institutional development
• Income generation
• Education
• Community health

8 Geographical focus Kathmandu, Nuwakot, Tanahun, Gorkha, Lamjung,

Palpa and Tehrathum

9 Existing Programmes • Institutional Development

- Development education
- Social mobilization
- Capacity building
• Economic Development
- Community Banking
- Income-Generating Activities
o Agriculture and Livestock
o Community Tourism
o Cultivation and Processing of Medicinal Plants
- Marketing Network
• Social Development
- Community Health
o Health Awareness and Disease Prevention
o Health Care Centers
o Health Insurance
- Quality Education: Community Schools
- Ten Minutes Per Day Time Contribution for
o For Infrastructure & Environmental

10 Types of Resources • Book on development education available for sale

available • Innovative concept of community banking,
community health, social mobilisation and herbal
research and cultivation
• Training on these themes are available

11 Other information: See webpage.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Education Network
2 Type of organisation Network of community education professionals

3 Mailing Address Mr Bimal Phnuyal, Director

GPO Box 2719 Kathmandu Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax 5011069

6 Website:
7 Sector Focus Sharing and advocacy on issues of education in Nepal

8 Geographical focus Have members from 3 regions and 43 districts of Nepal

9 Existing Programmes • Monthly interaction programme on issues of

education policy, community education, process and
practice of education, rights of education

10 Types of Resources • Publications available on "learning for social

available transformation"
• Half yearly newsletter "education and society" both
in Nepali and English
• Theme wise meetings and discussions, sharing

11 Other information: 150 members nationwide, that includes 25 NGOs, 43

district networks, and 3 regional networks

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Seto Gurans
2 Type of organisation Child development resource centre

3 Mailing Address Seto Gurans National Child Development Services

P.O. Box - 4103, Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: (00977-1)5527201/5522710

Fax: (00977-1)5550237

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Early childhood development

• Child related human resource development

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes Human Resource Development- in early childhood

development (ECD)
• Provide initial three months Diploma Course of ECD.
• Train the facilitators of the ECD centers in the
grassroots level.

ECD Programs developed by Seto Gurans

• Parenting Education (PE)
• Home based ECD program
• Entry point ECD program
• Community based ECD program
• Children for peace program
• Community learning centre (Education toy library

10 Types of Resources • Training

available • Publications
• Modules

11 Other information: • Children's story books

• Touch Magazine
• Modules of ECD

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Women Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC)
2 Type of organisation Resource organisation on women's health and human

3 Mailing Address P. O. Box 13233

Balkumari, Lalitpur

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax 977-1-2123124, 2123136

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Reproductive health and advocacy

8 Geographical focus Udaipur, Morang, Sunsari, Dhanusha, Kathmandu,

Mustang, and Rupandehi

9 Existing Programmes • Chhahari – Women's Health Counseling centre

• Trafficking
• Migration,
• Women's health
• Violence against women
• Child and Youth development
• Sustainable livelihood
• Community development

10 Types of Resources Various publications on Health education, trafficking

available issue, group mobilisation, youth education etc

11 Other information: See list in website.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Maiti Nepal
2 Type of organisation Prevention of trafficking and rehabilitation of survivors
of trafficking

3 Mailing Address

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax 977-1-4492904/4494816 / Fax: 977-1-4489978

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Trafficking of women and children

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Rehabilitation homes

• Transit homes
• Prevention homes
• Awareness and advocacy
• Income generation and livelihoods for survivors
• Shelter and care for HIV AIDS victims
• Teresa academy – school for children
• Networking with Police and NGOs in Nepal and India
to combat trafficking

10 Types of Resources • Maiti Newsletter

available • Handbooks and booklets on trafficking issue

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
C. NGO Networks in Nepal

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Land rights concern group/CSRC
2 Type of organisation Network of NGOs advocating land rights of the poor

3 Mailing Address Jagat Basnet, Director

P.B.N. : 19790
Samakhushi, Manohar, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Phone/Fax: 0977-01-4360486

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Advocacy, networking, research, capacity building on

land rights of poor and disadvantaged in Nepal

8 Geographical focus 40 districts of Nepal

9 Existing Programmes • Support to Tenants to claim land rights

• Capacity building of activists
• Policy influencing on land rights
• Networking and sharing at national and nternational
• Advocacy campaigns

10 Types of Resources • Publication on land rights issue in Nepal

available • News letters

11 Other information: Land rights concern group has alliance members (NGOs)
in 40 districts of Nepal.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Dalit NGO Federation (DNF)
2 Type of organisation An umbrella organization of Dalit NGOs to fight against
caste-based discrimination.

3 Mailing Address Mr Tej Sunar

Lhotse Marg, kamalpokhari
Kathamandu, Nepal
P O Box - 12729

4 Email;

5 Tel/Fax Tel: +977-1-4413517, 2003124, 4413589

Fax: +977-1-4413589

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Advocacy for Dalit Rights

8 Geographical focus At present, DNF has 5 regional chapters and about 200
organizations as its members in 50 districts of Nepal.

9 Existing Programmes • DNF Capacity Building Support Project

• Dalit Empowerment and Inclusion Project (DEIP)

10 Types of Resources Reports and publications available:

available • Kanun Byabasayi Nabhayema- Dalit Sahayogi
• Nepalma Dalit Samudayako lagi Arakshanko Sworup
• International Consultation on Caste Based
Discrimination Full Report

Biography of a Dalit Leader Mohan Lal Kapali:

• Nepalko Yojanabadha Bikasma Dalit; Samiksha
• International aid and Dalit community in Nepal"

11 Other information: DNF is a Executive Group Member of International Dalit

Solidarity Network-IDSN which is global apex platform
for Dalit rights fighting internationally.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation NGO Federation of Nepal - NFN
2 Type of organisation National Network of NGOs in Nepal

3 Mailing Address Ghanashyam Khatiwada, Programme Officer

GPO.Box: 7768, Buddhanagar, Nayabaneshwor,
Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email,

5 Tel/Fax Tel/Fax: 4781212

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • To create a dynamic NGO policy for safeguarding the

autonomy of NGO movement in Nepal.
• To put into action of the "NGO code of Conduct"
among the member organizations.
• To promote capacity building process of NGOs.
• To work as social watch group.
• lobbying and advocacy for developing linkages
among NGOs, INGOs and GOs

8 Geographical focus It has established district chapters in 63 districts and

regional committees in five development regions

9 Existing Programmes • Develop management competency of member NGOs

• advocacy
• creating information/networking data bases
• combating trafficking of women and children
• safe migration

10 Types of Resources • Publications on Nepal conflict

available • Quarterly newsletter "Proaction"
• Resource directory of NGOs in 60 districts
• Resource Centre/Library in Biratnagar, Hetauda,
Pokhara, Nepalganj and Dhangadi

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Child NGO Federation Nepal - CNFN
2 Type of organisation Umbrella organisation of child focussed NGOs in Nepal

3 Mailing Address Upendra Kesari Neupane, President.

Bhrikutimandap, Kathmadu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel./Fax: + 977 1 4 238 041

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Child development and child welfare

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Communication, coordination between members

• Sharing member experiences
• Coordination with local and international

10 Types of Resources Various publications and reports are available on child

available related issues

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Federation of community forestry Users of
2 Type of organisation Umbrella organization of Community Forestry Users
Groups of Nepal/National Level Network of CBOs

3 Mailing Address P.O Box. 8219,

Old Baneswor, Devkota Sadak, Peepalbot Marg,
Kathmandu, Nepal.

4 Email Secretariat email:

Resource Center email:

5 Tel/Fax Telephone: 977-1- 4485263, 4469473

Fax: 977-1-4488262

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Advocacy to support forest users in Nepal

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Representing local people's right in National debates

about community based natural resource
• Media advocacy to promote interests of forest users

10 Types of Resources • Training sessions on: good governance and advocacy

available • Collaborations with researchers, academicians and
others through research, documentation

11 Other information: • Federation has provision of equal representation of

female in all FECOFUN structures
• Practice of inclusive democracy in CFUGs
• Total Population covered – 25 million
• Community Forests handed over to – 7.7 million
(30%) population
• Total No. of CFUG – 14227 (Dec. 2005 Dept. of
• Total No. of Household -1.49 m (35% of TP)
• Total Forestry area handed over =1,185, 565 Ha
• Total no. Household benefited= 1,635,664
• Total No. of CFUG affiliated to FECOFUN – 9995
(May. 2006)

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
D. Multi-lateral donors in Nepal

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
2 Type of organisation UN Specialised Agency

3 Mailing Address Laxman Gautam, Programme Officer.

Office of the FAO Representative in Nepal,
UN House, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 977-1-5523239/5523990

Fax: 977-1-5526358

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Introduce and sustain innovative approaches to

agriculture and rural development

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes FAO is co-operating with various agencies of Nepal

through 9 ongoing projects:
• Integrated pest management,
• Promotion of olive production and consumption
• fodder oat technologies, (recently completed)
• Trans-boundary animal diseases, (recently
• Strengthening Plant quarantine services (recently
• Review of agricultural policies and
legislation(recently completed)

10 Types of Resources Website provides technical as well as investigation

available reports

11 Other information: Available in the website

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation International Labour Organisation (ILO)
2 Type of organisation UN Specialised Agency

3 Mailing Address Saloman Rajbanshi

Senior Programme Associate
Dhobhighat, Lalitpur

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax 977-1-5550691

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Promotion and realisation of fundamental principles

and rights of workers;
• Creating greater opportunities for women and men
to secure decent employment and income;
• Enhancing the coverage and effectiveness of social
protection for all; and
• Strengthening the social partners (employers'
organizations, workers' organization and
governmental authorities) and dialogue between

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes The following programmes are ongoing in Nepal:

• Time Bound Programme (TBP) on the Elimination of
the Worst Forms of Child Labour
• Prevention of HIV/AIDS in the World of Work in
• Capacity Building of Employers' Organizations in
Productivity and Competitiveness
• Sustainable Elimination of Bonded Labour in Nepal
• Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual
• Extending Social Protection to Workers in the
Informal Economy
• Community Action for the Elimination of Child
(bonded) Labour from Exploitative and Hazardous
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal
2 Type of organisation
3 Mailing Address UN OHCHR in Nepal,
Silu Building, Chauni Museum Road,
P.O. Box 24555,Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax 977-1-4280164, Fax: 467 0712

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Human rights protection

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes/ • Monitor the observance of human rights and

Objectives international humanitarian law, including
investigation and verification
• Advise the authorities of Nepal on the formulation
and implementation of policies, programmes and
measures for the promotion and protection of
human rights;
• Advise and assist the National Human Rights
Commission in the discharge of its statutory
• Provide advisory services and support in the areas of
its competence to representatives of civil society
• Advise the UN Resident Coordinator and the Country
Team on human rights protection and capacity-
building of the UN Country Team in Nepal;
• Ensure that the recommendations and decisions of
the human rights bodies of the UN and other
international organizations are taken into account
by government entities
10 Types of Resources What can the Office do?
available • Receive any information from any source - private,
public or official.
• Investigate and seek to verify information on
allegations of human rights and humanitarian law
• Seek to recommend and promote measures to
protect persons providing information to the Office,
such as victims, witnesses, family members and
• Counsel and encourage persons submitting
information to the Office to bring any charges before
the competent authorities.
• Inform the competent authorities on human rights
violations and other abuses, formulating
recommendations for preventive or remedial action
by national authorities.
• Issue public reports and statements.
11 Other information:

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SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation UNAIDS
2 Type of organisation UN Specialised Agency

3 Mailing Address UNAIDS Country Coordinator

UN House, Pulchowk,
P.O. Box 108, Kathmandu,

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : 977-1-5523200

Fax : 977-1-5528989

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus HIV/AIDS

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes/ • Broad partnerships in prevention and treatment,

Objectives care and support programmes
• Supporting expanded targeted interventions for
most at risk populations, especially migrants and
• Facilitate the provision of technical support.
• support the National HIV/AIDS Programme and
partners for accessing and managing technical
assistance and through technical resource facilities
• Support a functional Technical Advisory Group
within the framework of the UN implementation of
the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
10 Types of Resources • It will work with civil society, organizations,
available including people living with HIV/AIDS, to increase
their capacity and meaningful involvement in the
national response.
• Through the initiative, the Asia-Pacific Leadership
Forum (APLF), UNAIDS will collaborate with the
media, influential community leaders and the private
sector to reduce stigma and discrimination and
create a more supportive environment for HIV/AIDS

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation United Nations Development Programme
2 Type of organisation UN agency

3 Mailing Address UN House, Pulchowk,

PO Box 107, Kathmandu, Nepal.

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : 977-1-5523200 ; Fax : 977-1-5523991

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Pro poor policies

• Democratic Governance
• Energy and Environment
• Gender and Social Development
• Crisis Prevention and Disaster Management

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes/ • Democratic Governance

Objectives • Capacity building of the Judiciary and National
Human Rights Commission.
• Pro-poor Policies and Sustainable Livelihoods
• Gender Equality and Social Development
• Environment and Energy - biodiversity conservation
and provide technical assistance to clean alternative
rural energy projects.
• HIV/AIDS - grass-root advocacy, strong networking
among concerned partner groups and operational

10 Types of Resources Website contains information on the projects

available implemented by bi lateral, multilateral donors and
INGOs in Nepal.

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation UNESCO
2 Type of organisation UN agency

3 Mailing Address P.O Box 14391, Jawalakhel,

Lalitpur, Nepal.

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : 977-1-5554769/439

Fax : 977-1-5554450

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Education

• Gender

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Technical assistance to support the Education for All

(EFA) movement in Nepal
• Support the Ministry of Education and Sports by
strengthening its Education Management and
Information Systems (EMIS).
• Preservation of cultural heritage
• Support for intellectual cooperation in poverty
reduction, environmental protection, human rights
protection, and sustainable development.
• Provide Information Communication Technology
(ICT) for community development.

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation UNFPA
2 Type of organisation UN Specialised Agency

3 Mailing Address UN House, Pulchowk,

P.O. Box 107 , Kathmandu, NEPAL.

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : (977 1) 5523637, 5527682,

Fax : (977 1)5523985

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • HIV AIDS

• Health
• Gender
• Education
• Decentralisation and governance

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes/ • Strengthening the capacity of nodal agencies for

Objectives formulation, integration, coordination and
implementation of gender sensitive population and
development policies and programmes
• Advocacy for gender equity and women's
empowerment and the preparation of a Population
Perspective Plan.
• Strengthening the capacity in collection, analysis
and utilization of data in population and health.
• Supporting the data analysis of the 2001 national
census and the publication of a series of population
monographs and other census related documents.
• Promoting the Capacities of Population Teaching and
Research in Nepal by supporting three universities to
produce mid-career professionals in the area of
population, gender and development.
• Strengthen the capacity of local governance bodies
(VDCs, municipalities, DDCs and civil society) to
manage and mainstream population, RH, and gender
issues in districts and communities.

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation UNHCR
2 Type of organisation UN agency

3 Mailing Address Dhara Marg 1, Anil Kuti,

Maharajgunj, Kathmandu.

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : 977-1-4414724

Fax : 977-1-4412853

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Support to Refugees:

• Nutrition, Food, water and sanitation
• Human rights protection
• Education, Health, Gender
• Infrastructure
• Livelihoods

8 Geographical focus Bhutanese and Tibetan refugee camps in Jhapa, Morang,


9 Existing Programmes/ • Support His Majesty's Government of Nepal to

Objectives provide refugees with international protection and
seek durable solutions, to safeguard the welfare of
vulnerable refugees
• Development assistance to the refugee-hosting
• Ensure safe transit for Tibetans in Nepal and provide
basic assistance during their temporary stay in the
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information: Programme Priorities: The Bhutanese refugees, Tibetan

Persons of Concern and individual asylum seekers and
refugees from various other nationalities.

Resource Directory
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1 Name of Organisation UNICEF
2 Type of organisation UN system

3 Mailing Address UN House, Pulchowk,

PO Box 1187, Kathmandu, Nepal.

4 Email ;

5 Tel/Fax Tel : + 977 1 55 23 200

Fax : + 977 1 55 27 280/55 35 395

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Water and sanitation

• Nutrition, health
• Communication and media
• Children,
• human rights protection
• HIV , gender, education
• Decentralisation and governance
• Social welfare,
• Landmines control
• IDPs migration,
• Disaster risk management

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes/ • The Decentralized Action for Children and Women

Objectives (DACAW) - nutrition and childcare, health,
environment, education, child protection and
• Immunization and micronutrients (Vitamin A
supplementation, control of iodine deficiency
diseases and iron deficiency anaemia) in all 75
• Expand the DACAW program in the conflict affected
areas to address the rights of children affected by
armed conflict, through the Quick Impact
Programme (QIP)

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation United Nations Development Fund for Women
2 Type of organisation UN Agency

3 Mailing Address 20142/ Thapathali, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : 977-1-4255110

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Reducing feminized poverty;

• Ending violence against women;
• Halting and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS
among women and girls;
• Achieving gender equality in democratic governance
in times of peace and in recovery from war.

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes/ Reducing Feminized Poverty and Exclusion:

Objectives • Highlighting women's work and their economic
contribution by engendering the Census exercise
• By increasing awareness on the merits of the time
use survey in estimating the unpaid work of women
• Building women's capacities and improving their
access to larger markets, financial products and
• Increasing knowledge and dialogue on opportunities
presented by WTO and globalization for women
• Innovative programmes to promote better
livelihoods for women, working with vulnerable
groups such as artisans, women home based
workers, mountain women and migrant women
• Empower women migrant workers, lobbying for and
engendering migration policies and legislation,
strengthening women migrant workers'
organizations, facilitating dialogue between
countries of origin and destination in a manner that
respects and advances their human rights.

Promoting Women's Human Rights:

• Building capacity; raising awareness and facilitating
compliance with globally agreed norms and
standards to advance women's human rights.
• facilitate the implementation of human rights
instruments to bring laws into conformity with
human rights standards and encouraging regional
learning and sharing.
• engendering justice systems and strengthening the
alliance between the law enforcement machinery
and civil society organizations to reduce violence
Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
against women
• Works to empower women with information on
support services and their legal rights.
• Enhance the knowledge base, build capacity, forge
alliances, as well as promoting the leadership
development of Women Living with HIV/AIDS.
• Promote well-defined preventive, protective and
prosecution strategies to reduce trafficking of
women and children.

Engendering Governance:
• Promote women's leadership to ensure their equal
voice in shaping policies that affect their lives and
• Facilitating the inclusion of women's voices in
planning processes, such as development plans and
the Population Perspective Plan
• Promote gender equality and gender justice in peace
processes and post conflict reconstruction.

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information: Future Working Areas: Focusing on its four areas of

concern, UNIFEM will work to address root causes
contributing to women's exclusion from social,
economic and political spheres, and the deprivation of
their rights.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation World Food Programme (WFP)
2 Type of organisation UN agency

3 Mailing Address Erika Joergensen

Country Representative
WFP Patan Dokha, Lalitpur, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : 9771/5542607

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Save lives in crisis situations.

• Protect livelihoods in crisis situations and enhance
resilience to shocks.
• Support the improved nutrition and health status of
children, mothers and other vulnerable people.
• Support access to education and reduce gender
disparity in access to education and skills training.
• Help governments establish and manage national
food assistance programmes

8 Geographical focus 21 districts, mostly hilly districts of mid and far western

9 Existing Programmes/ Food for Education (FFE)

Objectives • Food support to 21 districts targeting 450,000
children in 4,200 schools, with 60,443 MT of food
over five years.
• Provide 2 litters of vegetable oil to families of
102,000 girls to help increase their attendance rates
in 11 districts.
• A de-worming programme for school children
• construction of Improved Cooking Stoves

Mother and Child Health Care (MCHC)

• Ten districts targeting and annual average of 35,700
pregnant and nursing mothers and children between
six months and three years old with 14,168 MT of
food over five years.
• Provide 7kg monthly take-home ration of fortified
blended food to expectant and nursing mothers
(ENMs), and children between 6 and 36 months.
• De-worming tablets for expecting mothers
• Provide information on nutrition and health, safe
motherhood, hygiene and prevention of HIV/AIDS.

Rural Community Infrastructure Work (RCIW)

• 25 districts targeting 50,000 participants and a total
of 295,000 beneficiaries with 65,500 MT of rice over
five years.
• Assist poor people to create productive assets based
on their self-help capacity.
• Enable the poor to invest time in creating assets

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
such as rural roads, micro irrigation schemes,
plantations, soil conservation and flood control
• Support activities such as savings and credit,
participatory learning and skill development
enhance skills, capacities and income opportunities
at the local level, especially for women

Quick Impact Projects (QIP)

• Implemented in 9 districts targeting 11,000
participants with 1500 MT of rice.
• Assist highly food insecure population in areas
difficult to access by the government authorities due
to the civil strife.
• Provide food assistance for the creation of
productive assets through food for work and food for
training activities.

Food assistance to Bhutanese refugees

• Provide 19,225 MT of food per annum to an
estimated some 100,000 refugees located in 7
camps in eastern Nepal.
• support self-reliance activities, such as income
generating activities, gardening and vocational
training, with an emphasis on targeting the most
needy families and promoting female participation

Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM)

• Supports the design and management of WFP relief
and development food aid.
• Enhance the effectiveness of food aid through
mapping the locations and characteristics of the
most vulnerable populations
• Advocacy on behalf of the hungry poor.

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation World Health Organisation (WHO)
2 Type of organisation UN agency

3 Mailing Address Dr. Kan Tun

WHO Representative
UN House, PO Box # 108,
Pulchowk, Nepal.

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : +977-1-523200 Ext. 1300

6 Website: Website :

7 Sector Focus • Articulating consistent, ethical and evidence based

policy and advocacy positions;
• Managing information be assessing trends and
comparing performance; setting the agenda for, and
stimulating, research and development;
• Catalysing change through technical and policy
support, in ways that stimulate cooperation and
action and help to build sustainable national and
inter-country capacity;
• Negotiating and sustaining national and global
• Setting, validating, monitoring and pursuing the
proper implementation of norms and standards;
• Stimulating the development and testing of new
technologies, tools and guidelines

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes/ Communicable Diseases

Objectives • Strengthening of Epidemiological Surveillance and
establishment of an Early Warning and Response
System (EWARS);
• Elimination of Leprosy;
• Eradication of poliomyelitis and other vaccine
preventable diseases;
• TB programme through implementation of the DOTS
• Mass drug administration against Lymphatic
• Cross-border collaboration for combating Malaria,
Kala-azar and Japanese Encephalitis; and
establishment of sustainable and cost-effect Malaria
control measures.

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Mental Health

• Development of policies and strategies for
combating NCDs, like Cardio-Vascular Diseases,
Diabetes, Cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Diseases and Mental Disorders.
• Framework Convention for Tobacco Control
• Implementation of the National Oral Health

Resource Directory
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• Disability/Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
(including prevention of blindness and deafness).

Family and Community Health

• Child and Adolescent Health and Integrated
Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
• Making Pregnancy Safer with the objective of
reducing maternal and neonatal mortality
• Strengthening of surveillance, prevention of HIV
transmission including Prevention of Mother-to-
Child Transmission (PMTCT), voluntary counselling
and testing, fighting stigma, and community based
• Prevention of HIV/AIDS and introduction of Anti-
Retroviral Therapy (ART) at larger scale.

Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments

• Impact of overall development on health and vice
• Advocacy for Pro-Poor District Health Investment
Plans (PPDHIPs).
• arsenic control in drinking water
• Chemical Safety, Food Safety and Nutrition
• Improvement of Emergency Preparedness and

The programme area of Health Technology and

• Ensuring access to good quality essential drugs and
their rational use on the basis of the National Drug
• immunisation with special focus on Polio and
• Quality of care, including strengthening laboratory
and other health technology; supply of safe blood.
• Strengthening of the standardization process,
service provision, and quality assurance within the
Ayurvedic system is another area of collaboration.

Evidence and Information for Policy (Health Systems

• Helping countries gather data and create
information for evidence based decision making.
• Research promotion, health systems development,
human resources development, and collaboration
with civil society.
• contribution to capacity building in the Ministry of
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information: Future Directions : Future directions of WHO technical

assistance in Nepal fall with in the four strategic
directions guided by WHO’s Country Cooperation
Strategy for Nepal. The WHO Country Cooperation
Strategy (CCS), which is a framework for WHO
cooperation with the country, is designed to represent a
balance between the country priorities and the WHO
Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
strategic orientations and priorities. This CCS, meant
for guiding the WHO collaborative work in supporting
the Nepal’s health systems development. It aims to
identify priority areas and issues for WHO technical
support in accordance with the Organization’s strategic
orientations and comparative advantages; to increase
effective cooperation with national authorities and
development partners; and to promote coordination of
strategic inputs in the health sector for achieving better
health outcomes for the population as in the Nepal
Health Sector Strategy- Implementation Plan (NHSP-IP

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
Name of Organization Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Type of Organization Multilateral Donor

Mailing Address Country Director

Asian Development Bank
Srikunj, Kamaldi, Ward No. 31
Post Box 5017
Kathmandu, Nepal

Telephone/ Fax Tel: +977 1 422 7779; Fax: +977 1 422 5063

(c/o External Relations/Civil Society Liaison Officer)


Geographical Focus Nationwide

Sector Focus and • Agriculture and Natural Resources

Existing Programs • Education
• Energy
• Finance
• Law, Economic Management and Public Policy
• Transport and Communication
• Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management
• Regional Cooperation

Type of Resources Asian Development Fund (ADF)

Other Information ADB's Country Strategy and Program (CSP) for Nepal was
approved by its Board in October 2004 — guides ADB’s
operation in Nepal over the medium term (2005 – 2009).
The CSP focuses on promoting broad-based economic
growth, inclusive social development, and good
governance, and is ADB’s first results-based pilot CSP. It
proposes specific measures to ensure effective delivery
and implementation of development assistance through
realistic and conflict-sensitive project design and
implementation modalities, more intensive community and
beneficiary participation, transparency and accountability,
better targeting of the poor and disadvantaged, and
mainstreaming social exclusion.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation WORLD BANK
2 Type of organisation Multilateral donor

3 Mailing Address Ken Ohashi, Country representative

Rajib Upadhya, Program Officer

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Phone: (977) 1 226-79

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Infrastructures, Basic services, economy and finance,

good governance

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Nepal economic reform TA

• Rural access improvement and decentralisation
• Nepal health sector program project
• Education for all
• Poverty alleviation fund
• Second rural water supply and sanitation project
• Finance sector restructuring project
• Community school support project
• Nepal power development project
• Financial sector technical assistance
• Telecommunications sector reform project
• Road maintenance and development project

10 Types of Resources • The Public Information Center (PIC) provides the

available public with information resources on Nepal's
development strategies and programs of support
from Nepal's development partners. The center
serves as a public space for dialogue on
development issues. World Bank PICs provide access
to World Bank publications, reports, and other
operational documents.
• The PIC also serves as the central contact in the
country for persons seeking to obtain Bank
documents and other requests for information.
Holdings include public reports on country and major
Bank publications.
• Publications include reports on programmes, case
studies, economic update, Nepal living standard
survey, strategies and priorities of WB Programs etc.

11 Other information: World bank website gives information about issues of

conflict, corruption, debt relief, development,
disabilities, education, employment, environment,
gender, globalisation, MDGs, Trade.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
E. Bi-lateral donors in Nepal

Resource Directory
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1 Name of Organisation CIDA/CCO
2 Type of organisation Canadian donor agency

3 Mailing Address G.P.O. Box 4574, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : 977-1-4415193 or 977-1-4415861

Fax : 977-1-4410422

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Livelihoods

• Income generation
• Environment
• Infrastructure
• Peace building and human rights

8 Geographical focus All over Nepal

9 Existing Programmes • SAHAKRYA: “Working Together to Build Self –Reliant

Communities in the Hills of Nepal” Project
• Community Groundwater Irrigation Sector Project
• Community Environmental Awareness and
Management Project (CEAMP)
• Rural Community Infrastructure Works (RCIW)
• Support for Peace and Development Initiatives
• National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)

10 Types of Resources • Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) and

available the Local Development Facility (LDF). The
initiative and Facility support activities
designed to build the capacity of local
• The Local Development Facility (LDF) is
designed to respond to the changing
developmental challenges in the context of
preventing violence and building peace

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation DANIDA
2 Type of organisation Danish donor agency

3 Mailing Address Embassy of Denmark

761, Neel Saraswati Marg
Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel +977 (1) 441 3010

Fax +977 (1) 441 1409

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Social and economic development

• Human rights, democratisation and good governance
• Stability, security and the fight against terrorism
• Refugees, humanitarian assistance and regions of
• Environment

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Human rights and good governance
- Human rights organisations
- Social inclusion
- Media
- Justice
- Elections and democratic process
- Anti corruption
- Local governance
• Education
• Environment, natural resource management and
rural energy
• Local grant authority
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information: • No new project and programme agreements will be

signed with the Nepalese authorities until further
• Danish-funded activities under the Revenue
Administration Support project will be suspended
until fur-ther notice.
• The preparations for a second phase of Danish
programme support for rural energy, community
forestry and industrial environment, which was due
to begin in July 2005, will be suspended until further
• A review of the remaining ongoing activities under
the bilateral assistance programme in Nepal will be
carried out.
• Further reactions will be based on close dialogue
with EU and other partners.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Department for International Development
2 Type of organisation British donor agency

3 Mailing Address PO Box 106, Jawalakhel, Ekantakuna

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : + 977 1 5542980

Fax : + 977 1 5542979

6 Website: Website :

7 Sector Focus • Halve the number of people living in extreme

poverty and hunger
• Ensure that all children receive primary education;
• Promote sexual equality and give women a stronger
• Reduce child death rates;
• Improve the health of mothers;
• Combat HIV & AIDS, malaria and other diseases;
• Make sure the environment is protected and
• Build a global partnership for those working in

8 Geographical focus Throughout Nepal with specific focus in mid and far
westerns region

9 Existing Programmes Poverty and hunger

• Support through Food for Work, Rural Access
• The District Agriculture Development Fund (DADF),
operating in 20 districts.

Primary Education
• Education For All (EFA) programme

• Gender and Social Exclusion Assessment to inform
DFID programming
• Livelihoods and Social Inclusion Monitoring System
to monitor benefits of DFID investment to poor and
excluded groups (including women)

Child mortality
• Support to increase the quality and coverage of
essential health services which includes services for
• Polio programme

Maternal health
• National safe motherhood programme

• Support for the national HIV & AIDS programme
• TB programme through the World Health
Resource Directory
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Organization (WHO)

Environmental sustainability
• Livelihood Forestry Programme (LFP)
• Drinking water and sanitation

• Enabling State Programme (ESP)
• Corruption control project with Pro-Public

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information: Future Directions

• DFID retains a substantial programme in Nepal.
However, support will be reviewed up or down if
conditions for effective aid delivery change

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation European Commission - EC
2 Type of organisation Delegation of the European Commission to Nepal

3 Mailing Address Uttar Dhoka Sadak, Lainchaur

P.O. Box 6754
Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: +977 1 442 9445/ 9446/ 3569/ 0406

Fax: +977 1 442 3541

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Poverty Reduction;

• Consolidation of democracy; and,
• Integration of Nepal into the International Economy.

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Renewable Energy Project

• Combating Xenophobia and Discriminations of
Dalits in Nepal
• Educating Change Agents and the Public on
Human Rights
• Dalit Rights and Inclusion Project (DRIP)
• Empowerment of People Through Development
of Media in Karnali Zone
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation FINLAND Embassy
2 Type of organisation Finnish donor agency

3 Mailing Address Dilli Raman Marg 39, Lazimpat, Kathmandu-2

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel : 4416636, 4417221

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Education

• Human rights protection
• Children
• Environment

8 Geographical focus Geographical Focus: At the moment Kathmandu, Ilam,

Morang, Sunsari, Sarlahi, Makawanpur, Kavre, Dhading,
Parsa, Chitwan, Baglung, Palpa, Arghakhanchi,
Kapilvastu, Dang and Bardiya districts.

9 Existing Programmes • Rural water supply Projects

• Education Programme
• Support to conflict resolution process.
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation German Technical Cooperation - GTZ
2 Type of organisation Ulf Wernicke, Country director

3 Mailing Address GTZ Office Kathmandu

Neer Bhawan, Sanepa
P.O. Box 1457

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: +977 1 5523228-31

Fax: +977 1 5521982

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Local Self-Governance

• Energy
• Health

8 Geographical focus All over Nepal

9 Existing Programmes GTZ is implementing the following programmes and

projects in Nepal:

Promotion of Local Self-Governance and Civil Society

• Urban development
• Poverty Alleviation Programme in Selected Rural
Areas of Nepal
• Churia Forest Development

• Small Hydropower Promotion

Health and Family Planning

• Health Sector Support

Other ongoing projects

• Improvement of the Situation of Child Labourers
• Private Sector Promotion
• Revenue Administration Support
• Rural Finance Nepal
• Food Security and Rehabilitation Project
• ICIMOD - International Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development (supra-regional)
10 Types of Resources
11 Other information: In the field of German Development Cooperation with
Nepal GTZ works with the following cooperation
• KfW Entwicklungsbank (development bank)
• German Development Service (DED)
• Centrum für international Migration und Entwicklung

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Japan International Cooperation Agency -
2 Type of organisation Japanese donor agency

3 Mailing Address P. O. Box 450 Kathmandu Nepal.

Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh Bld.
Hariharbhavan Lalitpur

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Phone : 977-1-5552711

Fax : 977-1-5552284

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Education, sanitation and drinking water

• Agriculture development
• Improved social and economic infrastructure
• Environmental conservation
• Human resource development and capacity building
• Gender and equity
• Participatory approach
• Good governance and decentralisation

8 Geographical focus Selected districts of Easter, central, western and mid

western regions of Nepal.

9 Existing Programmes • Empowerment of the People

• Improving Access to Social & Economic
Infrastructure For Sustainable Development and
Environment Conservation

10 Types of Resources Sending Japanese volunteers in cooperation with JOCV.


11 Other information:

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SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Royal Norwegian Embassy - NORAD
2 Type of organisation Norwegian donor agency

3 Mailing Address The Royal Norwegian Embassy

Surya Court. Pulchowk. Lallitpur

4 Email ;

5 Tel/Fax Tel : (977 1) 5545307

6 Website: Website :

7 Sector Focus • Basic and primary education,

• Good governance including human rights
• Energy.

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Education for all

• Good governance
• Private sector development – hydropower and
• Peace and development
• Cooperation in higher education and research

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

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SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Swiss Development Cooperation - SDC
2 Type of organisation Swiss donor

3 Mailing Address Swiss Cooperation Office Nepal

P.O. Box 113

4 Email ;

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 00977 1 - 552 53 58

Tel: 00977 1 - 552 49 27 , 00977 1 - 552 49 28

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Harmonised Bi- and Multi- lateral framework

• Livelihood and inclusion
• Meaningful dialogue and conflict transformation

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes Harmonised Bi- and Multilateral Framework

• Asia Pacific Mountain Network
• Coordination Office Kathmandu
• ICIMOD Core Contribution
• Mountain Forum Secretary & Global Info Server
• Promotion of Rights of Indigenous People
• Regional NRM Capitalisation & Exchange

Livelihood and Inclusion

• Rural Infrastructure
Rural Access – road building
• DRSP District Roads
• SMD II Maintenance Division
• TBSSP Trail Bridge Sub-Sector
• Transport Sector Support

Natural Resource Management

• Homegarden
• Electric Vehicle
• HMRP Hill Maize Research
• IUCN Nepal Support
• NSCFP Community Forestry
• SSMP Sustainable Soil Management
• Vegetable Seed
• VSBK Nepal Brick Sector

Health Promotion
• Occupational Skills Development

Resource Directory
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Occupational Skill and Enterprise Development (OSED)
• Consultancy OSED sector development
• Franchising-Skill
• Global credit OSED sector development
• TfE Training for Employment
• TITI Techn. Instructor Training

Humanitarian Aid
• Conflict Mitigation
• Continuation ICRC
• Floods Disaster div.
• Humanitarian Emergency Relief

Meaningful Dialogue and Conflict Transformation

Support to Governance and Peace Initiatives
• UN HR Mission support & secondment
• Peace policy activities
• Special Peace Adviser
• Coof Small Action
• Decentralisation for Inclusion
• Human Rights Monitoring OHCHR Project
• Good Governance Programme
• Governance Development
• Strengthen Political Parties

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation SNV Nepal
2 Type of organisation Advisory service for building capacity of local

3 Mailing Address Bakhundole, Lalitpur

PO Box 1966, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 5523155; Tel: 5523445. 5523444

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Governance and Social Inclusion

• private sector development and
• Natural resources management.
• Facilitating access to funds from outside sources

8 Geographical focus SNV focuses its work in 16 districts in Nepal.

Mid West region:

Jumla, Humla, Dolpa, Mugu and Kalikot

Eastern region:
Taplujung, Ilam and Panchthar

Central region:
Chitwan, Makwanpur, Parsa, Bara, Rautahat, Sarlahi,
Mahottari and Dhanusha

9 Existing Programmes/ • Governance,

Objectives • Private sector development
• Natural resources management
• Delivering technical expertise and advice
• Facilitating access to funds from outside sources
• Social Inclusion/gender mainstreaming
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation United States Agency for International
Development - USAID
2 Type of organisation US donor agency

3 Mailing Address Mr Don Clark, Mission Director

Rabi Bhawan, Kalimati, Kathmandu Nepal

4 Email Not available

5 Tel/Fax 4270144

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Peace building, Health, Hydro power and livelihoods

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes/ Improving Family Health

Objectives • Reduce child mortality, maternal mortality and
fertility rates
• Family planning services, maternal and child health
programs and to combat HIV/AIDS.
• Training to health workers at all levels and provide
medical supplies to ensure access to health services.

Strengthening Accountability and Citizen Participation

• Strengthen the capacity of the judiciary, anti-
corruption agencies, and the prosecutorial and
public defender arms of the government as well as
civil society
• Build transparency and democratic processes within
the political parties
• Support greater rural community control over the
conservation and management of Nepal’s natural re-
sources, internal community democracy and a larger
role for localities in promoting human rights.
• Community and regional programs to combat
trafficking in women and children.

Promoting Peace
• Rural infrastructure projects that give Nepalese
income and jobs.
• Longer-term infrastructure and dispute resolution
training that enhances community resilience.
• Assist victims of the conflict and works with the
government to strengthen its ability to manage the
peace process.

Increasing Incomes in Rural Areas

• Help farmers produce and market high-value non-
timber forest products and farm crops.
• Agriculture and community forestry programs.
• USAID also helps Nepal meet its World Trade
Organization obligations.

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Investing in Hydropower
• Works with the government to develop hydropower
in an environmentally-sensitive way through
reforming policies and regulations to encourage
foreign investors.

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
F. INGOs in Nepal

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Actionaid Nepal
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Mr Shibesh C Regmi, Country Director

GPO Box 6257
Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 01-4436477, 4419115

Fax: 01- 4419718

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Dalits

• Education
• Gender
• Food rights

8 Geographical focus All over Nepal

9 Existing Programmes • Peace Building

• Education
• Food security
• HIV aids
• Women's rights
• Governance
• Poverty reduction
• Globalisation

10 Types of Resources • Library available for use by other stakeholders as

available well. Library contains books, reports on the
programme themes.

11 Other information: Target groups

• Dalits, freed Kamaya, Urban poor, People with

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation ADRA/Nepal
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Mark Webster, Country Representative,

Head Office, Jawalakhel
PO Box 4481, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 5555913, 5555914; Fax: 5554251

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Reproductive Health

• Livelihoods

8 Geographical focus

9 Existing Programmes • Safe Motherhood Innovation Project

• Nepal Women’s Poverty Alleviation Project
• HIV/AIDS Voluntary Counselling and Testing Project
• Eastern Region Family Planning Expansion Project
• Community Empowerment through Sub-Health Post
Committee Strengthening Project
• Youth Reproductive Health Education Project
• ADRA Cleft Lip & Palate Program
• Women's Health, Literacy & Economic Development
• ADRA Nepal Family Health Program
• Sustainable Development through Integrated
Agriculture Project
• Women’s Literacy Project
• Community Dental Health Promotion and Care
• ADRA United For Education
• Mobile Health Outreach Project

10 Types of Resources • ADRA is always seeking suitable local partners to

available implement projects in the areas of reproductive
health and livelihoods.
• ADRA is able to assist organizations seeking
nationally recognized family planning services
training for their staff.

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation The Asia Foundation - TAF
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Nick Langton, Country Representative

PO Box 935, Kathmandu
4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4415881 Tel: 4418345, 4411458

6 Website:
7 Sector Focus • Governance, law and civil society
• Women's empowerment
• Economic reforms and development
8 Geographical focus Nationwide
9 Existing Programmes Governance, Law and civil society
• Production and broadcast of a weekly television
program on public interest issues
• Strengthening the National Human Rights
• Pilot implementation of community-based mediation
• Raising awareness, legal drafting, and advocacy on
special legal measures for women in Nepal
• Survey of public opinion on contemporary politics
• Establishment of the SAARC Law School Human
Rights Forum;
• Support for updating a study on impunity and the
violation of human rights in Nepal
• Study on Women Police Cells and their effectiveness
in protecting rights
Women's Empowerment
• Skills training to girls at risk of trafficking and
trafficked survivors
• Combating domestic violence against women in
western and far western Nepal
• Public interest litigation to enforce existing legal
provisions to protect women’s economic rights
• Support to reduce impediments to women’s
economic participation in the formal sector
• National conference on women’s legal
Economic Reform and Development
• Consultations, documentation, and advocacy on
Procurement in Nepal
• Provision of nearly 15,000 books to American
Resource Centers, universities, and other libraries
around Nepal

10 Types of Resources
11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation British Nepal Medical Trust - BNMT
2 Type of organisation British Project

3 Mailing Address Chanda Rai

Chief Executive
Lazimpat, PO Box 20564,

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4439108 fax / Tel: 4436434 / 4428240

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Establish and maintain sustainable basic health services

• TB and HIV/AIDS,
• Reproductive Health,
• Locally endemic Infectious Diseases, and Essential

8 Geographical focus BNMT works in 10 hill Districts; Taplejung, Panchthar,

Ilam, Terhathum, Dhankuta, Sankhuwasabha, Bhojpur,
Khotang, Okhaldhunga and Solukhumbu and in six
Districts in the Terai lowlands; Morang, Sunsari, Jhapa,
Siraha, Udayapur and Saptari, in Eastern Nepal.

9 Existing Programmes Integrated Health Improvement Programme (HIP),

• Training and capacity building
• People’s empowerment
• Advocacy and operational research
• Institutional development and strengthening

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation CARE Nepal
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Ms. Alka Pathak, Country Director

Krishna Galli, Patan Dhoka
Lalitpur, PO Box 1661, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 5521202 / Tel: 5522153, 5522800

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Agriculture

• Natural resource management
• Health
• Civil society strengthening
• Remote area development

8 Geographical focus Primary focus: Churia, Remote Areas Secondary focus:

Far/Mid-western and Central Terai, with selected urban
and peri-urban centers for pilot

9 Existing Programmes • Child Health and Family Health

• Remote Area Development
• Forest Management
• Watershed Management
• Infrastructure
• Disaster and Emergencies
• Peace Building
• Drinking water and sanitation
• Income Generation
• Non-Formal Education Good Governance
• Advocacy
• Civil Society Strengthening
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information: CARE Nepal implements a broad range of activities in

partnership with others to lead to equitable and
sustainable development resulting in greater gender
and caste equity and improved livelihoods of the poor,
vulnerable and socially excluded.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Centre for Development and Population
Activities (CEDPA)
2 Type of organisation International NGO
3 Mailing Address Dr Chhatra Amatya
Country Director
P.O. Box 8975
Gairidhara, Kathmandu
4 Email
5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4421696
Tel: 4417071/4427739
6 Website:
7 Sector Focus • Girls Education and Youth Development
• Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS
• Gender and Governance
• Peace Building
8 Geographical focus • Eastern Region: Udayapur & Ilam districts
• Central Region: Dhanusha, Mahottari, Kathmandu,
• Western Region: Baglung
• Mid- Western Region: Surkhet
• Far-Western Region: Doti
9 Existing Programmes • BuD for RH Project (Building Demand for
Reproductive Health Awareness among the
Adolescent Girls in Conflict Affected Districts of
• CFP Project (The Communities for Peace Program)
10 Types of Resources • Choose a Future Manual for Boys and Girls;
available • Partners for Positive Action Manual on social
mobilization for HIV/AIDS;
• Advocacy for Good Governance part 1 & 2 (Manual
for training of trainers);
• Advocacy for Good Governance (Manual for
community level training);
• A Trainers' Manual Gender sensitive reproductive
health communication;
• Jeevan Suraksha Birth Preparedness Package;
• Talking Together A facilitator guide for the training
of community health workers;
• Door to Door Communication Workbook focusing on
• Home Care for PLWA The Power of our Community
• Social Mobilization for Reproductive Manual;
• Supervision- Project Design for Project Manager
• Interfaith reflections on Women, Poverty, and
• Training Community-Based Distribution Agents in
Family Planning; Training Trainers for Development;
• Gender for Development-a strategic Planning;
• Gender, Reproductive Health and Advocacy;
• Igniting Change
11 Other information:
Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Child Welfare Scheme (CWS)
2 Type of organisation British INGO

3 Mailing Address Douglas Maclagan, Director

P.O. Box 231, Pokhara, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 061- 527220

Tel: 061- 520793/530002, 4461331, 4478022

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Child health/ Early childhood development

• Vocational skills training
• Rehabilitation of street children

8 Geographical focus Kaski, Lamjung districts

9 Existing Programmes • Asha Day and mobile clinic for disadvantaged

• Jyoti Vocational training centre for street children
• Improved cooking stove
• Water supply schemes
• Support to mothers groups
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Eco Himal – Austrian Development
2 Type of organisation Austrian INGO

3 Mailing Address Phinjo Sherpa, Country Director

Pani Pokhari, PO Box 21966, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4437304, Tel: 4414714, 4437304

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Small Hydropower and Promotion of Solar Energy

• Poverty alleviation and Capacity Building
• Cultural Cooperation and Heritage Conservation
• Sustainable Tourism and Bio-Diversity Conservation
• Health Care and Women's Empowerment

8 Geographical focus Eastern hill districts and Kathmandu valley

9 Existing Programmes • Promotion of solar energy,

• Poverty alleviation and bio-diversity conservation
• Eco Tourism Development Programmes
• Basic livelihoods support through Income generation
• Cultural cooperation and preservation of heritage
• Drinking water and sanitation
• Non-Formal Education
• Sustainable Agriculture and Livestock management
• Local initiatives support through organizational
• Leadership development for Women and
disadvantaged group
• Health care support in Rural areas and Charity
pharmacy in Kathmandu

10 Types of Resources Eco Himal published books on tourism, culture,

available language guide, and guide books. Under its cultural
cooperation programme, Audio CDs of different ethnic
groups were produced. Calendars and year planners are
produced annually.

11 Other information: Eco Himal has been working with local grass-roots
organizations in the Himalaya in line with the principles
of the Austrian Development Cooperation. Its project
aim at generating income and bringing long-term
benefit to the lives of impoverished rural population.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Family Health International - FHI
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Asha Basnyat, Country Director

Gairidhara, P.O. Box 8803, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax 4414063, Tel: 4427540, 4437173

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus HIV AIDS and Reproductive Health

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes HIV/AIDS

• IMPACT project builds the capacity of Nepalese
organizations to conduct HIV prevention and care
activities to reduce HIV transmission and mitigate
the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Reproductive Health
• Improve family planning in Nepal by assisting with
policy development, formulation of research
protocols, data analysis, and information
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation HANDICAP International
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Mr Jean Bertrand LeBrun, Country Director

Chakrapath, Maharajgunj
PO Box 10179,

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4376983, Tel: 4374609 / 4378482

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Community-based rehabilitation

• Community Approaches to Handicap in Development
• Physical rehabilitation, including orthopaedic and
• Disability rights
• Inclusive education
• Economic empowerment of people with disabilities

8 Geographical focus • Morang,

• Kathmandu,
• Sarlahi,
• Dang,
• Surkhet

9 Existing Programmes • Community Approach to Handicap in Development

• Humanitarian Access to Physical Rehabilitation
Services for Disabled People victims of the conflict in

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information: International NGO working with local partner NGOs to

support people with disabilities (PWD)

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Helen Keller International (HKI)
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Aminuzzaman Talukder, Country Director

Min Bhawan, New Baneshwar
PO Box 3752, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4480234, Tel: 4480921, 4493344

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Prevent nutritional blindness

• Rehabilitation
• Livelihoods to persons with visual impairments

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Vitamin A deficiency control

• Primary eye care: Trachoma elimination;

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information The major emphasis of the work of HKI-Nepal has been
to prevent nutritional blindness caused by vitamin A
deficiency and improve vitamin A status through
supplementation and increased consumption of vitamin
A-rich foods, and to promote primary eye care,
particularly for the elimination of blinding trachoma as
well as to provide rehabilitation and skill opportunities
to persons with visual impairments.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Heifer Project International Nepal
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Dr. Shubh N. Mahato, Country Director

Hattiban, Lalitpur
P.O. Box 6043, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 5542873, Tel: 5532554, 5544841

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Holistic development

• Income generation through livestock farming
• Agro ecology
• Capacity building
• Gender

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes Heifer Project International Nepal has more than 50

projects running currently and they are focused on
community development through values-based holistic
development approach.
• Livestock for Sustainable Farming and Income
Generation Program for the Terai, Hill and mountain
Regions of Nepal
• Capacity Building for Partner Organisations
• Women's Self Reliance Goat Raising Project
• Nepal Friendship Project
• Integration of Youth In Community Development
• Chitwan Agro-ecology Improvement Project
• Rural Livelihood Goat Raising Project for Hills of
• Study Tour for Policy Level Government Officials of
• Study on Yak JAAGARAN Local Capacity Building for
Poverty Alleviation Program, Shunkhuwasabha as
Livelihood Opportunity in High Hills and Mountains
of Nepal

10 Types of Resources HPI-Nepal has number of publications focused on the

available community level learning and success stories of the
project participants.

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Helvetas Nepal
2 Type of organisation Swiss INGO

3 Mailing Address Ram Risal, Country Programme Director

Bakhundole, Lalitpur
PO Box 688, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 5526719, Tel: 5524926, 5524925

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Helvetas Nepal works within four main sectors, vis:
• Infrastructure in Rural Areas;
• Sustainable Use of Natural Resources;
• Education and Culture; and
• Civil Society and the State.

8 Geographical focus Helvetas Nepal focuses its work mostly in hill areas with
some activities and programmes reaching out into the
Mountains or the Tarai.

9 Existing Programmes • Access infrastructure

• Agriculture
• Culture
• Education
• Enterprise development
• Equity advocacy
• Forest management
• Governance and civil society
• Humanitarian assistance
• Livestock management
• Local initiatives support
• Saving and credit
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Practical Action
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Dr. Anil Subedi , Country Director

Pandole Marg, Lazimpat
PO Box 15135, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4445995, Tel: 2094063, 4446015, 4434482

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Reducing vulnerability

• Making markets work for the poor
• Access to infrastructure services
• Responding to new technologies

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes Reducing vulnerability:

• Strengthening the ways that people, who live in
fragile environment, cope with the environmental
degradation that threatens their livelihood
• Improving vulnerable communities' ability to
prepare for, survive and rebuild homes and
livelihoods after natural disaster
• Preventing and managing conflicts over scarce
natural resources and competition for common
property resources;
• Rebuilding the livelihoods of people affected by civil
war or conflict.

Market accessibility:
• Improving the livelihoods of society's most
disadvantaged groups (for example, disabled people,
and those affected by HIV/AIDS) through
production, processing and marketing;
• Increasing the productivity of small-scale
• Improving the access of poor people to the
resources, support and infrastructure they need to
build their livelihoods
• Advocating for policy changes that enable poor
people to access and benefit from markets

Infrastructure services:
• Technology that improves access to locally managed
water and sanitation services
• Housing technology and adequate shelter and secure
• Modern, clean sustainable energy services (including
cooking technologies)
• Transport technology to improve mobility
• Technologies for solid waste management

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
• Technologies for locally managed communications
New technologies:
• Enabling poor women and men to assess for
themselves the opportunities and threats to
sustainable development presented by modern New
• Identifying and testing potential opportunities for
poverty reduction afforded by the New
• Ensuring a pro-poor policy, regulatory and
institutional environment for New Technologies that
which the poor can themselves influence.
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation International Nepal Fellowship (INF)
2 Type of organisation INGO

3 Mailing Address Dil Bahadur Thapa, Administrator.

Pulchowk, Lalitpur
PO Box 1230, Kathmandu

4 Email ;

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 5526928 Tel: 5544483, 5521183

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Health services through hospital and clinics

Health education

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Hospital and rehabilitation services for people with

• Health and development programmes with
marginalised communities; medical camps;
• Assistance for organisations working for people with
• HIV/AIDS education, testing, counselling and care;
work among displaced people; and
• TB and leprosy clinics. Our TB and leprosy control
activities will be handed over to government
agencies by the end of 2005.
• We second personnel into government institutions
and other organisations to provide health services
• We encourage Nepali churches, and work among the
Nepali Diaspora

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation International Alert
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address J Clayton

Anam Marg, House # 18
Anamnagar, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax 4268471

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Working directly with people affected by violent

conflict in support of their efforts to improve their
prospects for peace
• Shaping international policy and practice that affect
peace building:
• Strengthening the expertise, impact and public
profile of the peace building sector

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Creating foundations for peace: the Friends for

Peace Resource Centre
• Developing business enterprise
• Rethinking aid

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Lutheran World Federation - LWF Nepal
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Marceline P. Rozario, Representative

Chundevi Marg, Maharajgunj
PO Box 3330, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4720225, Tel: 4720217, 4720152

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Advocacy and networking

• Relief and rehabilitation
• Development through empowerment

8 Geographical focus Western Nepal and Jhapa district in the east.

9 Existing Programmes • Nepal development programme

• Bhutanese refugees Project
• Refugee affected area rehabilitation programme
• Disaster preparedness
• Relief operations
• Advocacy and networking
• Organisation development

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation MS Nepal
2 Type of organisation Danish INGO

3 Mailing Address Mr. Sten Aage Andreasen, Country Director

Gyaneswore, PO Box 4010, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4433651 Tel: 4444311

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Development assistance,

• Youth exchange,
• Development education,
• Ethnic minorities work,
• Information and advocacy work.

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Danish volunteer support to partners NGOs

10 Types of Resources What MS can offer:

available • Partnerships for mutual learning and promotion of
international understanding, especially between
South-South and South-North
• Expert Danish Development Workers in the areas of
promotion of Civil Society, institutional management
• A Development Forum to exchange information and
experience on development issues
• Support for multi-level alliance building for the
promotion of Civil Society, addressing of issues of
basic human rights and issues
• Opportunity for inter-cultural learning
• Some professional and financial input to
complement and promote people-centered
sustainable development process

11 Other information

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation The Mountain Institute
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Brian Peniston, Director P.O.

Box 2785, Bhat Bhatini, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4410073, Tel: 4419356, 4414237

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Protect natural and cultural diversity

• Community based conservation
• Help community to manage their land and resources

8 Geographical focus North-Eastern Nepal

9 Existing Programmes • Langtang conservation and enterprise project

• Makalu Barun Conservation Programme

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation OXFAM GB
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Timothy J. Claydon, Country Representative

Jawalakhel, Lalitpur
PO Box 2500, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 5539171 / 5520586 / Fax: 5523197

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Gender equity and social inclusion

• Humanitarian Preparedness and response

8 Geographical focus Mid and far western, western and central development

9 Existing Programmes • Public Health and Basic livelihoods support

• Humanitarian Preparedness and Response (Natural
disasters and conflict induced distress)
• Social campaigns (global campaign against poverty,
south Asian campaign to reduce violence against
women, campaign against illegal arms)
• Critical issues support (research, documentation and
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information: Oxfam is supporting South Asia Regional Campaign to

reduce Violence against women (WE CAN). It is also
supporting Global campaign against Poverty (GCAP) and
Campaign against small arms (CASA).

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Panos South Asia
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Kishor Pradhan, Country representative

Sri Durbar role, Lalitpur
PO Box 13651, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 5544641, Tel: 5521889, 5531447

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Stimulation of informed public debate in South Asia

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Media pluralism

• Public health
• Conflict
• Environment

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Population Services International - PSI
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Steven W. Honeyman, Country Representative

Budhanilkantha, PO Box 21976, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4377471, Tel: 4377472, 4377473

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Social marketing of health products, services and

behaviour change communications messages for
greater health impact, in collaboration with the
private sector.

8 Geographical focus Urban, rural and hard to reach areas

9 Existing Programmes • Family planning

• Maternal Child Health
• Diarrhoeal Disease
• Malaria
• Nutrition

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Plan Nepal
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Minty Prabha Pande, Country Director

Shanta Bhawan, Lalitpur
PO Box 8980, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 5536431, Tel: 5535560, 5526152

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Building relationships, Livelihood, Growing up

healthy, Learning from experience

8 Geographical focus Mid western, Central and Eastern regions

9 Existing Programmes • Early Childhood Development

• Adult literacy
• Improvements in health care facilities
• Access to safe drinking water
• The prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS
• Child labour

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Planete Enfants Nepal
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Stephanie Selle, Country Director

Lazimpat, Pondole
House NO. 621
PO Box 8975, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4443685, Tel: 4410763

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Combating child trafficking

• Combating child labour
• Public awareness

8 Geographical focus 21 terai districts and Sindhupalchowk, Nuwakot,

Solokhumbu, Taplejung

9 Existing Programmes International program against human trade

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Save the Children Norway
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Valter Tinderholt, Resident Representative

Jawalakhel, Lalitpur
PO Box 3394, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 5538459, Tel: 5538204, 5538705

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Child rights

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Education for children

• Protection of children affected by conflict
• Protection of children from violence and sexual
• Protection of children affected by HIV-AIDS
• Social protection of children with disabilities
• Children's rights

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Save the Children US
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Tory Clawson, Countryt Director

PO Box 2218, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 4410375, 4412447, fax: 4412598

6 Website: www.

7 Sector Focus • Education,

• Health and
• Economic opportunities

8 Geographical focus Kailaili, Kanchnapur, Siraha, Dang, Bardiya, Jhapa,


9 Existing Programmes • Education and early childhood development

- Early childhood development
- Primary education
- Adolescent development
• Economic opportunities
- Micro-finance and small enterprise development
• Health population and nutrition
- Child and new born health, care and survival
- Reproductive health
- School health
• Children and conflict
• HIV AIDS prevention and mitigation
• Institutional development of NGOs (SANDEEP)
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Save the Children Japan
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Eiichi Sadamatsu, Resident Representative

PO Box 6935, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4438378, Tel: 4422875, 4421319

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • To increase access of children to quality primary and

basic education
• To reduce discrimination against Disadvantaged
Groups (DAG) and improve their access to basic
• To improve the nutritional status of children under 3
with the emphasis on caring practices
• To facilitate birth registration of all children in
working areas
• To strengthen the capacity of partner NGOs and SCJ
to realize the above mentioned objectives

8 Geographical focus Dhanusha, Mahottari, Saptari

9 Existing Programmes • Community Based Child Survival and Development

Project (Partner - AASMAN NEPAL)
• Community Based Child Survival and Development
Project (Partner - AASMAN NEPAL)
• Community Based Child Survival and Development
Project (Partner - Shreepurraj Community
Development Centre)
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Shapla Neer
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Yukiko Fujisaki, Country Representative

Kupondole, Lalitpur
PO Box 23884, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax 5011616 Tel:5011667

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Community development

• Child rights protection
• Gender equity
• Social Inclusion

8 Geographical focus • Okhaldhunga,

• Kathmandu,
• Lalitpur,
• Bardiya
• Kanchanpur

9 Existing Programmes • Community Development Program in Okhaldhunga

• Self-reliance of Urban Poor
• Alleviation of Difficulties of Working Children
• Support program for Street Children

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation SPW Nepal
2 Type of organisation International INGO

3 Mailing Address Ravindra Shakya, Country Director

Lazimpat, PO Box 4892, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4434645, Tel: 4435313, 4435107, 4411820

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Empowerment of rural young people and

communities to safeguard their health
• Enlists the participation of rural young people in
support of sustainable livelihoods

8 Geographical focus Rupandehi, Nawalparasi and Sunsari,

9 Existing Programmes • Health Education Programme (HEP)

• Community Resource Programme (CRP)
• Green club support programme
• Short term school/ community Projects

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Terre des Hommes
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Jawalakhel, Lalitpur

PO Box 2430, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 5532558, Tel: 5555348

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Assistance to abandoned or impoverished

children and their families.
• Children with physical disabilities,
• Malnutrition
• Child trafficking.

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes Provide training or education on child rights, Work

directly with children, Work in partnership with
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information: Areas of expertise: Child labour and working children,

Children and health, Children with disabilities, Children
working and living on the street, Sexual exploitation of

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation UMN
2 Type of organisation Jennie Collins
Executive Director

3 Mailing Address Thapathali, Lalitpur

PO Box 126

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4225559 / Tel: 4228118 / 4228060

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Addressing root causes of poverty

• Addressing injustice
• Disaster management
• Peace and conflict transformation

8 Geographical focus Largely outside the Kathmandu Valley, In the mid-hills,

Terai and urban areas. Works in 5 clusters: Dhading,
Mugu, Rukum, Rupandehi, Sunsari clusters.

9 Existing Programmes • Education

• Women and Children
• Food Security,
• Enterprise Development,
• Disaster Management,
• Peace, Conflict Transformation, Advocacy

10 Types of Resources From post cards to posters, calendars and videos, UMN's
available Marketing Team also publishes the Annual Report, the
staff magazine Sahayatri and the UMNews magazine.

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation VSO Nepal
2 Type of organisation Danny Pelletier
Program Director
Rachana Shrestha, Program Support Manager

3 Mailing Address Baluwatar

PO Box 207, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4414585, Tel: 4410606, 4413519

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus HIV, Education and organisational development of


8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation WaterAid
2 Type of organisation Sanjaya Adhikary
Country Representative

3 Mailing Address Shanta Bhawan

(Next to Plan Nepal)
PO Box 20214, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 5547420, tel: 5552764, 5552765, 5531502

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion

8 Geographical focus Nationwide

9 Existing Programmes • Rural water, sanitation and hygiene programmes

• Provided water, sanitation and hygiene promotion
• Partnership with local NGOs including Small Farmer
Development Groups and Red Cross branches

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Winrock International Nepal
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Winrock International, Nepal

1103/68 Devkota Sadak
P.O. Box 1312
Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email,

5 Tel/Fax Tel/Fax Tel: 977-01-4467087

Fax: 977-01-4476109

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Environment: Forestry, Energy & Ecosystem Services

• Enterprise & Agriculture
• Empowerment & Civic Engagement

Winrock is committed to building human capacity,

creating long-term relationships, managing effectively,
communicating openly, and promoting team work.
Winrock projects undertake research based policy
advocacy and awareness, capacity building and finance
facilitation, and promote equity and social inclusion.

8 Geographical focus All over Nepal; Nepal’s office also works regionally in
South and South East Asia for some programs

9 Existing Programmes • Agriculture

• Clean and Renewable Energy
• Forestry and Natural Resource Management
• Leadership Development
• Volunteer Technical Assistance

10 Types of Resources • Numerous and varied data regarding Winrock’s global

available anti-child labor efforts through the Community based
Innovations to Reduce Child Labor through Education
(CIRCLE) project.
• Publications: Over 3,244 publications available for
• Winrock’s main library houses 2,720 books,
newsletters, periodicals, thesis etc.
• 188 Winrock publications (books, manuals,
guidebooks, newsletters, annual reports) in Nepali
and in English are also available for purchase.
• Kathmandu Electric Vehicle Association (KEVA)
resource centre is also housed in Winrock premises
and contains 336 publications and periodicals for
• Winrock hosts the Women in Land Use Sector
(WPLUS) secretariat. Originally founded as a
professional network of women in the NRM sector,
Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
WPLUS has diversified as a forum for information
sharing and has established a tradition of providing
short trainings in a diverse spectrum of topics
relevant to professional women today. WPLUS also
brings out a bimonthly newsletter highlighting
interdisciplinary subjects within the larger framework
of NRM.
• Visit our websites for project specific information:, and
Winrock’s Community based Innovations to Reduce
Child Labor through Education project at
• Partner sites also offer information about our
projects: visit Kathmandu Electric Vehicle Alliance at, Non-timber Forest Product website
- Winrock’s Volunteer Technical Assistance (VTA)
mobilizes crucial information to farmers. Winrock
staff offer technical advisory services in various
sectors including clean energy financing and
hydropower development.
- Winrock has a strong capability to link smallholder
farmers to appropriate technologies and develop
systems then enable smallholders to access
national and international markets.

11 Other information: • Winrock implements over 30 projects in close

collaboration with local partners in Nepal and
regionally in South and South East Asia.
• For more information please contact: Mr. Bikash
Pandey, Country Representative, Winrock
International, Nepal.
• Specific sector focus:
• Agriculture - poverty alleviation and improving food
security and nutrition taking a business development
services (BDS) or value-chain approach. Contact for more details.
• Clean Energy - increased access of Nepal’s rural
population, including the poor, to clean energy
products and services by removing barriers to their
commercialization. Contact
for more details.
• Forestry and Natural Resource Management -
innovate, test, and implement successful models of
natural resource management that promote
sustainable use, and maximize socio-economic and
environmental benefits. Contact for more details.
• Leadership Development - mobilizing a generation of
self-confident youth to apply knowledge and take
responsibility to work together as agents of change to
overcome poverty, environmental degradation, food
insecurity, gender discrimination, inequality and
human rights abuses in their communities and
countries. Contact for
more details.
• Volunteer Technical Assistance – opening doors to
progress through volunteers who are skilled and
Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
experienced professionals by introducing new
information and technology, sharing firsthand
experiences, and exchanging ideas. Contact for more details.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation World Neighbours - South Asia Office
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Jagdish Ghimire, South Asia Representative

House No. 60, Shanti Marga, Koteshwor
PO Box 916, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax 5546688

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Srengthening of women’s groups to address the issues

of education, health, livelihood, reproductive health and
family planning

8 Geographical focus Dhading, Kavre, Ramechhap, Sindhupalchowk,

Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sarlahi and Sindhuli

9 Existing Programmes • Reproductive Health and Family Planning.

• Adult literacy and accounting skills for women.
• Drinking water and sustainable management of
water resources.
• Dry-land agricultural practices suited to drought-
prone conditions.
• Livestock health and quality improvement.
• Environmental protection.
• Agro-forestry for fodder and fuel.
• Sustainable Agriculture
• Soil and water conservation and small-scale
10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation World Vision International - WVI
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Nag Pokhari

PO Box 21969, Kathmandu

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4434620, Tel: 4434943, 4425516

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Child development

8 Geographical focus Lalitpur, Kathmandu. Bhaktapur, Kaski, Sunsari, Kailali,

Lamjung, Rupandehi,

9 Existing Programmes • Area development Programmes in above mentioned

• Sectoral Programmes (Drinking water and
• Micro enterprise development
• HIV AID, Day Drop-on Programmes
• Child Sponsorship
• Relief and disaster management
• Emergency response
• Conflict related rehabilitation Programmes

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation World Wildlife Fund - WWF
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Chandra P. Gurung, Country Representative

PO Box 7660, Kathmandu Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Fax: 4438458, Tel: 4430736, 4434820, 4434970

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Bio-diversity conservation

• Livelihoods

8 Geographical focus WWF works in 4 eco-regions:

• Eastern Himalayan Broadleaf and Conifer Forests,
• Terai,
• Eastern Himalayan Alpine Meadows, and
• Western Himalayan Temperate Forests

9 Existing Programmes • Endangered Species and Habitat Conservation in the

Terai Arc Landscape
• Restoring Wildlife Corridors
• Management Community of Non-Timber Forest
Products in Kanchenjunga
• Himalayan Glaciers and Rivers
• Western Terai Landscape Building Project
• Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Project
• Sagarmatha National Park and Buffer zone Phase II
• Lessons Learned and Guidelines under the
Ecosystems, Protected Areas and People (EPP)
• Sustainable Livelihoods through Conservation and
Stewardship in Kangchenjunga Conservation Area,
• Restoration of Biological Corridors in the Terai Arc

10 Types of Resources • Research reports

available • Publications

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation The Daywalka Foundation
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address P.O. Box 9799

Samakushi Ring Road
Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 01-4354467, 016212513

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Human Trafficking/Public Awareness/HIV/AIDS

8 Geographical focus South Asia

9 Existing Programmes • Skill trainings for at risk of trafficking/trafficking

• Legal advocacy
• Education
• Therapy/counselling
• Health/HIV Education Program
• Provide training/education on Women/children
• Research
• WCSRC-Women Children Security Resource Centre
• Scholarship Program

10 Types of Resources Prison research and book on traffic verdict


11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Nepal Family Health Program (NFHP)
2 Type of organisation Donor-funded, time-limited project

3 Mailing Address G.P.O. Box-1600, Kathmandu, Nepal

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 5524313, Fax: 977-1-5526608

6 Website: NA

7 Sector Focus • Strengthen family planning

• Management of childhood illness
• Maternal health
• Behaviour change communication
• Integrated logistics and training activity from
Community level to National level

8 Geographical focus • Have field staff in 21 districts spread across all five
development regions

9 Existing Programmes • Family Planning

• Maternal & Child Health
• Behaviour Change
• Training and Logistics Management

10 Types of Resources Nepal documents for the technical areas we are working
available in as well as key health sector documents (limited)

11 Other information: The current NFHP agreement comes to an end

December 2006, after which there may be a similar new

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation International Development Enterprises (IDE)
2 Type of organisation International NGO

3 Mailing Address Mr. Bob Nanes,

Country Director
IDE Nepal
Bakhundole, Lalitpur,
P.O. Box: 2674

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 01-5520 943, 5524 461, 5543 772, 5521 465
Fax: 01-5533953

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Poverty Reduction of smallholder farmers through

Income Generation by developing value chains in the
following sub sectors:
- Agriculture (vegetable, spices, coffee,
agriculture, fish farming),
- Livestock (goat, poultry, dairy marketing) and
- Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP).
• Development and promotion of Low cost appropriate
Technology for Smallholders:
- Micro Irrigation Technology (Drip/Treadle
Pumps/ Micro Sprinkler)
- Multiple Water Use System (MUS),
- Water storage (Modified Thai jar, Low cost soil-
cement tank)
- Water filtration (Safa filter)
- Post harvest processing (Ginger dryer, coffee
- Other technologies – Green house, hail storm
protection etc.
• Development and integration of rural farmers into
agricultural markets,
• Capacity Building of farmer groups and local NGO
• Value chain development,
• Empowering women and disadvantaged groups,
• Natural resource management/ sustainable

8 Geographical focus Nationwide covering terai, hills and mountain districts.

9 Existing Programmes IDE Nepal has more than 10 programs implementing

currently in 24 districts, with our partners, focusing
mainly on poverty reduction of smallholder farmers
through income generation, enabled by the introduction
of appropriate low cost water technologies and the
development of integrated agricultural markets.
Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
• Increasing income of 45,000 poor smallholder
families through sales of High Value Crops (HVC) –
vegetables in the Nepal Smallholder Irrigation
Market Initiative (Nepal SIMI) project;
• Strengthening business development services for
Nepalese Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) and
HVC – Spices with main focus on increasing income
of rural smallholder poors in the Business
Development Services- Marketing, Production and
Services (BDS MaPS) project;
• Building/ promoting peace through improved
income, support and local capacities for peace
among conflict-affected communities in western
Nepal in Ujyalo project;
• Tea and coffee sub sector development with focus
on linking poor smallholders to high value
international specialty market in the Tea and Coffee
Global Development Alliance (TC GDA) project;
• Creating, strengthening and federating farmers'
organization, linking these groups to markets and
financing mechanisms in the Poverty Reduction
through Organization of Farmers' self-help groups
(PROOF) project;
• Developing learning alliance for multiple water use
systems in the Multiple Water Use System (MUS)
• Developing and testing of training materials and
information for scaling up dissemination of micro
irrigation and associated water-control technologies
designed for small plot systems in the Challenge
Program for Water and Food (CPWF) project;
• Piloting new innovative technology and strategy for
strengthening PRISM model (Poverty Reduction
through irrigation and smallholder markets) –
ground water marketing, public private partnership
for rural market, access micro finance, staff capacity
building in implementing PRISM programs etc in
Dutch PRISM project,
• Promoting micro enterprises for women in the
Women Enterprise (WE) program.

10 Types of Resources

11 Other information: IDE Nepal has been working in Nepal since 1992. During
past 14 years, it has reached more than 150,000
farmers – helping farmers to generate additional
incomes. IDE's program in Nepal has also resulted in the
sales of Micro Irrigation Technology (MIT) of more than
25,000 drip systems in hills and 100,000 treadle pumps
in terai.

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation World Education Inc.
2 Type of organisation INGO

3 Mailing Address Ratopool, Kathmandu, P.O.B:937

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax 4-422385/4-415303

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Girls and Women's Education, Primary Education, Health

Education, Economic Empowerment, child labor, quality
education in formal schools, vocational education and
livelihoods; conflict mitigation

8 Geographical focus Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Siraha,

Rautahat, Bara, Parsa, Udaypur, Khotang, Bhojpur,
Sankhuwasabha, Makwanpur, Chitwan, Dhading,
Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Tanhaun, Kavre, Kaski,
Baglung, Parbat, Myagdi, Nawalparasi, Gulmi,
Arghakhanchi, Kapilbastu, Rupandehi, Dang, Banke,
Bardiya, Kailali, Kanchanpur, Surkhet, Rolpa, Salyan,
Achham, Sarlahi

9 Existing Programmes Brighter Future Program, Swasthya Chautaree

Resunga Mahila and Jiwan ra Jibika

10 Types of Resources Range of educational currilum and materials


11 Other information: We are the only INGO involved in NFE in Nepal since last
25 years

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
G. International NGO support Organisations

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Sahbhagi Sikshan Kendra (SSK)
2 Type of organisation NGO Support Organisation
3 Mailing Address Mr Ashok Singh, Director
Sahbhagi Road
Behind Police Fire station
Sitapur Road
Lucknow – 227208, UP, India
4 Email,

5 Tel/Fax 91-5212-298004/5/6; 2509187

91-5212-298003 (Fax)

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • NGO capacity building Training

• Gender mainstreaming
• Local Governance
• Research on NGO capacity building, governance

8 Geographical focus UP and Bihar, India. Also conducts training programme

for NGOs outside India on requests.

9 Existing Programmes Training Programmes for NGOs on:

• capacity building of CSOs
• Gender mainstreaming
• Local governance

10 Types of Resources 1. Conducts training on the following themes:

available • Accounts and financial management,
• Formation and management of SHGs,
• TOT on Participatory Training,
• TOT on Gender,
• Community Based Monitoring and Social Audit,
• Leadership development for Women
functionaries for CSOs,
• result based project management,
• Case study writing,
• report writing & Documentation,
• Process documentation,
• Group formation and management,
• NGO Management,
• PRA Based Local Level Decentralized Planning
• Self & Personality Development for Community
• Leadership Development For Trainers
• Programme Planning cum- Project Proposal
Writing Training
• Effective Communication Techniques
2. Conducts workshops on: Multi-stakeholder dialogue-
Importance and Procedures, & Media Management.
3. Certificate Course on Development intervention
11 Other information Resources could be tapped through
• Training
• Exposure visits
• Publications
Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation SAMARTHAN
2 Type of organisation NGO support organisation, Bhopal India

3 Mailing Address SAMARTHAN-Center For Development Support

36, Green Avenue Chuna Bhatti
Bhopal (M.P) 462016, India

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel:.91-755-2467625,2420918

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Participatory governance

• Participatory development

8 Geographical focus Madhya Pradesh,

Chhattishgarh, India

9 Existing Programmes • NGO capacity building

• Research
• Networking and advocacy
• Publications

10 Types of Resources Training opportunities:

available • Training of Trainer for participatory Training (TOT
Phase) Training on Leadership and Governance
• Training on process documentation-reporting and
• Training on Participatory planning and monitoring

11 Other information

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation INTRAC, Oxford, UK
2 Type of organisation NGO/CSO Support Organisation, Research/Policy
Institute, Training Centre

3 Mailing Address Dr Brian Pratt, Director

Oxbridge Court, Old Fruiterers Yard, Osney Mead,
Oxford, OX2 0ES, United Kingdom
Postal Address: INTRAC, P.O. Box 563, Oxford, OX2 6RZ,
United Kingdom

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: +44(0)1865 201851

Fax: +44(0)1865 201852

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • OD Consultancy

• Research
• OD Training
• Conferences
• Publications

8 Geographical focus North Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, West Africa,
Southern Africa, Western Europe, Eastern Europe,
Former Soviet Union, Central Asia, East/South-East Asia,
Latin America & Carribean, Middle East, China

9 Existing Programmes • Organisational capacity building

• Participatory development
• Strengthening civil society

10 Types of Resources • Training on OD, capacity building

available • OD newsletter
• Books and Publications on development

11 Other information: Action Research, Capacity Building of CSOs/CBOs, Civil

Society Strengthening, Conferences and Workshops,
Consultancy, Facilitation, Gender, Information
Dissemination, Institutional Strengthening, Leadership
Development, M&E and Impact Assessment, Networking
and alliance building, NGO Management support,
Organisational Development and Assessment,
Participatory Approaches, Publications, Research,
Strategic Planning, Training

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation Community development resource
organisation - CDRA
2 Type of organisation NGO support organisation

3 Mailing Address James Taylor, Director

Physical Address: 52/54 Francis Street, Woodstock,
Cape Town, South Africa

4 Email,

5 Tel/Fax Tel: 27 -21 462 3902

Fax: 27 -21 462 3918

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Supporting development practice

• Collaborative action research

8 Geographical focus South Africa

9 Existing Programmes • Training, consultancies, research, publications

10 Types of Resources • Training in developmental facilitation, Planning

available monitoring and evaluation
• Development courses
• Fellowship programme

11 Other information: • Resources could be accessed through

• Website information
• Books and publications
• Nuggets
• Training courses
• Annual report and research writings

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation PRIA New Delhi
2 Type of organisation Regional NGO resource organisation

3 Mailing Address Dr Rajesh Tandon

42, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi. India - 110062

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: +91-11 29956908, 29960931/32/33

Fax: +91-11 2995 5183

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus • Capacity building and institutional development

• Strengthening civil society
• Governance
• Policy influencing
• Gender equity

8 Geographical focus Regional and global level

9 Existing Programmes • Local Self Governance - Rural

• Local Self Governance - Urban
• Civil Society Building
• Gender Mainstreaming
• Practice Research Engagement
• Influencing Government Media Linkage

10 Types of Resources • Publications on governance, gender, capacity

available building and civil society development
• Online resources – journals and learning reports
• Training opportunities

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
1 Name of Organisation PRIP Trust Bangladesh
2 Type of organisation PRIP Trust is a leading capacity building organisation in
Bangladesh. It works to facilitate the growth of the
human and institutional potential of development actors
in civil society, government and the business sectors.

3 Mailing Address 59-A Satmasjid Road

Dhanmondi R/A

4 Email

5 Tel/Fax Tel: +880 2811 5953

6 Website:

7 Sector Focus Capacity building of civil society organisations

8 Geographical focus Working in Bangladesh

9 Existing Programmes • Organisation development

• Management systems development
• Training
• Research
• Information technology

10 Types of Resources PRIP has developed an NGO Management Training

available program aimed at meeting the learning needs of small
to medium-sized NGOs. This program has been
delivered to NGOs through strategic alliance with the
Association of Development Agencies of Bangladesh
(ADAB). PRIP’s training expertise is also harnessed to
support OD initiatives, with training of trainers
programs in participatory organizational assessment,
process facilitation and strategic planning.

11 Other information:

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
H. WEB resources

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US
# Agency Website
1 Praxis NGO resource directory

2 Directory of Development


3 Virtual Knowledge library –


4 Methods to strengthen

communities, Seattle
community Network (SCN)
5 Capacity.ORG

6 Distance consulting Web

Resources on OD

7 Discussion lists on OD by

Organisation Development
8 The resource Alliance

9 NGO Manager E-Library

10 Free Management Library

11 NGOs and their Programmes in


12 List of International NGOs

working in Nepal

Resource Directory
SANDEEP / Save the Children US

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