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Step 1: Envision your hero Step 2: Choose your Archetype (Pg.

Archetype: Martial eity (optional! unless ivine):

Step 4: Choose your .ac"groun$ (Pg. 120)

.ac"groun$: Mercenary Attri'ute: 18 S"ills ;1: Athletics. 3i$e. /nar%e$ (alents: Ca%painger! *(! (ail .race! /nar%e$ Starting ?ear: .uc"ler! 9t Spear! $agger! Military gear! an$ Ss+ressen Scale Staring Coin: 0$ ; 4 Special:

Starting S"ills: #eal Athletic A$$itional S"ills: unar%e$! tho&n! 'attle


Ar%or Pro)iciency:All %il$esian *eapon (raining:All %il$esian (alents: %artial tech (tooth an$ Cla&)! A$vance$ Ar%or(Ss+ressen Scale) Step ,: eter%ine your heroes attri'ute scores (Pg. 1-2) Point .uy /se$: #eroic 0- points Starting Attri'utes: M1: 2 C#: , P3: 4 18: 0 5/: 6 9:: , 71: 6 3E: ,

Step 2: (rain your #ero+s s"ills (Pg. 1,6)

S"ill Points @Pass 9o ; Pass 3e ;,A: 2 (raine$ S"ills: unar%e$! Stealth! (hro&n 8e& S"ills: eceit. (rac"ing! Perception

Step 8: e)ine your #ero+s <la&s (:ptional) (Pg. 1,6)

<la&s (optional) .loo$ (hursty

Step 9: Select your #ero+s (alents (Pg. 12-)

(alent: ragonhi$e (alent: estine$ Ba& .onus (alent: (:nly i) )la& is chosen) (&o #an$e$ <ighting

Step 0: eter%ine your 3ace (Pg. 1-4)

3ace: Ss+ressen Attri'ute (;1): Might S"ills (;1): Acro'atics! *il$erness 9ore (alents: 8atural Cla&s Auto%atic 9anguages: Ss+ressen! Mil$easin :ther 3acial 5ualities: ;1 to <or! ;2 .alance! 1ssues &ith col$

Step 1- A$vance%ent (Pg. 222)

1.2: ;1 to all traine$ s"ills 1.,: ;2 to all $e)enses 1.0: ;1 to P3 an$ 5/ 1.6: 9earn Martial (ech (tail S&ipe) an$ iehar$

Step 6: Choose your #ero+s ho%e nation an$ region (Pg. 122)
8ation=3egion: Milan$ir= Sul) %arches S"ills (Choose (&o) ;1: Steath= Appraise 8ative 9anguage: Milen$ir 9iteracy (> = 8): >es .onus 9anguage:

Step 11 Purchase ?ear

4?C Plus starting gol$ agger C2 (ail .racer

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