2014 Activities

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2014 Activities

Month January 23rd NC Triangle Social Social Speed Networking Lunch & Learn Leigh Brady from SECU Charity Social Lunch & Learn CUaware Mentor & Protg Programs Speaker Series NC Triad Social Social Speed Networking Lunch & Learn Charity Social Backpack Buddies Lunch & Learn CUaware Mentor & Protg Programs Speaker Series SC Upstate No Event SC Midlands No Event SC Low Country No Event SC Pee Dee No Event

February 20th

No Event

No Event

No Event

No Event

March Dates TBD

No Event

No Event

No Event

No Event

April 17 ?
(Good Friday is the 18th)


Charity Social Lunch & Learn CUaware Mentor & Protg Programs Speaker Series

Charity Social Lunch & Learn CUaware Mentor & Protg Programs Speaker Series

Charity Social Lunch & Learn CUaware Mentor & Protg Programs Speaker Series

Charity Social Lunch & Learn CUaware Mentor & Protg Programs Speaker Series

May Dates TBD

June Dates TBD July Dates will Vary August Dates TBD September 4-6 September 27th

Chapter Competitions for CUaware Protg Charity Events Leadership Conference in Pinehurst September 4-6 CUaware Protg Winner Selected Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend CUaware CUaware CUaware CUaware Social Social Social Social Downtown Downtown Downtown Downtown Tour Tour Tour Tour Speaker Panel (CEOs and CUEs) Speaker Panel (CEOs and CUEs) Speaker Panel (CEOs and CUEs) Speaker Panel (CEOs and CUEs)

Weekend CUaware Social Downtown Tour Speaker Panel (CEOs and CUEs)

Weekend CUaware Social Downtown Tour Speaker Panel (CEOs and CUEs)

October Dates TBD November December 18th

Planning No Events Charity Social for the Holidays Charity Social for the Holidays Charity Social for the Holidays Charity Social for the Holidays Charity Social for the Holidays Charity Social for the Holidays

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