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Exhibit: college applications Benchmark: Personal management Skill: p103- meets school and/or work deadlines, p110- accept

new and changing responsibilities

! will be grad"ating in the spring o# $01% at &ano'er &orton &igh School Since school has started !('e been appl)ing to colleges all aro"nd *ichigan +ollege applications are 'er) time cons"ming ,o" need to make s"re )o"r in#ormation is correct as well as getting )o"r transcripts sent o"t to those colleges that )o" ha'e applied to

+ollege applications are a per#ect example #or meeting deadlines +ollege(s onl) accept applications b) certain times, so i# )o" hadn(t mailed )o" application or applied online, #or an example, b) -o'ember 1st, )o" wo"ld ha'e to wait "ntil the next time that, that college will accept it +ollege is a new chapter in e'er)one(s li#e and !t can make or break )o" .hether )o" like doing hard work and reading tons o# books, in order to get places in )o"r li#e college is where )o" need to be ,o"(re going to ha'e to accept the di##erent things, the longer st"dies, the h"ndreds o# classmates )o"(ll ha'e and the commitment

! want to get in'ol'ed in the medical #ield *) career that ! ha'e c"rrentl) decided what ! might be interested in is an /- /-(s ha'e man) things that the) ha'e to do and get done b) certain times 0ccepting change in the new en'ironment is one thing that people do in the health #ield 1he medical #ield is 2"st like one big spider web3 )o" ha'e a climbing step o# di##erent medical #ields that )o" can get into th"s whate'er )o" ma) chose to do, )o"(re taking on new responsibilities and accepting the change ! will be "sing these skills thro"gho"t li#e3 in m) work li#e and m) personal li#e *eeting deadlines and accepting new and changing responsibilities is an important aspect in li#e that ! will ha'e to accept each and e'er) da) ! will ha'e to be responsible to get things done b) a certain deadline, and make s"re that what ! do is correctl) done ! will ha'e to accept the change o# ha'ing to work long ho"rs, ha'ing to be awa) #rom #amil) here and there and know that ! can(t gi'e "p on m) 2ob otherwise m) #amil) and ! won(t make it #inanciall)

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