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Obesity is a serious problem affecting the United States of America and the Caribbean.

It is steadily increasing and is a serious health issue. Some health risks are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol levels, cancer, infertility, ulcers, gallstones and breathing problems. This report shows the data collected by National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) of adults over the age of twenty from 2009 - 2010. It illustrates the prevalence of obesity in adults by sex and ethnicity. Figure one shows an estimated percentage of adults with Body Mass Indexes (BMI) in specific ranges. The graph shows that 31.2 % of adults have a BMI of 24.9 or lower, and thus, are considered to be normal weight or underweight. There are 33.1 % that are considered to be overweight since their BMI is from 25 to 29.9. People that have a BMI of 30 or over are considered to be obese, which is 35.7 %. Extreme obesity lies with those who have a BMI of 40 or higher, amounting to 6.3 %.Therefore it can be deduced that 75.1 % of the population has a BMI of over 24.9 whilst 31.2 % of the population is considered to fall below the overweight threshold. As a result of these values it can be stated that the majority of the population suffers from obesity. Figure two shows the population of men and women in three categories; overweight people, obese people and extremely obese people. The percentage of women found to be overweight was 64 % while 74 % of men are overweight. There are an equal amount of men and women that are obese, 36 %. 4 % of men are extremely obese while there are 8 % of women that are extremely obese; double that of their male counterparts. From this figure it can be calculated that 40% of males have a BMI over thirty, whilst 44% of females fall within this BMI range. Therefore the prevalence of obesity and extreme obesity is slightly higher in females as opposed to males. It

can be deduced that 50% of males as compared to females is extremely obese. However, the percentage of men that is overweight is75% whilst females show a lower percentage, 64%. Overweight is the more prevalent between the two sexes. Males are 74% and women 64% . Males therefore are more obese than females within this BMI range .. the least common BMI range is the extremely obese. In which males have 4% and females 8% this shows that the number of females that are abese are twice that as men in this range. .. The prevalence of obesity falls between overweight and extremely obese this can be seen because 36 % of the population of males and also 36% of females suffer from obesity???? Women tend more obese as compared to men because their body is developed in such a way to protect her potential fetus and herself. Another reason in which women may be more obese as compared to men is that there is a greater amount of hydration fluctuations in women as opposed to men due to women s menstrual cycle, this would have an effect on the measurement of body fat .Women may also be more obese due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, birth defects, obstetric and gynecological complications, and infertility.

Figure 3 shows the prevalence of overweight or obesity, obesity, and extreme obesity among three different races; white, black and Hispanic people. This graph also shows the prevalence of all adults in the US during the period of 2010-2009. Among white people there were 66.7 % which fell within the category of overweight or obese, whilst 34.3 % were considered obese, a very small propation of white people were considered to have extreme obesity which was 5.7%. Among black people, 76.7 % were considered overweight or obese, 49.5 % were considered obese, and 13.1 % were considered to have extreme obesity. Among Hispanic people, 78.8 %

were considered overweight or obese, 39.1 % were considered obese, and 5 % were considered to have extreme obesity. Among adults in the United States in all racial categories, 68.8 % were considered overweight or obese, 35.7 % were considered obese, and 6.3 % were considered to have extreme obesity. (there are more extremely obese Hispanic and Black people as compared to White people, there are also more obese Hispanic and Black people as compared to White people. Trend seen, Hispanic and Black people are more overweight than White people. Hispanics and Blacks are prone to being overweight as opposed to White people. Blacks has the greatest problem with obesity compared to the national average. There are 6.3% of extremely obese people but 13.1% of those are Blacks. There are 35.7% of obese people but 49.5% of those are Blacks. Even though the Hispanics have more overweight people than the Blacks as compared to the national average, more problems lye with the obese and extremely obese people.)

White people are least overweight when compared to blacks and Hispanics ,

Whist the Hispanics are the most overweight .

Blacks are the most obese when compared to whites and Hispanics whilst hites are the least obese.

IT can be seen that blacks fall within the range of extreme obesity because the proportion of blacks suffering from this is 13.1% whilst the Hispanic is 5.0%

All adults.

Cultural attitudes



Dofferent ethnic groups have different lifestyles and this would have an ipact on their weight .

Black and Hispanic people do not take part in physical excerice as compared to whites .Theres also the possibility that black and Hispanic persons have are unable to access healthy foods and as a result consume foods which are cheap and rich in fat.

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