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sfdasfsfa Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises-Development Institute (MSME-DI), Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India, has een playin!

a "ey role for development of MSME throu!h counselin!, consultancy and trainin!. Esta lished in #$%& as Small Industries Service Institute E'tension (entre and thereafter up!raded as Small Industries Service Institute in #$)*, the Institute has made si!nificant contri utions for promotion and development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in +har"hand. ,he Institute strives to achieve its avo-ed o .ective throu!h a !amut of operations ran!in! from trainin!, consultancy, uyerseller meet, vendor development pro!ramme as -ell as various a-areness and modernisation pro!rammes. ,he Institute has !ot one /r. Institute at Dhan ad in order to supplement to its endeavor. Our Mission 0 ,o au!ment and foster the capa ility of the state of +har"hand to harness its Entrepreneurial 1otential throu!h 1romotion and Development of Micro and Small Enterprises and Service & /usiness Enterprises.

Our Vision : ,o !ro- into an institution of e'cellence as a provider of technical "no-ho-, trainin! inputs and pac"a!e assistance to Micro and Small Enterprises. ,o emer!e as a small enterprise information and resource centre in re!ard to data ases for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
Sri M. Lakra Director MSME

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