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Research Plan:
A- Background:

Mobile phones have come to be one of the vital necessities of existence in this fast advancing world. Mobile phone industry is progressing at extremely fast rate that it is tough to retain up alongside it. Company people can check their mails and can call at same time. Many firms are displaying attention in Smartphone users in UK Market.
B- Justification:

This study is established on research of Smartphone in UK marketplace and this research will benefit both the firm as well as people as it will increase the sales of the firm.
C- Objective:

To find the best marketing strategy. To recogni e the marketplace si e! trends! competitors and consumer"s behavior. To find out the customer"s preference and the marketplace si e To discover how mobile phone industry is operating.

D- Methodology:

Secondary Sources#

$esearch %apers Case studies &nternet $eports

%rimary data#

'uestionnaires &nterviewed the people and retailers

E- Data Analysis:

(ata is analy ed across graphical and statistical analogy that will aid in making smart decisions.
F- Ti e !ra e:

The study is conducted in )* +, weeks.

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