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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Cermanski Week of: January 13-17 Course/Grade: AP Unit Name: Pen and Ink Nature Drawings

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: NMVA-I, II, IV Essential Question(s): What are ink pens? How can I use them to correctly render line, shape, etc? How can I work with contrast and pen and ink? Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Students who are advanced can do a series of pen and ink drawings Students who need help will get more oneon-one assistance from teacher Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Students are familiar with ink from a previous project

Resources/Materials Teacher: Pen and ink drawings, animal/nature pictures

Students: Pen and ink 12 x 18 white paper (can be cut to 12 x 12 square) Pen cleaner Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: Daily observations of practice sketches This Week: Ink piece in progress Unit: Final ink piece

Time allotted MONDAY Jan 13 Learning Target-TSW learn how to use ink pens. TSW know this when he/she has created a variety of lines and values using pen and ink.

Lesson activities for instructor and students Show images of pen and ink pieces II. Discuss projectpen and ink drawing of either: 1close up of natural object 2close up of animal 3city scape III. Demonstrate how to use pen and ink IV. Demo stippling, hatching and cross-hatching V. Start looking at images, gathering ideas

TUESDAY Jan 14 Learning Target- TSW learn how incorporate contrast into a pen and ink piece. TSW know this when his/her piece has recognizable use of contrast.

I. II.

Discuss contrast in pen and ink Continue drawings

WEDNESDAY Jan 15 Learning Target- TSW learn how to

I. II.

Discuss how to achieve balance in pen and ink Continue drawings

create a balanced pen and ink piece. TSW know this when his/her piece can be flipped on each side and appears balanced.
THURSDAY Jan 16 Learning Target-TSW learn how to check his/her work for depth. TSW know this when he she makes value adjustments to his piece. FRIDAY Jan 17 Learning Target-TSW learn how to effectively participate in a critique. TSW know this when he/she makes at least 3 strong comments in critique. I. II. Discuss how to create depth in pen and ink Continue drawing

-Brief Critique of last two projects -Hand out schedule for Concentration -Students write down proposal for Concentration -Start working?

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