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Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean Theorem is a way of nding missing side lengths in right angled triangles, when given two of the three sides. The Theorem uses either a a,b,c or Leg1, Leg2, Hypotenuse classication of triangle sides.

Leg 1 5cm Leg 2 3cm Hypotenuse ?cm 2 2 2 (hyp) = (Leg 1) + (Leg 2) x2 = 3 + 52 x
2 2

= 9 + 25 x = 34

x = 5.8cm Leg 1 5cm Hypotenuse 8cm

2 2 (Leg 2) 2 = (hyp) - (Leg 1)

c (always side opposite b C

to right angle)

x2 = 82 - 52

Leg 2 ?cm

x = 64 - 25 x = 39 x = 6.2cm

Leg 1

Hypotenuse (Side
opposite right angle)

Leg 2

Fun Facts
Some people think that Pythagoras actually stole his famous formula from the Babylonians (who had stolen it from the Indians). Pythagorus lived from around c.580 BCE - c.500 BCE He discovered square roots by comparing square piles of rocks and gured out the proportional interval of numbers between musical notes by listening to blacksmiths pounding on different sized anvils.
**Facts from B.B.C and Wiki-answers**

The Formula is 2 2 2 (hyp) = (Leg 1) + (Leg 2) or 2 2 (Leg 1or2) = (hyp) - (Leg 2 1or2)

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