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1.Give words or phrases that mean: 1. Take legal action to obtain payment 2. 3. ". %. &. '. ). *. Date by which an account should be settled: .. Account into which a customer can pay money or draw it out without gi!ing notice. #o!ement o$ money $rom one bank account to another. Payment Di$$erence between the totals o$ money coming into and going out o$ a bank account. (ist o$ amounts paid or owed: Document in$orming a customer o$ money owed $or goods or ser!ices supplied. Document in$orming a customer o$ money owed by a supplier $or $aulty or returned goods

1+. ,ill o$ e-change that must be paid immediately it is presented 11. (etter o$ credit that re.uires the seller to supply shipping documents to the bank to obtain payment. 2. Change the following sentences into formal English sentences. 1. /e want you to pay us less than a week. 2. 0orry 1 didn2t pay you be$ore now. 3. /e can2t pay you in less than $our weeks. ". 1t looks as though you ha!en2t paid us.

3. Reply to request for payment 3arl 4anssen 5#anaging Director 6elo 0port A7 3arlstr. "% D8%23+ 09mmerada: emails his personal assistant 5PA: ;enata <eynold asking her to dra$t a reply to <elen 0tuart 5who sent a letter on 2) April to mention=complain that payment by 4anssen>s company was still not recei!ed. <elen works $or ?3 @ycles (TD ,orough ;oad @le!eland T01 3,A ?3:.

To: ;enata <eynold

0ubAect: ;eply to ?3 @ycles ;enata Please dra$t a reply to <elen 0tuart>s letter o$ 2) April 5she is the @hie$ Accountant o$ ?3 @ycles and complained about the $act we still ha!en>t paid her company $or the last order Bo. 60 3+1&32:. Thank her $or her letters 5.uote the dates: C-plain about the $ire at <ead D$$ice. 0ay it destroyed a lot o$ computer data which had disrupted all correspondence with suppliers and customers and we need time to get back to our normal routine ;e.uest a $urther 3+ days to settle. 0he>s suggested 1+ so be as polite as you can. 0ay our insurers will release compensation within the coming month so we can pay the outstanding amount in $ull. 1>d be grate$ul i$ you could let me ha!e it $or signature by noon today. Thanks 34 3 #ay 2+13

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