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askville .am azo m http://askville.amazo m/Prevalence-Mo ther-So n-Incest-80%-co untry/ ?


The Prevalence Mother-Son Incest is at 80% for what country?

Answers Answer f rom T hisSpaceForRent It's happening in Japan! In the late 1980s and early 1990s there was a media panic in Japan about the prevalence of mother-son incest. For many years there has been a huge market f or magazines, manga, anime, and even DVDs depicting mothers having sex with their sons. Although the reality of the relationships in the photos and DVDs could easily have been questioned producers of these products have began to go to greater lengths to promote the reality of the incest. even to the point of showing older f amily photographs, identity cards and asking neighbors if they are actually a mother and son couple. T hen in the mid 90s so called Mama Love (or Kinshinsokan Monogatari) Clubs began to be opened up across Japan. T hey were serving a subculture of the Japanese sex industry catering to a variety of sex tolerated and even encouraged and celebrated in Japan mother-son incest. Most of these businesses are believed to be ran by companies secretly f unded and controlled by the Yakuza. Into these clubs would come men eager to pay large amounts of money to see older women having sex with young men that were promoted as being their son. T hen slowly a small trickle of women started to come in bringing their own sons or other young boys to watch. And now most of these Mama clubs have some type of amateur night f or mother/son couples to perf orm on stage bef ore the crowd. And now most of these Mama clubs have some type of amateur night f or mother/son couples to perf orm on stage bef ore the crowd. It is estimated that there are between 50 and 150 of these clubs throughout Japan and it has become a rapidly growing part of the live sex entertainment industry in Japan these last f ew years. Although they do not openly advertise and are generally only accessible at f irst if accompanied by a current member of the club. How has this widespread and seemingly accepted f orm of what most view as deviant sex come about? T he situation is normally said to be blamed on the excessive motherly love almost all Japanese women shower on their sons; idolizing them and viewing their sons as the greatest object of their hopes, dreams, and love, and Japans obsessive exam culture. A boys whole f uture can depend on the senior high school he gets into. And it is not just a matter of pride. T he dif f erence in a single score point can mean the dif f erence between a school where the son may associate with f uture political leaders and corporate executives developing lif e long f riendships that will be his key to f uture success and having to drudge away behind a desk as a salary-man all his lif e. T he mothers get into a psychological condition where theyre aware that sexual urges can stop their children f rom studying and f eel that they are the best option f or countering the craving.

Some mothers will do anything to make sure their junior high school sons pass the all determining entrance exams. T hey want to get their boys into a good school and then go on to a top company. T hats why the women will do absolutely anything to combat something that interf eres with their boys studies. Studies show that almost 80% of Japanese men report they have had some f orm of sexual contact with their mothers However the truth is much deeper ingrained into the society. Studies show that almost 80% of Japanese men report they have had some f orm of sexual contact with their mothers with most of the sexual contact between mother and son beginning at a very early age. A boys childhood in contemporary Japan, although somewhat more Western than that of other Eastern nations, still includes masturbation by mothers to put them to sleep. Parents of ten have intercourse with their children in the same bed with them, and co-sleeping, with mothers physically embracing the child, routinely continues until the boy is ten or f if teen. One recent Japanese Source: -mother-son-incest-in-japan-911/ T hisSpaceForRent 35 months ago

Bonus Answer

"Studies show that almost 80% of Japanese men report they have had some f orm of sexual contact with their mothers"
Studies show that almost 80% of Japanese men report they have had some f orm of sexual contact with their mothers with most of the sexual contact between mother and son beginning at a very early age. A boys childhood in contemporary Japan, although somewhat more Western than that of other Eastern nations, still includes masturbation by mothers to put them to sleep. Parents of ten have intercourse with their children in the same bed with them, and co-sleeping, with mothers physically embracing the child, routinely continues until the boy is ten or f if teen. One recent Japanese study f ound sons sleeping with their mothers over 20 percent of the time af ter age 16. Sources: -mother-son-incest-in-japan-911/

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