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Indira Kranthi Patham Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty

Progress Report for the Month of November, 2013

Executive Summary Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) is implementing Indira Kranthi Patham (IKP) in all the 22 rural districts of A.P. Building Strong/Sustainable Institutions of the Poor There are 1, 16, 42,765 members in 10, 58,071 SHGs exclusively for women. A total of 43,597 Village Organizations (VOs), 1098 Mandal Samakhyas (MSs) and 22 Zilla Samakhyas have come into existence in 22 districts. As on today, the total Savings and Corpus of SHG Members are Rs.4313.68 Crores and Rs. 5720.66 crores respectively. Financial Access During the financial year 2013-14, up to November, 2013 Rs.6254.41 crores of bank loans are given to 2,30,619 SHGs under Bank linkages programme. The Government of AP has announced an improved incentive scheme for the SHGs repaying installment promptly from the present Pavala Vaddi to 0% interest (Vaddi Leni Runalu) effective from 1.1.2012 and under VLR Rs.715.91 Lakhs were disbursed to 8,86,555 SHGs upto October,2013 during the current financial year. Under Sthree Nidhi, during 2013-14 up to end of November, 2013, Rs 516.65 Crores were disbursed to 2,96,060 members of 76,917 SHGs in 14,544 VOs in 960 mandals, thus the total amount disbursed upto end of November, 2013 is Rs 1263.41 Crores to 1, 94,573 SHGs. Sustainable Livelihoods

Land Inventory was taken up with the financial support of MGNREGS in 22,833 Revenue Villages of 956 mandals, to map the lands of SCs/STs and to facilitate the development. To reduce cost of Cultivation and increase net income through Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture is encouraged, which is free from pests, by the farmers. Up to end of November,2013, the CMSA activity is implemented in 14004 Villages by benefiting 23 lakh farmers in 38 lakh acres. Under Dairy initiative, up to November,2013 SHGs and their federations are operating 179 Bulk Milk Chilling Units covering 3272 village procurement centers with 65,679 milk producers. Under State milk mission 2,353 PPKs established upto end of November, 2013 since inception. In order to bring Value Addition to the Agril. Products under Collective Marketing initiative, our Community Based Organizations have procured a total of 36.12 lakh quintals of agricultural and non -Timber Forest Products worth Rs.463.67 crores during this year up to November, 2013. To train and place the rural youth, Employment Generation and Marketing Mission is established. Under this initiative, the incomes of rural poor are secured and enhanced by providing 5,99,874 Jobs for rural youth up to end of November, 2013. Social and Human development As a part of our gender initiative, 1101 Mandal Level Social Action Committees are formed and 655 community managed family counseling centers are being managed and 48,656 cases of violence and injustice to women were resolved. Under Early Child Education (ECE) presently 2200 centers are functioning with an enrollment of 36650 children. Under Health and Nutrition initiative 4,264 Nutrition cum Day Care Centers (NDCC) have been established, which reports 95% safe deliveries among the women enrolled in these centers. In view of girl child promotion under Bangaru Talli financial incentives on achieving certain milestones in the life of girl children born is being facilitated by registering 1,54,991 girls up to November,2013. Accessing Social Safety Nets and entitlements Dr. Y.S.R. Abhaya Hastham is a co-contributory pension cum insurance scheme, under which, 49.04 lakh SHG members enrolled and 5.23 lakh pensions distributed up to November, 2013. Under Aam Aadmi Bhima Yojana(AABY),38.00 lakhs landless agricultural laborers and 39.00 lakh of SHG women were covered under Jana ShreeBimaYojana (JBY). National Pension System-Lite SWAVALAMBAN Scheme SERP has enrolled 0.60 lakh SHG women and their family member under the scheme. Project Expenditure: The total expenditure of IKP excluding APSWREIS since inception up to November, 2013 is Rs.3136.41 crores.

Project Objectives The Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) was established by the Government of Andhra Pradesh as a sensitive support structure to facilitate the social mobilization of rural poor women in 22 rural districts in A.P. SERP is unique for its underlying feature of being a Government Institution working exclusively on the demand side by bringing in a new paradigm of development of poverty elimination through an empowerment process of the rural poor by building and nurturing self-helpgroups (SHGs) of women and their federations. SERP works on a comprehensive multi-dimensional poverty alleviation strategy by focusing on Building Strong / Sustainable Institutions of the Poor and their federations i.e. Village Organizations (VOs), Mandala Samakhyas and Zilla Samakhyas Leveraging resources through commercial banks, (Financial Access) Sustainable and diversified Livelihoods, Social and Human Development and Accessing Social Safety Nets and Entitlements.

I. Building Strong / Sustainable Institutions of the Poor Operating on the fundamental premise that empowerment and participation are the crux of development, SERP works through CBOs- building the institutions, strengthening their capacity and making thrift and credit work together. Once this is established, the livelihoods programs which span all sectors from agriculture to service sector jobs and entrepreneurship work to ensure that the standard of living of the poor goes up. The human development programs such as health, education and social security ensure that the next generation is adequately equipped to come out of poverty. At present there are 1, 16,42,765 SHG members in 10,54,647 SHGs organized into 41,812 Village Organizations (VOs) and 1098 Mandal Samakhyas (MSs). In addition to above (MSs), there are 936 Mandal Vikalangula Sangams, 12 ZillaVikalangula Samakhyas, 17 Chenchu Mandal Samakhyas, 7 Fishermen Mandal Samakhyas and 20 Yanadi Mandal Samakhyas in the State. Total savings & corpus of SHG members by the end of November, 2013 is Rs.4313.68 crores and Rs.5720.66 crores respectively. Social capital created during the project period up to November, 2013 is 1,73,841. II. Financial Access To encourage the poor including disadvantaged groups and communities to access the credit facility services seamlessly Community Investment Fund(CIF) from project side, and linkages from bank side are provided to the poor women SHG members to improve their Livelihoods.CIF supports the poor in prioritizing livelihood needs by investments in sub-projects proposed and implemented by the Community Based Organizations(CBOs).The cumulative CIF expenditure up to March,2012is Rs.1088.07Crores and the total numbers of beneficiaries 30,76,112.The SHG Bank Linkage is a great success story in A.P. The year wise progress from 2004-05 to March 2012-13 are shown in Table - I. Table I SHG Bank Linkages
Year Coverage of Groups Amount of Loan(Rs. Crores) No. of Branches Per Group Finance (Rs.) Groups Per Branch

2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

2,61,254 2,88,711 3,66,489 4,31,515 4,83,601 4,13,625 3,89,444 3,52,485 4,54,561

1017.7 2001.4 3063.87 5882.79 6684.07 6501.35 7092.71 8084.16 11,175.89

3,853 3,853 3,950 4,000 4,150 4,274 4,286 4,324 4,915

38,954 69,322 83,601 1,36,329 1,37,498 1,57,180 1,82,123 2,29,347 2,75,861

68 75 93 108 118 97 91 82 92

In the current financial year, SERP has facilitated Rs. 6254.41 crores of Bank Loans to 2,30,619 SHGs up to end of November, 2013.

To reduce the financial burden on the self-help groups, the Government of AP has announced an improved incentive scheme for the SHGs repaying installment promptly from the present Pavala Vaddi to 0% interest (Vaddi Leni Runalu) with effective from 1.1.2012. All SHGs who have taken bank loans are eligible for Vaddi Leni Runalu, whose borrowings not exceeding Rs.5.00 lakhs. Under this scheme during 2013-14 an amount of Rs. 715.91 crores are disbursed to 8,86,555 SHGs up to October, 2013. 1098 Mandal Mahila Samakhyas (MMS) of SHGs in association with Government of Andhra Pradesh have promoted STHREE NIDHI Credit Cooperative Federation Ltd to address the issues of inadequate finance and to ensure timely availability of credit, preferably within 48 hours, for meeting emergent and other needs of the poorest of the poor. During this fiscal up to the end of November,2013 Rs.516.65 Crores were disbursed 2,96,060 members of 76,917 SHGs in 14,544 VOs in 960 mandals, thus the total amount disbursed upto end of November,2013 is Rs 1263.41 Crores to 1,94,573 SHGs.

III. Livelihoods Value Chain:

To provide the Sustainable Livelihoods to the poorest of the poor, SERP has made livelihood based interventions through Land access to the poor, Sustainable Agriculture, Dairy, Non-farm Livelihoods, and Jobs for Rural Youth. Land represents a fundamental asset to the rural families. It is a primary source of income, security and status. Land access to the poor is designed with the aim of enabling and supporting the poor in getting enhanced access to land in convergence with revenue department. It facilitates the poor to have control over their lands in terms of having secured title, handling their lands locked in courts/disputes. About 16.02 lakh cases related to land disputes of poor were resolved and created the accessibility of 8.45 lakh Acres to the SHG members. Land Inventory was taken with the financial support of MGNREGS in 22,833 Revenue Villages of 956 Mandals in the State. The objective was to map the lands of the SCs/STs and to facilitate them to have secured title and possession and also to facilitate the land development under MGNREGS and other programmes with increase in incomes by accessing sustainable agriculture programmes like CMSA/RFSA etc. Out of 30,70,700 households identified, 17,93,591HHs are having land and remaining 12,77,109 HHs (42%) are landless. A total of 30,63,952 issues covering 23,16,269 acres of land have been identified. Entire data collected from Land Inventory has been made available in the web. Also, we have positioned Mandal land team (a Paralegal or a Community Surveyor) in 737 mandals across the State. Resolution of land issues identified through SC/ST land inventory conducted by IKP was one of the agenda items in Revenue Sadassulu conducted by GoAP during January February 2012. Out of 14.46 lakh capturing land issues in the land working mandals, 11.25 Lakh of the issues were already resolved.. During recent Revenue Sadassulu-2 conducted by GoAP in March-April, 2013, 3.71 lakh pending issues were resolved. Refresher training to all Mandal Level team (Paralegals / Community Surveyors) was completed. Refresher training to Paralegals/Community Surveyors/LCs working in tribal area was also conducted on specific laws pertaining to tribal area and also the SPMU team conducted training programme for Zilla Samakhyas Land Subcommittee members on land matters.

Unnathi Nirupedala Samagrabhivruddhi strategy is to enable every poorest of poor family in the state comes out of poverty with increased and sustainable livelihood opportunities established with the aid of an intensive handholding support. The two expected key outcomes from this programme are that the all target households earn a minimum of Rs. 1.00 lakh income per annum from multiple livelihood sources over a period of 3 years and significant improvement in human development indicators. The major thrust areas will be ensuring entitlements and supporting the livelihoods for selected PoP families. In phase-1, it is being implemented in 339 mandals, 3163 GPs across 22 districts covering 6.67 lakh PoP households (only SC & ST community). 88,335 PoP families were identified based on their assetlessness and the vulnerable conditions from these villages and their livelihoods were supported through PoP fund, Land lease and Sthreenidhi Special Livelihoods to the tune of Rs.106.77 crores since May, 2011 till date. In addition, entitlements like 45,571 ration cards, 96,444 MGNREGA Job cards and 83,064 social security pensions were ensured for the eligible PoP families /members. Also 88,074 eligible but left over women members were brought under SHG coverage with the formation of 7,630 SHGs. In Phase-2, the Unnathi programme is expanded to 282 mandals, 2022 gram panchayats covering 3,013 VOs having 3.37 lakh SC/ST families including the villages covered under IWMP-PoP tie up, thus Unnathi program is taken up in 621 mandals, 5,185 GPs and 8,120 VOs by covering 10.05 lakh HHs. Updation of baseline details in 1st phase villages was completed and baseline details of 3.38 lakh HHs in Phase-2, are captured in web. An amount of Rs.76.86 crores IWMP fund was released to IWMP villages to ground livelihoods for bottom 29,825 households and the grounding process is going on. So far, 29,418 HLPs were captured in web and 23,464 (79%) livelihood activities were grounded. GoAP has also allocated an amount of Rs.164.25 crores under SCSP/TSP during 2013-14 to SERP for providing livelihoods to 64,000 families under Unnathi program. SERP was directed by the Government to collect the baseline details of about 32 lakh balance SC and ST families in rural areas. Collection of baseline details has completed in all the remaining VOs and mandals as part of phase 3 and capturing the details in web has almost completed. Apart from baseline collection for SC and ST families, baseline details of 2.17 lakh bottom poor families from all the communities, were collected and computerized @ 5 per each VO. Habitation details on basic facilities available are also being collected for all the SC and ST colonies and 97% SC/ST colonies details have been uploaded so far in Unnathi web. As the baseline details got importance from government, all the staff about 8200, from Cluster Coordinator to CEO were allotted 20-30 families in 2-3 Village Organizations each for scrutiny of the baseline details including habitation details collected by VOAs. To reduce cost of cultivation and increase net income, Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture (CMSA)is encouraged, which reduces input costs by making available organic fertilizers & pesticides made from locally available material. CMSA is now supported by Ministry of Rural Development, GOI under Mahila Kisan Saskthikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) with Rs.251 Crores. It is proposed by implement the CMSA activities in 14004 Villages by benefiting 21 lakhs farmers in 40 lakh acres. Current financial year up to end of November, 2013 CMSA activities are implemented in 684 mandals,14,004 Villages in 38.00 Lakhs Acres by benefiting 23.00 lakhs farmers. The Flagship programmes identified under CMSA during 2010-11 are POP Strategy, 36 X 36 models and SRI Paddy. With CMSA practices, the savings varied from Rs.1,000 in case of Paddy to Rs.16,000/- in case of Chilies by which additional incomes to farmers ranges from Rs.5,000 to Rs.10,000 per Acre. POP strategy facilitates the land lease to the landless laborers and promotes CMSA practices in these lands. SRI system of paddy is cultivated in 0.25 Acre and 36 X 36 model or 7 tire model or poly crops in the remaining 0.25 Acres to earn a net income of Rs.50,000/- . 14,899PoP families will adopt this strategy. Apart from this, more than 1 lakh 36*36 models have been grounded benefitting 1 lakh families with household nutritional ecurity. The main objective of this strategy is to convert Net wage seekers to Food producers.

Livestock and Poultry Development: Initiative of Dairy Development started with ensuring remunerative price to milk through CBOs managing Bulk Milk Cooling Units and Village milk procurement centers in two mandals (Yellareddy of Nizamabad and Addakal of Mahaboobnagar) in two districts during 2006-07. At present CBOs managing BMCUs are 179, and procuring milk from more than 65679 pourers of 3272 Village Milk procurement centers. During the FY 2012-13 the IKP managed BMCUs have procured 1340.42 lakh liters of milk. The milk procured during the month of November , 2013 is 81.31 Lakh Liters. The process of ensuring Minimum Support Price to milk has now gained momentum and the focus of LPD unit has changed to strengthening backward linkages to dairying. To enhance the production and productivity of milk it is decided to strengthen certain activities like perennial Green Fodder Production by establishing APBN Fodder nurseries in 189 mandals, supply of quality concentrate feed, proper breeding services and animal health access. The grounding of Milch animals and small ruminants is in progress in PoP mandals with due stress on the family incomes of SC and ST members. With an intension to almost double the Milk Production by 2014-15, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has launched State Milk Mission. The scheme envisages the rearing of Milch Animals in group mode i.e. Mini Dairy model which is called Pala Pragathi Kendram (PPK). Each eligible SHG /DJLG group will be facilitated to take up community dairy farming with 8 milch animals housed under single shelter. They will grow Perennial fodder in 1.25 Acres land nearer to the cattle shed and milking will be done with the help of Hand operated milking machine. The fodder will be conserved by using power operated chaff cutter. The SHG members can engage the services of one or two persons in the village or they can themselves entrust the work to one or two members and all others can involve in their own works. During the year 2012-13 2149 PPKs were grounded in 2013-14 (up to November, 2013), 115 ppks were established by benefitting 552 SHG women in the State, thus totaling to 2,353 PPKs by benefitting 14,230. The PoP families in (8) districts are being supplied dual purpose Rajasri birds @ 10 per family to encourage backyard poultry in order to improve the nutritional status and family income . At present the Rajasri chicks are being supplied to NDCCs to reduce the food cost provided at NDCCs. The Community Marketing: Strategy of the project is to enable the small, marginal farmers and NTFP collectors to obtain the best price for their agricultural commodities and forest produce. The marketing interventions through IKP VOs is being promoted mainly to eliminate unfair trade practices, to increase the bargaining power of small and marginal farmers in rural areas and also to generate employment/income to the VOs. The VOs have successfully implemented village level collective marketing of Paddy, Maize, Neem, Red gram, Cashew, and NTFP besides Agricultural Inputs etc. The marketing interventions of IKP have registered a significant increase in this financial year with pick up in paddy procurement activity. Details of the marketing intervention of last seven years and current year are furnished in Table II.
Table-II Marketing Interventions by VOs in AP
Year No. of No. of VOs MMS Involved Involved 533 783 1042 2065 872 1704 842 839 955 851 477 1449 1341 2051 1930 1042 No. of No. of Volume (Lakh Turnover VO Commission Families Commodities Quitals) (Rs. Crores) (Rs. in Crores) Covered Handled 165661 81 22.05 136.16 1.22 232151 79 47.79 323.32 3.81 282930 65 59.30 492.16 12.30 284718 146583 482779 391675 143952 67 65 23 3 3 65.82 42.00 241.56 135.58 36.12 613.72 425.87 2543.35 1592.14 463.67 15.34 10.33 61.89 39.76 11.59

2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 (Up to Nov, 2013)

Various marketing initiatives are taken up by SERP among them Paddy procurement is predominant in many districts. In the current financial year up to end of November, 2013, the VOs have procured a total of 36.12 lakh quintals of agriculture produce worth Rs.463.67 Crores. Employment Generation & Marketing Mission (EGMM) was set up to address the needs of the next generation of the large network of SHGs created and nurtured by IKP. It aims at to create employment/ employability for the rural/ tribal underprivileged youth. It works in a publicprivate partnership mode to identify, train and place youth in entry level corporate jobs in hospitality, retail, sales, tourism, banking, rural BPOs, manufacturing, textiles and construction sectors. Total number of jobs created up to 2012-13 is 5,42,071. The government of Andhra Pradesh has done an extensive employment survey in the rural areas across the state. It was planned to develop the database of the rural employed youth for assessing the training needs, work interests and thereby provide employment/ employability for the rural youth. During the current financial year up to end of November,2013, 57,803 placements were shown thus totaling to 5,99,874 since inception. IV. Human Development Value Chain: Under Social and Human Development (Addressing Millennium Goals), Social action for gender equity, recognizing the people with disabilities, among the poorest of the poor, Health & Nutrition intervention, quality education through community participation as inter- generational poverty alleviation strategy were covered. The Gender strategy envisages that the poor women are able to access and control over assets, incomes, all services available at village and individual level. Gender programme helps preventing discrimination against girl child, tackling domestic violence helps women to increase their understanding of intra family equity issues, decision making levels, free mobility and necessity of building a safe environment. Under this component, 1,101 Mandal Level Social Action Committees are formed with the membership of 11,010 members. Community Managed Family Counseling Centers run by SHG women are 655. Number of Village Organization Social Action Committees are formed up to November, 2013 are 13,948 with a membership of 1,39,480. Women are actively mobilized into V.O. Social Action Committees (VOSACs) in the villages to work on social agenda and gender discrimination cases. Number of cases dealt with by these committees and family counseling centers together are 60,174 and number of cases resolved is 48656 up to November,2013. SERP is playing an important role to prevent infanticide by organizing women into Self Help Groups.

Inclusive Development for Persons with Disabilities:

Inclusive development of people with disabilities (PWDs) is one the critical components of SERPs interventions, focusing on enhancing livelihood, functioning, and community-integration of PWDs and their families. The disability interventions of IKP have enabled more than 4.3 Lakh persons with disabilities in the rural areas to be organized and develop their own CBOs. Intensive activities are being carried out in 936 mandals. 439219 Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) are organized into 51927 exclusive SHGs and also formed 965 MVS and 18 Zilla Samakhyas in the State. PwDs are given an assistance of Rs.72.43 crores through Bank Loans for enhancing their Livelihood. Further, Provision of Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation services were made through community managed interventions through 102 neighborhood centers. 311 Surgical Corrections were carried out and 411 PwDs were issued assistive devices at no cost to them in the programme mandals. Through Software for Assessment of Disability for Access Rehabilitation and Empowerment (SADAREM) all the Persons with Disabilities shall be assessed a fresh recording percentage of disability and all the existing Disability Certificates shall

be replaced by reassessing the persons with disabilities by concerned Dist. Medical Boards. So far 14.16 Lakhs PwDs are assessed against the target 15.7 lakhs. Under Janasree Bheema Yojana (JBY) 1.7 lakh PwDs are covered. Centre for Person with Disability Livelihoods (CPDL) provided 368 placements in the Public Sector as against 453 trained PwD youth. The major goal of the HEALTH & NUTRITION strategy under the APRPRP operates in a convergent mode with the line departments by looking at gaps in the existing public health & nutrition services that are provided by the line departments. It is being implemented in 296 pilot mandals covering 6336 Village organizations of the state. The extensive health & nutrition strategies being adopted across 304 mandals include fixed schedule for regular capacity building of stake holders at mandal and district levels, institutionalization of the fixed Nutrition and Health Days (NH days) in convergence with line departments and regular health savings by 3.59 lakhs members in 47752 SHGs to an amount of Rs.7.71 crores as safety nets for health emergencies. The intensive health and nutrition strategies focus on intensive health CRP strategy. 600 best practitioners from the pilot mandals are working as health CRPs. Since January 2007, the health CRPs strategy is implemented in 4264 Nutrition cum day care centers. The impact of prenatal and neonatal outcomes among the members attended Nutrition cum day care centers shows 95% safe deliveries, No low birth weight baby born. No maternal, infant & neonatal deaths happened in 47432 deliveries occurred among the members enrolled at 4264 nutrition centers Bangaru Talli The Government, with a view to facilitating faster socio economic growth of the girl children and to further empower the women, have enacted Andhra Pradesh Bangaru Talli Girl Child Promotion and Empowerment Act, 2013 providing therewith financial incentives on achieving certain milestones in the life of girl children born in the State on or after 1st May 2013 till they attain their 21st Year. The total number of beneficiaries registered in Bangaru Talli central registry as on 19.12.2013 is 154991 (Rural areas 135588 and in urban areas 19383). Out of these beneficiaries incentives were released for 80778 beneficiaries @ Rs.2500/- since inception amounting to Rs. 20.19 Crs. Community Managed Education Services (CMES) Under CMES during the month of November,2013 1000 Early Childhood Education Centers (Balabadi) under SCSP were opened which brings the total Balabadis centers to 2200 covering 95 bottom most mandals in 15 districts, out of which 956 centers are in Tribal habitations and remaining 1244 in SC and fisherman habitations. Uniforms have been distributed to all balabadi children. To provide supplementary nutritious food to all Balabadi Children distribution of snacks have been introduced. Foundation training for newly recruited teachers under SCSP has been in progress in all districts around 500 centres started functioned Under SCSP A pilot project proposed by community in Mahabubnagar district to address and manage the educational needs of 56750 adolescent girls who have been out of school. The pilot is proposed to execute covering 7 mandals of Achampet and Gadwal clusters. Under this pilot, total 35 Village Organisations were identified initially to execute the project and 5 volunteers from each VO were identified and trained to conduct survey of out of school children focusing on girlchild. The survey is completed in all 35 VOs and further necessary steps like establishing of NRSTC and RSTCs are under process. Accordingly in Mahabubnagar district in order to motivate adolescent girls to back them to schools, a training programme is organised in convergence with ICDS in all Mandals of Mahabubnagar to provide training to motivate around 50,000 adolescent girls.

V. Accessing Social Safety Nets and Entitlements

Social Security To cover the SHG members access to Social Safety nets and entitlements were designed through Dr. YSR Abhayahastham, AABY and Social Security Pensions. The Government of Andhra Pradesh have introduced pension scheme for the SHG women to provide income security in their old age and Social Security to all women, SHG members to enable them to lead secure life with dignity in old age. This Scheme is visualized for the SHG women over and above group 18 in rural and urban are as to provide social security in their old age. This scheme envisages contribution of Rs. 1 per day into her pension account. The contribution and the member the co-contribution of the Government are periodically transferred to LIC of India for investing diligently for securing better returns on the investment. The corpus thus generated till the age of 60 years will be used for giving minimum monthly pension of Rs.500/- and maximum of Rs. 2200/- per month. It also covers insurance to the women who are enrolled under the scheme, in addition to the monthly pension between the age group 18 to 59 years under JBY Scheme. 49.04 lakhs SHG members are enrolled into Dr. YSR Abhaya Hastham scheme and an amount of Rs. 309.67 Crs for the year 2009-10 Rs. 152.00 Crs for the year2010-11, Rs.150 Crs for the year 2011-12 and Rs. 140 Crs for the year 2012-13 has been transferred to LIC of India towards members contribution. Further 143 Crs for 2009-10, Rs.69.53 Crs for 2010-11, Rs.135.54 Crs for 2011-12, and Rs.219.44 Crs for 2012-13 (Policy year) was paid to LIC towards Government Cocontribution. 5.23 lakh members were sanctioned pension under the scheme and receiving monthly pension amount of Rs.500 per month. Under Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana 38 lakh landless agricultural laborer are provided insurance cover the Zilla Samakhyas have verified the policy data and the claim settlement of the claims has commenced. In National Pension System-Lite SWAVALAMBANA Scheme, SERP has enrolled 0.60 lakh SHG women and their family member under the scheme.
Social Security Pensions are being distributed through MPDOs and banks (through smart cards) to Old age persons, Weavers, Widows, Toddy Tappers and Disabled Persons. During 2013-14, (up to 1st Nov, 2013) Rs.1233.72 crores were distributed to 61.22 lakh pensioners.

VI. Project Expenditure The total expenditure of IKP including APDPIP and APRPRP up to end of Nov, 2013 is Rs.3136.41
crores. Year wise Expenditure of the project from 2003-04 to till Nov, 2013 are given in Table III. Table III Component-wise Expenditure of IKP (Rs. Crores)
Component Year Up to 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 (up to Nov,,2013) Institutional and Human Capacity Building 090.77 77.49 84.11 125.85 91.13 102.51 142.17 159.72 139.24 Community Investment Fund 232.84 221.35 165.93 135.68 50.84 79.7 28.16 52.38 129.02 Project Management 38.32 22.61 22.44 23.81 21.15 26.99 31.45 35.43 70.14 SPP SPD Aajeevika SERP Total

0.02 0.11 0.15 0.04 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 -

0.41 0.9 3.33 6.19 4.41 2.33 3.62 0 0 -

133.37 337.47 242.75

362.36 322.46 275.96 291.57 167.6 211.53 205.41 247.53 471.77 337.47 242.75









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