Stability Problems 6

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1. A ship has a displacement of 2,400 tons and KG 10.8 meters.

Find the new KG if a weight of 50 tons mass already on board is raised 12 meters vertically. Answer: 11.05 meters




1. Solution: GG = Wt. x Dist. = 50 tons x 12m 2,400 tons GG = 0.25 m Old KG = 10.80 m ( + ) New KG = 11.05 m

2. A ship has displacement of 2,000 tons and KG 10.5 meters. Find the new KG if a weight of 40 tons mass already on board is shifted from the tween deck to lower hold trough a distance of 4.5 meters vertically. Ans. 10.41 m


2. Solution: GG = Wt x Dist = 40 tons x 4.5 m 2,000 tons GG = 0.09 m Old KG = 10.50 m ( - ) New KG = 10.41 m

3. A ship of 2,000 tons displacement has KG 4.5 meters. A heavy lift of 20 tons mass is in the lower hold and has KG 2 meters. The weight is then raised 0.5 meter clear of the tank top by a derrick whose head is 14 meters above the keel. Find the new KG of the ship?
Ans. 4.62 m


3. Solution: Height of Derrick fr. Keel = 14 m KG. of Cargo = 2.0 m ( - ) Distance = 12.0 m GG = Wt x Dist. = 20 tons x 12.0 m 2,000 tons GG = 0.12 m Old KG = 4.50 m ( + ) New KG = 4.62 m

4. A ship has a displacement of 7,000 tons and KG 6 meters. A heavy lift in the lower hold has KG 3 meters and mass 40 tons. Find the new KG when this weight is raised through 4.5 meters vertically and is suspended by a derrick whose head is 17 meters above the keel.

Ans. 6.08 m

4. Solution: Ht of Derrick = 17.0 m KG of Cargo = 3.0 m ( - ) Distance = 14.0 m GG = Wt. x Dist. = 40 tons x 14.0 m 7,000 tons GG = 0.08 m Old KG = 6.00 m ( + ) New KG = 6.08 m

5. Find the ship in the center of gravity of a ship of 1,500 tons displacement when a weight of 25 tons mass is shifted from the starboard side of the lower hold to the port side on deck through a distance of 15 meters. Ans. 0.25 m

5. Solution: GG = Wt. x Dist. = 25 tons x 15 m 1,500 tons GG = 0.25 m

6. A tank holds 120 tons when full of fresh water. Find how many tons of oil of relative density 0.84 it will hold, allowing 2% of the volume of the tank for expansion in the oil. Ans. 98.78 tons

6. Solution: Capacity = Wt. of FW x Expansion = 120 tons x 2 % or ( .02 ) Capacity = 2.4 (-) 120.0 Capacity = 117.6 tons Wt. of Oil = Capacity x R.D. of Oil 117.6 tons x 0.84 Wt. of oil = 98.78 tons

7. A tank when full will hold 130 tons of salt water. Find how many tons of oil relative density 0.909 it will hold allowing 1% of the volume of the tank for expansion. Ans. 114.13 tons

7. Solution: Capacity = Capacity of FW x Expansion = 130 x 1% or .01 Capacity = 1.3 (-) 130.0 tons Capacity = 128.7 tons R.D. Oil = 0.909 ( x ) Wt. of Oil = 116.98 tons Actual Wt. = Weight of Oil / Density of SW = 116.98 tons / 1.025 Actual Wt. of Oil = 114.13 tons

8. A tank measuring 8m x 6m x 7m is being filled with oil of relative density 0.9. Find how many tons of oil in the tank when the ullage is 3 meters. Ans. 172.8 tons

8. Solution: Wt. of Oil = L x W x (H Ullage) x R.D of Oil = 8m x 6m x ( 7m 3m ) x 0.9 = 8m x 6m x 4m x 0.9 Wt. of Oil = 172.8 tons

9. Oil of relative density 0.75 is run into a tank measuring 6m x 4m x 8m until the ullage is 2 meters. Calculate the number of tons of oil the tank then contains. Ans. 108 tons

9. Solution: Weight of Oil = L x W x ( H Ullage ) x R.D. Oil = 6m x 4m x (8m 2m) x 0.75 = 6m x 4m x 6m x 0.75 Weight of Oil = 108 tons

10. A tank will hold 100 tons when full of fresh water. Find how many tons of oil of relative density 0.85 may be loaded if 2% of the volume of the oil loaded is to be allowed for expansion.

Ans. 83.3 tons

10. Solution: Capacity = Wt. of FW x Expansion = 100 t x 2% or .02 = 2 (-)100 Capacity = 98 tons Weight of Oil = Capacity x R.D. of Oil = 98 tons x 0.85 Weight of Oil = 83.3 tons

11. A box-shaped vessel 120m x 6m x 2.5 m floats at a draft of 1.5 m in water of density 1,013 kgs/m. Find the displacement in tons, and the height of the centre of buoyancy above the keel.

Ans. 1094.04 tons / 0.75 m

11. Solution: = L x B x Draft x Cb x R. Density = 20m x 6m x 1.5m x 1 x 1.013 tons/m = 1,094.04 tons KB = x Draft = x 1.5 m KB = 0.75 m

12. A box-shaped barge 55m x 10m x 6m is floating in fresh water on an even keel at 1.5 m draft. If 1,800 tons of cargo is now loaded, find the difference in the height of the centre buoyancy above the keel? Ans. 1.636 m

12. Solution: = L x W x Draft x Cb x R. Density = 55m x 10m x 1.5m x 1 x 1.000ton/m = 825 tons KB = x Draft KB = x 1.5m KB = 0.75m

If 1,800 is now loaded = L x W x Draft x Cb x R. Density 1,800 tons = 55m x 10m x Draft x 1 x 1.000 Draft = 1800 tons 55m x 10m x 1 x 1.000 ton/m Draft = 1800 550 Draft = 3.27m KB = x Draft = x 3.27m KB = 1.635m

12. Solution: New Draft Old Draft New Draft 1.5m New Draft =

New Old 1,800 tons 825 tons 1.5m x 1,800 tons 825 tons New Draft = 3.27m KB = x Draft KB = x 3.27m KB = 1.635m

13. A box-shaped barge 75m x 6m x 4m displaces 180 tons when light. If 360 tons of iron are loaded while the barge is floating in fresh water, find her final draft reserve buoyancy.

Ans. 1.2m / 70%

13. Solution: Light = L x W x Draft x Cb x R. Density 180 tons = 75m x 6 m x Draft x 1 x 1.0 Light Draft = 180 tons 75m x 6m x 1 x 1.000 Light Draft = 180 tons 450 Light Draft = 0.4m

New Old 360 tons 180 tons 0.4m x 360 tons 180 tons New Draft = 0.8m Light Draft = 0.4m ( + ) Final Draft = 1.2m New Draft Old Draft New Draft 0.4m New Draft =

4m Depth


1.2m Draft

Reserve Buoyancy = Final Draft/ Depth = 1.2m / 4m Intact Buoyancy = 0.3 or 30 % ( - ) 100 % Reserve Buoyancy = 70 %

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