Truman: The Decision To Drop The Atomic Bomb: Process Paper

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David Wen Senior Exhibit



I am an international student from China. My grandpa used to be a soldier during WWII fighting against Japan. He always told me stories about the war when I was a child. His passion encouraged me to watch history documentary . Every time I watch documentary about WWII, I can see the word !tomic "omb# and its important role

to the surrender of Japan. "ut the bomb also $illed hundreds of thousands Japanese civilians. %he atomic bomb is li$e a double&edged sword. 'o my topic is ( )oes the government have the responsibility to protect the soldiers even using a way that against humanity.* %he topic is very intriguing for me, because when I read more boo$s about the war I feel closer to my grandpa#s e+perience. ,irst, I tried to find boo$ sources through the Internet. I used the -oogle "oo$ to help me find boo$s related to my topic. "ut there was a problem, the -oogle "oo$ can only show a few pages of boo$s. !s a result, I read a lot of abstracts, maybe from different boo$s but related, and combine them together. !nother difficulty is to find the primary source. Most of boo$s I read are second&hand sources. 'o I emailed .rofessor Hastings, my history teacher last year in Connecticut, to see$ help. He suggested me to read the %ruman#s memoir. I find a full edition of this boo$ from an official website and read it. "esides the boo$s, the newspapers are really helpful to my topic as well. I use the (time machine* in the /ew 0or$ %imes# website, and find 1 valuable articles written in 2314. %hey gave me a new view of the war. 5.aragraph 67

My conclusion is that the government should have the responsibility to save their own soldiers. "y the official estimate, %ruman#s decision to drop the atomic bomb in Japan in !ugust, 2314 saved at least 288,888 9.'. soldiers# life and forced Japan to

surrender in two wee$s. %he president has the responsibility to save as many soldiers as possible. !nd the president also need a strong will to lead the army into victory.

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