Saurav Resume

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To 3ain throu3h 4ra ti al e54erien e and understandin3 o, theoreti al 4rin i4al learnt as an under3raduate and to a elerate the learnin3 4ro ess o, ho6 kno6led3e ould be used in realisti 6ay so that 1 an 6ork in reati7e and hallen3in3 en7iron'ent. ACADEMIC RECORD !""# 2tandard 10th ,ro' Uttrakhand board 2 orin3 "..89. !""$ 2tandard 1-th ,ro' Uttrakhand board 2 orin3 "1.009. !"%! Ba&helor o' Te&hnolo() *Me&hani&al+ ,ro' Tula&s 1nstitute o, Te hnolo3y, +ehradun, Uttarakhand. A,,iliated to Uttarakhand Te hni al Uni7ersity, +ehradun. 2e ure 69."69 'arks. ,OR- E.PERIENCE :orked ,or 6 'onths in Sara Sae Pri/a0e Li1i0ed, +ehradun, as a trainee in 4rodu tion de4art'ent.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Address: H.No.-A.T-16,Hydel Tiloth, Uttarkashi Uttrakhand.


EMail: saurabh_bhatt90@yahoo. Phone No. : !919"60#10$$$

COMPAN2 PROFILE: ISO ; API erti,ied o'4any. )anu,a tures o, oil ,ield e<ui4'ent. =resently 6orkin3 6ith 2.S Cor3ora0ion4 *AUTOFORM India+ 2ela<ui +ehradun.

PROJECT5 SUMMER TRAININ6 PERSONAL DATA %ather&s na'e( )adan )ohan *hatt. +ate o, *irth( -./06/1990. 0ender( Nationality( )ale. 1ndian. :orked on MOTORI7ED CAR LIFTIN6 JAC- 6here 6e the hea7y 7ehi les. an easily li,t

$. days internshi4 trainin3 in NO SARA INDIA P T LTD., +ehradun. >=resently kno6n as SARA SAE P T LTD?.
1 ha7e o'4leted $ 6eeks su''er trainin3 ,ro' U00ra8hand Jal idh)90 Ni(a1 L0d4 U00ar8ashi4 U00ra8hand. $ days trainin3 on ore @C tools, A=@=, 2=C, )2A, " @C Tools, by TU SUD So90h Asia.

)arital 2tatus( 2in3le.

ADDITIONAL :UALIFICATION Certi,i ate ourse in A90oCAD ; CNC 3ro(ra11in(.

COMPUTER PROFICIENC2 LAN6UA6ES -NO,N: An3lish, Hindi. HOBBIES: Bistenin3 to 'usi , 2ol7in3 2udoku and Cookin3. *asi kno6led3e o,( C4eratin3 2yste's( :indo6s =a ka3es( )2 o,,i e >:ord, A5 el, =o6er =oint?


:on ,irst 4riDe in intra olle3e te hni al ,est. :on #rd 4riDe in <uiD o'4etition. )e'ber o, E&o &l9; .

PERSONAL S-ILLS Da0e: Pla&e: +ehradun, Uttarakhand Ada4ti7e to ne6 en7iron'ents. 0ood on7in in3 4o6er and 4eo4le skills. Al6ays 6illin3 and ea3er to learn ne6 te hnolo3ies.

DECLARATION 1 hereby de lare that the in,or'ation 4ro7ided by 'e is true to the best o, 'y kno6led3e and belie,.

Sa9ra;h Bha00

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