Angela Dion Music Resume

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Angela Dion Melbourne, Australia

0401 621 784

Music Industry Experience Venues Texas Austin Music Hall 2010-201 !mo"s !ast 2011-2012 #$e %ac&'ard 2011 (a )ona *osa 2010 California #$e Henr' +onda #$eatre 2007-2008 House o, %lues -unset 2007 Massachusetts #$e Middle !ast 200.-2006
*es/onsibilities include settling s$o0s, securit', c$ec&ing 1D"s, bo2 o,,ice, tic&et scanner, and

$os/italit'. Office Various 3 4-A 20075 201

%rand Ambassador *e/resented ma6or brands at 7arious musical e7ents including #$e 8ans 9ar/ed #our, (A Detour +est, *oc&star Ma'$em +est, :ustin %ieber, #a'lor -0i,t, Demi (o7ato, #$e :onas %rot$ers, Maroon ., and more SXSW (South By Southwest); Austin, #e2as Accounting -ta,,, Music ,est 8olunteer, 8olunteer -tage Manager *es/onsible ,or in7entor' o, all artist and guest artist 0rist bands -ta,,ed all stage $ands ,or ;4 7enues and $eaded t$e /roduction relie, cre0 Managed all da'-o,-s$o0 sets and /re/roduction 0it$ artists ,or <lub =rague Fanscape 3 (os Angeles, <ali,ornia :anuar' 200.5 :une 200. 2010, 2011, 2012

>nline Mar&eting and =romotions 1ntern 9rote ad7ertorial co/' and /ro7ided cam/aign messaging ,or online grassroots /romotions Designed and coded electronic media tools ?banners, e<ards@ to /romote music artists 4sed grassroots seeding to s/read a0areness o, artists <om/iled mont$l' re/orts ,or clients detailing demogra/$ic studies and trend anal'sis Assisted in $ig$ /ro,ile cam/aigns including As$lee -im/son, *'an <abrera, and #$e <lic& +i7e a!or " #ie 3 Ae0 Bor&, Ae0 Bor& :anuar' 20045 :une 2004

*adio =romotions 1ntern Assisted t$e radio /romotions de/artment 0it$ all necessar' duties including s/reads$eets, /$one calls and mailings Designed one-s$eets to increase radio adds ,or clients, sent to ma6or radio /rogram directors Attended 0ee&l' mar&eting meetings to assess t$e /rogress o, t$e com/an'

Education Aort$eastern 4ni7ersit'3 Massac$usetts.C %- Music 1ndustr'D%usiness Minor HonorsC Deans (ist3 2002-6 ? .7D4.0 E=A@, #$e Aational -ociet' o, <ollegiate -c$olars, Aort$eastern 4ni7ersit' <$a/ter eferences :oe' Eassie 5 6oe'@electriccom/an'li7e.comC sta,, manager ,or #$e !lectric <om/an' @ Austin Music Hall -cott *e'nolds 5 scottFre'nolds1210@msn.comC +>H sta,, manager Austin Music Hall G #$e %ac&'ar

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