Lesson Plan: Heat and Mass Transfer

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Sub Code Na!e :ME2251-"EA# AND MASS #RANS$ER %&a'(): Mechanical Engineering *ea&: II Se!e+te&: IV ,N-# 1. COND,C#-ON

LP- ME2251 LP Rev. No: 01 Date: 04.12.10 Page 1 of 6 11.L/01.#/

Basic Concepts Mechanis! o" #eat $rans"er Con%&ction' Con(ection an% )a%iation *eneral Di""erential e+&ation o" #eat Con%&ction ,o&rier La- o" Con%&ction Cartesian an% C.lin%rical Coor%inates One Di!ensional /tea%. /tate #eat Con%&ction Con%&ction thro&gh Plane 0all' C.lin%ers an% /pherical s.ste!s Co!posite /.ste!s Con%&ction -ith Internal #eat *eneration E1ten%e% /&r"aces 2nstea%. #eat Con%&ction L&!pe% 3nal.sis 2se o" #eislers Chart. Se++2o' No 1 2 9 8 4 : 6 8 < 10 11 12 19 18 #o32(+ to be (ove&ed Basic Concepts Mechanis! o" #eat $rans"er Con%&ction' Con(ection an% )a%iation ,o&rier La- o" Con%&ction7 *eneral Di""erential e+&ation o" #eat Con%&ction in Cartesian coor%inates ,o&rier La- o" Con%&ction7 *eneral Di""erential e+&ation o" #eat Con%&ction in C.lin%rical coor%inates One Di!ensional /tea%. /tate #eat Con%&ction Con%&ction thro&gh Plane 0all' One Di!ensional /tea%. /tate #eat Con%&ction Con%&ction thro&gh C.lin%rical s.ste!s' One Di!ensional /tea%. /tate #eat Con%&ction Con%&ction thro&gh /pherical s.ste!s' $&torial in /tea%. /tate #eat Con%&ction Co!posite /.ste!s ;oth plane -all an% c.lin%rical s.ste!s $&torial in Co!posite /.ste!s Con%&ction -ith Internal #eat *eneration /ol&tion to Con%&ction e+&ation -ith Internal #eat *eneration E1ten%e% /&r"aces )ectang&lar = triang&lar "ins L&!pe% 3nal.sis 2se #2!e 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in Ref 156 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 #ea()2'g A2d+ BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB

2nstea%. #eat Con%&ction o" #eislers Chart.

$&torial in "ins an% transient heat con%&ction e+&ation


Sub Code Na!e :ME2251-"EA# AND MASS #RANS$ER %&a'(): Mechanical Engineering *ea&: II Se!e+te&: IV ,N-# 2. CON4EC#-ON

LP- ME2251 LP Rev. No: 01 Date: 04.12.10 Page 2 of 6 10.L/01.#/

Basic Concepts #eat $rans"er Coe""icients Bo&n%ar. La.er Concept $.pes o" Con(ection ,orce% Con(ection Di!ensional 3nal.sis E1ternal ,lo- ,lo- o(er Plates' C.lin%ers an% /pheres Internal ,lo- La!inar an% $&r;&lent ,lo- Co!;ine% La!inar an% $&r;&lent ,lo- o(er Ban> o" t&;es ,ree Con(ection Di!ensional 3nal.sis ,lo- o(er Vertical Plate' #ori?ontal Plate' Incline% Plate' C.lin%ers an% /pheres. Se++2o ' No 14 1: 16 18 1< 20 21 22 29 28 24 2: 26 #o32(+ to be (ove&ed Basic Concepts: Con(ecti(e #eat $rans"er Coe""icients Bo&n%ar. La.er Concept an% si!ilarit. ;et-een !o!ent&! an% heat trans"er $.pes o" Con(ection ,orce% Con(ection Di!ensional 3nal.sis E1ternal ,loE1ternal ,lo,lo- o(er Plates' C.lin%ers ,lo- o(er C.lin%ers an% /pheres #2!e 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 64 !in Ref 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 #ea()2'g A2d+ BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB

$&torial on E1ternal "lo- pro;le!s Internal ,lo- La!inar an% $&r;&lent ,loCo!;ine% La!inar an% $&r;&lent ,lo- o(er Ban> o" t&;es' an% its i!portance in heat e1changer %esign $&torial on Internal "lo- an% "lo- o(er ;an> o" t&;es ,ree con(ection Di!ensional 3nal.sis

,ree con(ection: ,lo- o(er Vertical Plate' #ori?ontal Plate' Incline% Plate. ,ree con(ection: C.lin%ers an% /pheres. ,ree con(ection pro;le!s5C.lin%ers an% /pheres. $&torial on "ree con(ection CA# 1


Sub Code Na!e :ME2251-"EA# AND MASS #RANS$ER %&a'(): Mechanical Engineering *ea&: II Se!e+te&: IV

LP- ME2251 LP Rev. No: 01 Date: 04.12.10 Page 1 of 6

,N-# 1. P"ASE C"AN5E "EA# #RANS$ER AND "EA# E6C"AN5ERS 7.L/01.#/ @&sselt theor. o" con%ensation5pool ;oiling' "lo- ;oiling' correlations in ;oiling an% con%ensation. $.pes o" #eat E1changers #eat E1changer 3nal.sis LM$D Metho% an% @$2 E""ecti(eness O(erall #eat $rans"er Coe""icient ,o&ling ,actors. Se++2o ' No 28 2< 90 91 92 99 98 94 9: 96 98 9< #o32(+ to be (ove&ed @&sselt theor. o" con%ensation Correlations in con%ensation Boiling7 Pool ;oiling' "lo- ;oiling' correlations in ;oiling $&torial in ;oiling an% con%ensation $.pes o" #eat E1changers 3nal.sis o" heat e1changer LM$D !etho% $&torial in heat e1changer &sing LM$D !etho% 3nal.sis o" heat e1changer &sing E""ecti(eness @$2 !etho% O(erall #eat $rans"er Coe""icient -ith an% -itho&t ,o&ling ,actors ,o&ling ,actors in heat e1changers5Pro;le!s Pro;le!s on Parallel "lo- heat e1changer $&torial in heat e1changer #2!e 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in Ref 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 #ea()2'g A2d+ Blac> Boar% BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB


Sub Code Na!e :ME2251-"EA# AND MASS #RANS$ER %&a'(): Mechanical Engineering *ea&: II Se!e+te&: IV ,N-# 4. RAD-A#-ON

LP- ME2251 LP Rev. No: 01 Date: 04.12.10 Page 4 of 6 8.L/01.#/

Basic Concepts' La-s o" )a%iation /te"an Bolt?!an La-' Aircho""Bs La- Blac> Bo%. )a%iation *re. ;o%. ra%iation /hape ,actor 3lge;ra Electrical 3nalog. )a%iation /hiel%s Intro%&ction to *as )a%iation. Se++2o' No 80 81 82 89 88 84 8: 86 88 8< 40 #o32(+ to be (ove&ed Basic Concepts' La-s o" )a%iation Bolt?!an La-' Aircho""Bs LaBlac> Bo%. )a%iation *re. ;o%. ra%iation /hape ,actor 3lge;ra $&torial in Blac> Bo%. )a%iation an% *re. ;o%. ra%iation $&torial in shape "actor alge;ra Electrical 3nalog.' )a%iation /hiel%s $&torial )a%iation pro;le!s &sing Electrical 3nalog. Intro%&ction to *as )a%iation. Pro;le!s on *as )a%iation $&torial in *as )a%iation CA# 2 64 !in /te"an #2!e 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in Ref 1' 856 1' 856 1' 856 1' 856 1' 856 1' 856 1' 856 1' 856 1' 856 1' 856 1'856 #ea()2'g A2d+ BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB


Sub Code Na!e :ME2251-"EA# AND MASS #RANS$ER %&a'(): Mechanical Engineering *ea&: II Se!e+te&: IV ,N-# 5. MASS #RANS$ER

LP- ME2251 LP Rev. No: 01 Date: 04.12.10 Page 5 of 6 9.L/01.#/

Basic Concepts Di""&sion Mass $rans"er ,ic>Bs La- o" Di""&sion /tea%. state Molec&lar Di""&sion Con(ecti(e Mass $rans"er Mo!ent&!' #eat an% Mass $rans"er 3nalog. Con(ecti(e Mass $rans"er Correlations. Se++2o' No 41 42 49 48 44 4: 46 48 4< :0 #o32(+ to be (ove&ed Basic Concepts Di""&sion Mass $rans"er /tea%. state Molec&lar #2!e 40!in 40!in 40!in 40!in 40!in 40!in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in 40 !in :0 !in Ref 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 1'856 #ea()2'g A2d+ BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB

,ic>Bs La- o" Di""&sion Di""&sion Con(ecti(e Mass $rans"er

Mo!ent&!' #eat an% Mass $rans"er 3nalog. Di""erent Con(ecti(e Mass $rans"er Correlations Con(ecti(e Mass $rans"er Correlations contin&e% $&torial &sing ,ic>Bs La$&torial 2sing the Con(ecti(e Mass $rans"er Correlations $&torial 2sing the Con(ecti(e Mass $rans"er Correlations )e(ision CA# 1


Sub Code Na!e :ME2251-"EA# AND MASS #RANS$ER %&a'(): Mechanical Engineering *ea&: II Se!e+te&: IV Cou&+e De:2ve&; P:a': 0ee> 2nits 0ee> 2nits #E6# %OO<S 8 < III Unit 1 2 I Unit 10 11 12 IV Unit 9 8 4 : II Unit 19

LP- ME2251 LP Rev. No: 01 Date: 04.12.10 Page 6 of 6

18 V Unit


1. /ach%e(a ) C' C,&n%a!entals o" Engineering #eat an% Mass $rans"erD @e- 3ge International' 1<<4. 2. ,ran> P. Incropera an% Da(i% P. De0itt' C,&n%a!entals o" #eat an% Mass $rans"erD' Eohn 0ile. an% /ons' 1<<8. RE$ERENCE %OO<S 9. 8. 4. :. 6. Fa%a( ) C#eat an% Mass $rans"erD Central P&;lishing #o&se' 1<<4. O?isi> M.@' C#eat $rans"erD' Mc*ra-5#ill Boo> Co.' 1<<8. @ag P.A' C #eat $rans"erD' $ata Mc*ra-5#ill' @e- Delhi' 2002 #ol!an E.P C#eat an% Mass $rans"erD $ata Mc*ra-5#ill' 2000. Aothan%ara!an C.P C,&n%a!entals o" #eat an% Mass $rans"erD @e- 3ge International' @e- Delhi' 1<<8 P&e3a&ed b; S2g'atu&e Na!e De+2g'at2o' Date =.4e'>ate+a' A++o(2ate P&ofe++o&?Me()a'2(a: 04-12-2010 P&of. N.Na::u+a!; "OD?Me()a'2(a: 04-12-2010 A33&oved b;

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