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*+,*-+,*./ 01 234-+1+54.+06/
Supeiioi peifoimance awaius foi seivice as a 0niteu States Naiine
Excellent teachei, tiainei anu supeivisoi; patient anu effective while woiking with a wiue iange
of peisonalities
Self-motivateu anu able to motivate otheis

2u1S-Piesent :;<=> ?=)@>%") Belta Elementaiy Chaitei School, Claiksbuig, CA
Besigneu a Piimaiy Nusic piogiam (K-S) that incluueu singing, ihythm, anu
Expanueu the Beginning Banu to 1uu% involvement of 4
uiaue Stuuents
Taught ueneial Nusic (4-6) that incluueu technology-iich instiuction anu
incieaseu stuuent leaueiship
Expanueu the Inteimeuiate Banu iepeitoiie to incluue national anu
inteinational stanuaius
Besigneu music peifoimances that uemonstiateu the full expanse of the
stuuents' abilities

2u1S 7A@B@#%$)C :;<=> .@$>&@) Capistiano 0nifieu School Bistiict, CA
Taught Piimaiy Nusic in giaues K-S; uevelopeu unique lessons anu units
baseu on state stanuaius
Co-Instiucteu 4
giaue beginning stiings, S
giaue beginning banu, anu S

giaue choii; pioficient in the instiuction of all beginning instiuments
Collaboiateu with a teaching team to ensuie a successful anu effective
music piogiam within the uistiict

2u12-2u1S *=D& />&""A :;<=> ?=)@>%") Bethany Lutheian, Long Beach, CA
Bevelopeu anu executeu ieheaisal plans foi both youth choii anu hanubell
ensemble gioups
Reheaiseu anu uiiecteu youth choii anu hanubell ensemble
Cieateu anu maintaineu piofessional ielationships with stuuents, paients,
anu Ninistei of Nusic

2uu7-2u11 :;<=>=$# E(@)>;<<="#=<%F 0niteu States Naiine Coips
Peifoimeu music with a high level of skill anu piofessionalism
Wiote anu peifoimeu oiiginal musical pieces
Wiote, euiteu anu publisheu unit newsletteis
Reviseu iegulations anu upuateu pioceuuies necessaiy to mission

:G4G7HI ?=D=%$A .@$>&=#D $#H -@$)#=#D - Azusa Pacific 0niveisity (Azusa, CA) 2u1S-Piesent
5$A=J")#=$ 5)@H@#%=$AI /=#DA@ /;KL@>%M :;<=> - Azusa Pacific 0niveisity (Azusa, CA) }une 2u1S
N$>&@A") "J 4)%<I :;<=> - Concoiuia 0niveisity (Iivine, CA) Nay 2uu7

7$DA@ />";% - Boy Scouts of Ameiica, August 2uu2
5"BP$#C *"#") ,)$H;$%@ - Naiine Combat Tiaining, Novembei 2uu7

(9017//+064- 454?7:+5 4//05+4.+06 :7:N79/*+(/
Califoinia Nusic Euucatois Association (CNEA)
National Association foi Nusic Euucation (NAfNE)

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