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Exhibit: Picture of me in my FFA shirt Benchmark 5: Teamwork and Communications Skills: TC !

5" Ex#ress one$s #oint of %iew in a teamwork settin&' TC !(" )nderstand and contribute to the mission and &oals of the team

As a *ones%ille +i&h School student, - became a member of the FFA &rou#, also known as .Future Farmers of America./ FFA is the lar&est student"run or&ani0ation in the country that #re#ares students with an interest in science, business, and the technolo&y world/ 1ur 2ob as an FFA member was to work to&ether as a team, com#ete, be reco&ni0ed for awards, attend leadershi# worksho#s, and debate or&ani0ational issues/ Bein& a member with thirty other students in the school made it difficult to understand one$s #oint of %iew in a teamwork settin&, because e%eryone had o#inions es#ecially durin& a debate/ 3e all had to work to&ether to find what we were best at, whether it was &ettin& in%ol%ed with business, marketin&, or food science and technolo&y/ C4E$s are what members com#ete in to test their skills that we would learn throu&h the a&riculture education class/ )nderstandin& and contributin& to the mission and &oals of the team in FFA means workin& to&ether in debates, and findin& ways to win o%er a debate in the cate&ories that are #art of the FFA or&ani0ation/ 1ur &oal was to make it to the 5ational le%el' in which *ones%ille +i&h School did/ As a nurse, - can a##ly my knowled&e from FFA throu&h the science and technolo&y education we went o%er/ Bein& in FFA can hel# further my education as a nurse because of the extra sciences -$%e learned/ 4ebatin& can hel# me as a nurse with my communication skills, as well as my o#inion on what$s best for my #atients/ Contributin& to the mission and &oals of the team resembles a nurse and the staff at the hos#ital/ 3e are a team workin& to&ether to hel# our #atients that need the care/ 1ur &oal as a nurse and a doctor is to kee# the #atients ali%e and healthy/ As an adult, - will ha%e to ex#ress my #oint of %iew often whether it$s anythin& from a &rou# discussion in class, at work, or communication about a mistake with my #eers/ - always do my best to &i%e &ood o#inions, so that no mistakes are made/ Contributin& to the mission and &oals of the team, - work hard at anythin& - do, and - set &oals for myself and for my team/ Anythin& from athletic com#etitions to workin& hard in school, - always set &oals and work towards achie%ement/

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