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Answer Lhe quesuon on Lhe half-sllp of paper
ln 2 or more compleLe senLences.

?ou may use your copy of 1he Lesson" Lo
help [og your memory.
WhaL lesson(s) does Mlss Moore Leach?

WhaL lesson(s) does Sylvla learn?
8CM1: Sylvla's ambluon ls Lo dlrecL her own surroundlngs
!"#$!%&!' "WaLcha brlng us here for, Mlss Moore?" "?ou sound
angry, Sylvla. Are you mad abouL someLhlng?" Clvln me one of
Lhem grlns llke she Lellln a grown-up [oke LhaL never Lurns ouL Lo
be funny. And she's lookln very closely aL me llke maybe she
plannln Lo do my porLralL from memory l'm mad, buL l won'L
glve her LhaL sausfacuon. So l slouch around Lhe sLore beln very
bored and say, "LeL's go."

)*+*),+*-!$ !"#$!%&!' Sylvla refuses Lo feel Lhe way Mlss
Moore ls dlrecung her Lo feel.

* -!%.!%&!' 1he facL LhaL Sylvla had refused Lo show Mlss
Moore her anger shows LhaL she doesn'L wanL Lo show any
emouon or glve Lhe woman any sausfacuon ln seelng her belng
!"#$!%&!' "WaLcha brlng us here for, Mlss Moore?" "?ou sound angry,
Sylvla. Are you mad abouL someLhlng?" Clvln me one of Lhem grlns llke she
Lellln a grown-up [oke LhaL never Lurns ouL Lo be funny. And she's lookln very
closely aL me llke maybe she plannln Lo do my porLralL from memory l'm
mad, buL l won'L glve her LhaL sausfacuon. So l slouch around Lhe sLore beln
very bored and say, "LeL's go."
)*+*),+*-!$ !"#$!%&!' Sylvla refuses Lo feel Lhe way Mlss Moore ls
dlrecung her Lo feel.
* -!%.!%&!' 1he facL LhaL Sylvla had refused Lo show Mlss Moore her anger
shows LhaL she doesn'L wanL Lo show any emouon or glve Lhe woman any
sausfacuon ln seelng her belng angry.
8CM1: Sylvla's ambluon ls Lo dlrecL her own surroundlngs
aragraph 1emplaLe CuLllne

/0123 24534564: Sylvla's ambluon ls [Loplc] as seen
Lhrough [L1] and [L2].

!789:;4: Sylvla's ambluon ls Lo dlrecL her own
surroundlngs as seen Lhrough her frusLrauon aL
ellclung expecLed responses and her refusal Lo
spend money on whaL her frlends deem

<*= -4534564: .>4 ?863 3>83 [paraphrase your
evldence] 2>@A2 [paraphrase your Loplc

!789:;4' .>4 ?863 3>83 Sylvla says AunL CreLchen
was "screwed lnLo Lhe go along" 2>@A2 Sylvla
LhoughL her AunL CreLchen was manlpulaLed.

aragraph 1emplaLe CuLllne
B -4534564: [prove how your evldence shows your Loplc

CAuSL Anu LllLC1 CLuL: .4;; 3>4 142C;3 @? D@C1 4E0F4564G
B468C24 Sylvla would raLher people dlrecL Lhelr own
surroundlngs, she cannoL volce posluve oplnlons abouL
her AunL CreLchen who was forced Lo waLch her.

CCn18AS1 CLuL: &;810?D D@C1 4E0F4564 HD 2>@A05I
*;3>@CI> AunL CreLchen dld a klnd Lhlng waLchlng Sylvla
when her parenLs weren'L around, Sylvla dld noL
appreclaLe lL because she only values people who dlrecL
Lhelr own aalrs.
aragraph 1emplaLe CuLllne
& -4534564' [SLaLe an eecL of whaL you wroLe ln Lhe 2

&8C24 J !K463' B468C24 Sylvla haLes belng manlpulaLed she uses
negauve words llke screwed" Lo descrlbe her AunL CreLchen's
sympaLhy for her and her slbllngs. *2 8 142C;3 AunL CreLchen noL only ls
dolng someLhlng she would raLher noL, buL Lhe people she's dolng lL for
dlsrespecL her. Sylvla's reallzauon of Lhls facL solldles her own
ambluon Lo dlrecL her own surroundlngs.

&@531823' L>0;4 Sylvla doesn'L admlre her parenLs for golng Lo a la-dee-
da aparLmenL parLy, her language makes her sound more dlsparaglng of
her AunL CreLchen who goL saddled" waLchlng her nleces and
nephews. Sylvla seems Lo haLe Lhe facL someone made her AunL do
someLhlng she dldn'L wanL Lo do whlch brlngs us back Lo her ambluon:
Lo dlrecL her own surroundlngs.
aragraph 1emplaLe CuLllne
aragraph 1emplaLe
1. When you've nlshed and submlued
!"#$%&'(")$%*, open '1he Lesson' 2 aragraph
1emplaLe AsslgnmenL" on Ldmodo
2. CompleLe Lhe senLences as modeled ln Lhe
LemplaLe. Check your work Lo make sure Lhe
senLences ow LogeLher. LdlL for grammar and
3. ?ou wlll recelve ?/10 polnLs for worklng
producuvely Lhls perlod.

1he Lesson" 2 aragraph AsslgnmenL
!"#$%&'(")$%* ls due 1hursday by 11:39pm

+#"#*"#,- /0),1#'0 ls due lrlday by 11:39pm

vCCA8 CulZ 1CMC88CW!! SLudy unlL 7 arL ll

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