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Dragonfire Mountain

Play Testers Guide for v0.1

So, you fancy yourself a play tester?

Excellent! In this zip file, you'll find all the PDFs you will need to get started and testing the game.
What do you need?

Print all the PDFs contained in the initial zip file. If you don't want to print them, you'll need a note oo! computer to ha"e them handy. Printing may e a etter solution, especially for play testing, since you can dole out the sheets to multiple players so they can do the loo! ups. #he final game will ha"e cards, not dice roll lists. Printable Checklist $% &ame 'anual (% )d"enture *ard +ist ,- #otal . /lac!, /lue, &reen, 0ed, 1hite, and *onfrontation% 2% E3uipment *ard +ist 4% 5pell *ard +ist 6% 7uter 0egion /oards ,$( #otal . *ut excess paper from the hexagon% -% Inner 0egion /oard ,$ #otal . *ut excess paper from the hexagon% 8% *haracter *ards ,Print and cut up% 9% 5pecial :exes ,Print and cut up% Other Items Checklist $% -;sided die ,at least one, more would e etter% (% $<;sided die ,at least one, two preferred . Play test only% 2% *haracter to!ens ,one for each player% 4% /ody, 'ind, 5oul, +ife, and &old to!ens ,you may opt to !eep these on your scratch sheet% 6% 5cratch sheet for e3uipment, spells, and other notes.

Please send your feed ac! to 7therwise, the game won't impro"e. 5wing y the forum , and lea"e notes, comments, and suggestions. If all else fails, you can also email me= rian>

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