January 10th

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Bronte School Headmasters Newsletter

10th January 2014

A Happy New Year to everyone! .. And a warm welcome to our four new pupilsDivine and Daniel in Reception , Keeva in Year 2 and Bonnie in Year 3. I hope you had a happy family time and enjoyed all the Christmas festivities. You were so generous and kind with your good wishes, cards and presentsthank you so much. From last term: Photographs of Christmas Fun Day. Where has Lake Bronte gone? The new drainage system and tarmac in the car park are responsible for its demise. The whole area has been considerably improved.

Another question for you is what is new to the school this term? Answer: our first Computer Science Club with Miss Walsh and Mrs. Lippard of experimenting with our new Raspberry Pi equipment with a group of equally enthusiastic children. Watch this space!

We raised 170 for Save The Children on Christmas Jumper Day. This morning in assembly I am awarding last terms Bronte Friends Centenary Achievement Cup to Mrs. Sutherland for the quality of lunches which she prepares for us every day and for all she has done to make a success of in-house lunches. Congratulations!

Something else that is new is the two tier lunch which is being introduced on Monday. The Juniors have a short break while the Infants have their lunch and then theres a change over at 12.50 with lunchtime clubs fitting in around the new arrangement. (The spring term lunch menus, by the way, are attached). Yesterday lunchtime I listened to the Junior Choir in their rehearsal with Miss Walsh for the Young Voices Concert at the 02 in three weeks time. (Mrs. Egan also joined us to hand out the tickets for parents, grandparents and friends). Wowwhat an amazing sound they are making! Keep on listening to the CDthere are only two full rehearsals now before the day of the concert.

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