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Mr. Johnsons American Law Agenda Sheet Jan. 13, 2014 Jan.

17, 2014

Date Mon, Jan 13

Direct Instruction Discussion

Objective: Chapter 7 Part 2 Notes- Gangs & Guns Objective: Why Do people Join Gangs? Assessment: In-Class Work/Discussion Objective: Review Chapter 7 Analyzing Objective: Problem 7.6

What is Due?/What is for Homework

Due: Materials HW: Read p.82-87, Chapter 7 Analyzing

Tue, Jan 14
Review Paired Work

Due: Chapter 7 Analyzing HW: Read p. 88-95, Chapter 7 Basic Concepts Due: Chapter 7 Basic Concepts HW: Read p. 97-99

Assessment: In-Class Work

Wed, Jan 15
Paired Work

Objective: Understanding Substance Abuse & Victims of Crime Objective: Chapter 7 Part 3 Worksheet Assessment: In-Class Work Objective: Handling Americas Drug Problem Objective: Problem 7.11

Thu, Jan 16
Group Work Discussion

Due: None HW: Bring Pencil, Binder Due

Assessment: Notes, Problems 7.2 &7.3 Objective: Chapter 7 Quiz Objective: Chapter 8 Preview

Fri, Jan 17
Quiz Discussion

Due: Binders, Pencil HW: None

Assessment: Quiz

Weekly agenda sheets are subject to change. If a student misses a day, he or she is liable to ask for make-up work and turn it in within the necessary time limit given by the district policy. This agenda sheet is passed out every Monday. This sheet is irreplaceable and will not be reassigned to a student who has misplaced it. Johnson Publishing2014 If there are any questions, please contact at or call at (708)271-4680

Mr. Johnsons Economics Agenda Sheet Jan. 13, 2014 Jan. 17, 2014 Date Mon, Jan 13
Discussion Individual Work

Objective: Textbook Preview Objective: Chapter 1 Vocabulary Objective: Chapter 1 Preview Assessment: In-Class Work, Homework

What is Due?/What is for Homework

Due: None HW: Finish Chapter 1 Vocabulary, Read 1.2

Tue, Jan 14
Review Project

Objective: Review Vocabulary Objective: Economics Acrostic Poem Assessment: Acrostic Poem

Due: Chapter 1 Vocabulary HW: Finish Acrostic Poem

Wed, Jan 15
Group Work

Objective: The 7 Principles of Economic Thinking Assessment: Poster

Due: Acrostic Poem HW: Read 1.3, 7 Principles of Economics Worksheet Due: 7 Principles of Economics Worksheet HW: Read 1.4, Finish 1.4 Worksheet Due: 1.4 Worksheet HW: Study

Thu, Jan 16
Group Work Direct Instruction

Objective: Present 7 Principles Posters Objective: What Tools Do Economists Use? Assessment: Poster, Homework

Fri, Jan 17
Quiz Discussion

Objective: Class Rules Quiz Objective: What is an Economic Enigma? Assessment: Quiz

Weekly agenda sheets are subject to change. If a student misses a day, he or she is liable to ask for make-up work and turn it in within the necessary time limit given by the district policy. This agenda sheet is passed out every Monday. This sheet is irreplaceable and will not be reassigned to a student who has misplaced it. Johnson Publishing2014 If there are any questions, please contact at or call at (708)271-4680

Mr. Johnsons Sociology Agenda Sheet Jan. 13, 2014 Jan. 17, 2014 Date Mon, Jan 13
Review Direct Instruction

Objective: Review Chapter 8 Section 2 Objective: Chapter 8 Section 3 Notes Assessment: Exit Slip

What is Due?/What is for Homework

Due: Chapter 8 Section 2 Worksheet HW: Chapter 8 Learning Goals

Tue, Jan 14
Video Analysis Discussion

Objective: Analyzing Behavior Differences of the Social Classes

Due: Chapter 8 Learning Goals HW: Chapter 8 Super Mini-Q

Assessment: In-Class Work

Wed, Jan 15
Think-Share Discussion

Objective: Discuss Super Mini-Q Objective: Chapter 8 Section 4 Notes Assessment: Notebook

Due: Chapter 8 Super Mini-Q HW: Chapter 8 Vocabulary

Thu, Jan 16
Direct Instruction Individual Work

Objective: Social Mobility Intro Objective: Social Mobility Storybook

Due: Chapter 8 Vocabulary HW: Work on Storybook (Due Tuesday), Study

Assessment: Project

Fri, Jan 17
Quiz Individual Work

Objective: Chapter 8 Quiz Objective: Work on Storybook Assessment: Quiz, Project

Due: None HW: Finish Project Due Tuesday

Weekly agenda sheets are subject to change. If a student misses a day, he or she is liable to ask for make-up work and turn it in within the necessary time limit given by the district policy. This agenda sheet is passed out every Monday. This sheet is irreplaceable and will not be reassigned to a student who has misplaced it. Johnson Publishing2014 If there are any questions, please contact at or call at (708)271-4680

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