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GDP(rate of growth), utility (not a thing), throughput, natural capital, and total capital.

5 sustainable things tility not a thing, but e!perience, no unit of "easure. #atural resources can be "easured and be$ueathed People can "easure their throughput or the rate at which the econo"y uses the". % broad types of capital e!ist "an "ade and natural &ap'and'trade syste"s ha(e i"ple"ented sche"es for trading sulfer dio!ide e"ission per"its to li"it acid rain and Economics in a Full World

)he hu"an population has been growing rapidly o(er the past couple of years. *ith "ore people+ "ore houses are being built, food being sent, cars being used all leading to "ore pollution being put out. *ith a growing econo"y "any set bac,s are occurring. #ot only are we creating "ore ways to destroy our en(iron"ent, but we aren-t "a,ing a (ery safe econo"y for the people, "ore people are losing their ho"es, hundreds li(ing on the streets and .obs are being lost. / way to a(oid such disaster would be adapting to a sustainable econo"y. 0ne that ta,es heed of the inherent biophysical li"its of the global ecosyste". /ccording to econo"ists they ha(e discussed fi(e candidate $uantities to help create a sustainable econo"y1 GDP, utility, throughput, natural capital and total capital. 2ro" these list 3 will e!plain a few to ha(e a better understanding on why these candidates would help create a "ore sustainable econo"y. *ith utility people would focus "ore on the well being of hu"ans, utility is not a thing, but an e!perience. /nother is throughput, by "easuring the throughput or rate at which the econo"y uses natural resources, we can control how "uch should be used. 2inally natural capital. 4ecause there are two broad types of capitals ("an "ade and natural) they both co"pli"ent rather than substitute, so natural capitals should be "aintained on its own, because it had beco"e the li"iting factor. 5any solutions ha(e been presented to us about our growing econo"y. 5any scenarios ha(e been created as well. 6et it-s a"a7ing how little people pay attention to this. )hey don-t reali7e how deep we-(e gotten oursel(es into this "ess and if we do so"ething now, .ust "aybe things could change and we could create a better world for future generations. 3 don-t ,now what it will ta,e to get people "ore into what is really going on in our world.

So What? Says Who? 0ur growing population has created nu"bers of )he article was written by 9er"an :. Daly and proble"s for us. People are out of wor,, pollution, other scientists and researchers contributed to his "oney proble"s, yet people see" to still not get findings. it. )hey ha(en-t wondered how "uch "ore can our earth hold8 &hanges need to be "ade now before it-s too late, we need to control our population and start doing things "ore en(iron"entally friendly. What If..? *hat if we continue at the rate we are going without a care in the world8 *e will destroy our planet. 3t .ust boils down to that. *ith population rising, we will continue burning fossil fuels until they run out and we are able to find so"ething else, prices will go up because things will soon beco"e scarce , they-re would be a lac, of food, shelter. /nd tons of pollution. What Does This Remind Me Of? )his re"inds "e of a fil" we watched in class about all the ite"s we use in our lifeti"e. 3t-s cra7y how "uch things one person can use up, now can you i"agine how "uch da"age is created to our earth with ; billion people. 3t-s scary to thin, about it, but we can change that.

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