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Harry Potter

1 Dursely Mission Viejo, MI 92692 (949)637-1313

Objective: Seeking a position in Muggle security where I can apply my interpersonal and demon fighting skills. Skills Summary: Defeated He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, suppressed Dementors, survived attach from He-Who-Shall-Not-BeNamed, received high honors in Griffindor at Hogwarts School of Magic, Quiditch, and Microsoft Office.

Employment History
Protecting the Magical and Muggle World from He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named

Applied my interpersonal skills to track and defeat above mentioned dark lord. Used my problem solving abilities to single-handedly save the world (with the help of several of my peers).

Volunteer Experience
Society of Magic (5 years) Director of Membership

Raise student awareness of current events in the magic world Organize, promote, and/or attend events professional development meetings Collaborate with other student organizations on the Hogwarts campus Communicate with the Board of Directors

Hogwarts School of Magic Another Dimension (6 years)

Degree in Magic

Albus Dumbledore- Owl #32469 Professor Snape- Owl #534553 Ron Weesely- Owl #645654

References available upon request.

Harry Potter
1 Dursely Mission Viejo, MI 92692 (949)637-1313

References available upon request.

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