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Assigned Date: 19th Nov 2013 Total Marks: 25 Time Required: 8 Hours BRIEF: Energy in various forms is obtained from a number of sources and converted into either Heat or Electrical energy for consumption by domestic and industrial customers. Currently, Pakistan is suffering from severe energy crises which has crippled its industries and threatens its economic survival in the long run. As engineers your opinions and views must be based on concrete evidence, for or against, any potential sources of energy that may offer short or long term solution to Pakistan's energy problems. You are required to Identify your group Identify your Topic Prepare for group discussion on 10th December Submission Date: 10th Dec 2013 Percentage Weight: 3% Lec Nabeel Younis

Topics Include GROUP A: GROUP B: GROUP C: GROUP D: GROUP E: GROUP F: GROUP G: Solar Energy Wind Energy Hydroelectric Power Gas Based Power Plant Furnace oil based Power Plant Nuclear Energy Bio Energy

Marks will be given based on Individual Performance Team Performance

(15 marks) (10 marks)

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