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Earth First!

August 2007

Action Update
A quarterly round-up of ecological and other direct action from around Britain

The EF! Action Update is back (again)! What is Earth First?

Welcome to the new Earth First! Action Update.  Earth   First!  stands   for   the   use   of 
direct   action   and   non­hierarchical 
After a bit of a lull a new editorial collective is in place and ready to roll.  organisation  to  confront,   stop  and 
The   Action   Update   is   produced   quarterly   to   aid   the   sharing   of   news,  eventually   reverse   the   forces 
information and ideas amongst those interested in taking action. The next  responsible   for   the   destruction   of 
newsletter will be out in November, so if you've got news to share about  the Earth and its inhabitants. 
your groups, campaigns and actions send us your articles (max 150 words) 
or post them straight onto our website:  It   is   not   a   cohesive   group   or 
campaign but a convenient banner 
To receive copies of the EF!AU in the post send us the subscription slip on  for   people   who   share   similar 
the   back.   To   get   a   PDF   file   for   printing   yourself   send   us   an   email   to  philosophies to work under.
In the UK people have been using 
This time we've not included a contacts list, but we'd like to next time.  the   Earth   First   banner   for   direct 
So drop us a line if you'd like your group/contact address included. action since the early 90s – directly 
confronting   and   stopping   road 
building,   the   quarrying   of   coal, 
largest remaining wilderness and oppose 
Iceland: Rio   Tinto/ALCAN,   ALCOA,   Century/ 
rock and peat, freeing our fields of 
genetically   modified   crops, 
Summer of Dissent RUSAL   and   other   transnational  protesting   against   climate 
companies.   Lots   and   lots   of   succesfull  criminals, fighting corporate power 
In   Iceland   a   summer   of   dissent   against  direct action has been happening – here is 
heavy industry and large dams has begun.  and much, much more.
just a selection:
In   a  much  disputed  master­plan,  all   the  On   19th  July   Saving   Iceland   closed   the  targeted by members of Saving Iceland. 
glacial rivers and geothermal potential of  single supply road from Highway 1 to the  Paint   was   thrown   on   the   building,   the 
the   largest   wilderness   of   Europe   would  Century/Nordural smelter on Hvalfjordur  lock   was   glued   and   a   message   was 
be  harnessed  for  aluminium   production.  and  the  steel  factory  Elkem  –  Icelandic  affixed   to   the   exterior   reading   “The 
This   is   already   resulting   in   large   scale  Alloys.   Activists   used   lock­ons   (metal  Whole   World   is   Watching”.   “Iceland 
destruction   of   pristine   areas   of   Iceland.  arm tubes) to form a human blockade on  Bleeds”   was   also   painted   on   the   steps. 
for   the   third   year   runningactivists   from  the road and  occupied a construction site  The action served as a response to recent 
around   the   world   including   many   from  crane. acts   of   police   brutality   against   Saving 
the   UK   gathered   to   protect   Europe's  20th   July   ­   25   protestors   went   into  Iceland   activists   in   Reykjavik   who 
Reykjavik   Energy   (OR)  continue   to   oppose   the   assault   on   the 
and   hung   up   a   banner  Icelandic wilderness by heavy industry. 
inside   stating:   ‘Reykjavik  24th  July 20 Protesters lock their arms in 
Arms­dealers’   to   highlight  metal tubes and climbed onto cranes on 
the   sale   of   energy   to  RioTinto's Straumsvik smelter in  South­
companies   involved   in  West Iceland. 
arms   production   and  26th  July  Blockade of  Hellisheidi  Power 
serious   human   rights  Station ­ activists locked on to different 
violations.   Protesters  vehicles and one climbed a crane on the 
stayed   in   the   building   for  worksite and unfurled a gigantic banner: 
The   same   morning   the  WEAPONS".
Icelandic   embassy   on  For   more   info   and   amazing   images   of 
Queen   St,   Edinburgh   was  iceland check out
emission­spouting beasts. 
Britain GM free again! The blockade went on for over two hours 
Free train tickets at
After three years of no GM crops being  and   activists   handing   out   leaflets   got   a  airports across the UK
grown in the UK, BASF announced two  positive   reaction   from   most   people,  On 19th  June impromptu ticket exchange 
test sites for GM potatoes this year ­ in  including car drivers.  booths popped up in airports across the 
Hull and Cambridge. This testing of the   UK. Greenpeace volunteers at the booths 
waters   was   followed   by   swift   action 
explained   to   passengers   about   to   take 
locally and nationally.
Norwich petrol station domestic   flights   that   flying   causes   10 
One down... times   more   damage   to   the   climate   than 
Over 100 people followed the rallying cry  shut down taking   the   train   ­   and   then   offered   to 
for a protest and picnic at the Hull site in  Twelve   activists   from   Norwich   Rising  exchange   their   plane   tickets   for   climate 
April. Just weeks later BASF announced  Tide shut down a Jet petrol station during  friendly train tickets instead! 
that   following   extensive   local   and  rush hour as part of the International Day 
national   resistance,   they   would   not   be  of action against climate change and the  Happy Birthday
conducting   a   GM   potato   trial   in  G8 on 8th June.
Yorkshire   this   year,   but   that   they   may  Despite   a   police   presence   when   they  Camp Titnore!
have another go  next year. arrived,   the   activists   stretched   banners  After years of local campaigning failed to 
Sorted! across   all   three   entrances,   stopping  persuade   Worthing   Borough   Council   to 
vehicles   from   filling   up.   While  oppose   the   development,   people   saw 
Not   to   be   outdone   by   their   northern  blockading   the   pumps   they   handed   out 
friends,   on   the   night   of   30th  June  direct action as the only way to continue 
leaflets   pointing out the inability of G8  the fight.
protestors   destroyed   the   GM   trial   in  leaders to truly tackle climate change and 
Cambridgeshire.   Campaigners   scaled   a  They didn’t really think the camp had any 
showing   up   the   G8's   so­called   climate  chance of lasting more than a few days, 
fence to enter a field between Girton and  deal for the sham that it really is.
Histon and pulled up all of the crop. or   weeks   at   the   most.   And   when   the 
This action follows a series of protests at  landowners won possession  in the High 
the   site.   The   previous   Sunday   saw   a  Climate activist super- Court in London in August, everyone was 
braced   for   an   eviction,   but   it   didn’t 
march  on the field where the protestors  glued to door happen.
faced   overwhelming   numbers   of   police 
and two participants were arrested.  An environmental activist was so enraged  The   landowners,   and   potential 
B.A.S.F. has now stepped up security at  that   continue   to   push  developers,   hoped   the   protesters   would 
the site and have obtained an injunction  short   haul   flights   whilst   knowing   the  all   melt   (or   freeze)   away,   during   the 
banning   people   from   the   field. damage  they   do  to  the  climate  that   she  winter, but they didn’t.
super­glued  herself   to   the   front   door   of  The   fact   that   the   camp   is   still   up   and 
the company's London HQ. running   is   testament   to   the   battling, 
E$$O Pipeline Protests The woman, a member of climate action  never­say­die   attitude   of   all   those 
With the gas pipeline converging on two  group Plane Stupid, superglued her hands  involved. 
fronts the protest tree camp in the Brecon  to   the   front   doors   of   the   building   ­  But now there is a need for more people 
Beacons   has   just   been   served   with   an  blocking staff from entering their offices  to lend a hand and get involved, to ensure 
eviction notice and are now on high alert  as part of the G8 climate action day. that the camp is still there, resisting this 
for evivtion. Activists are now dug­in and  She said, “Whilst G8 leaders have simply  development,   in   another   year’s   time. 
locked­on   up   trees   with   support   from  spouted   more  hot   air,   I've  showed  what­­
local people, ready to resist. They need  one   woman  alone   can   do   to   shut   down  titnore.html. tel:  07913 534083.
your support. If you can get down there,  climate 
ring the camp hotline on 07917383517, or 
... sticking with the same theme Oil Barons Fooled
For   more   info   on   ESSO's   pipeline  On 16  June climate campaigners caused 
14th   June saw pranksters the “Yes Men”  disruption   to   the   short­haul   East 
pose   as   ExxonMobil   and   National 
Midlands airport by gluing themselves to 
Petroleum Council (NPC) representatives 
its doors. Supporters handed out leaflets 
and deliver the keynote speech to 300 oil 
London E$$O station to   airport   customers   encouraging   them 
bosses at GO­EXPO, Canada's largest oil 
not to fly next time, and a banner with 
blockaded conference, held in Calgary, Alberta.
the slogan “Let's fry” was released in the 
In the speech, the "NPC rep" announced 
On 8th  June red nosed clowns and ESSO  departure lounge where it floated to the 
that   current   U.S.   and   Canadian   energy 
tigers blockaded an E$$O station in West  ceiling carried by helium­filled balloons.
policies   are   increasing   the   chances   of 
London  for   over  two  hours   to   highlight  This was part of a day of action against 
huge global calamities. But he reassured 
Exxon   Mobil/E$$'s   role   in   bankrolling  shout­haul   flights   called   for   by   Airport 
the   audience   that   in   the   worst   case 
climate   chaos.   E$$O's   support   for   the  Watch and demos took place at airports 
scenario, the oil industry could "keep fuel 
Liquid Natural Gas pipeline is paving the  across the UK and Europe.
flowing" by transforming the billions of 
way   for   new   Gas   Fired   power   stations, 
people   who   die   into 
locking   us 
into   another  Earth First website "We   need   something 
30   years 
like   whales,   but 
with   these  Read and post your action reports!  Plus links and image galleries.
infinitely   more   abundant,"   said   "NPC  blocking traffic, even though they weren't  directly to Afghanistan and Iraq.
rep"   "Shepard   Wolff"   before   describing  on the road when protesting!    A   direct   action   camp   was   evicted   in 
the   technology   used   to   render   human  The Hill of Tara is still to be won but  January, and 15 acres were destroyed, but 
flesh into a new Exxon oil product called  there is not much time. Get down there  35   acres   saved.   GroenFront!   was 
Vivoleum. 3­D animations of the process  now with camp tat like rope; tarps; food  preparing to reoccupy the woods awaiting 
brought   it   to   life.   "Vivoleum   works   in  etc. Contact Vigil phone number 086­ the   final   outcome   of   a   legal   battle 
perfect   synergy   with   the   continued  1758557 between   the   local   council   and   national 
expansion   of   fossil   fuel   production,"  government,   but   now   to   great   surprise, 
noted   "Exxon   rep"   "Florian   Osenberg".  the  protesters   have  been   vindicated  and 
"With more fossil fuels comes a greater  Mobile phone masts the   forests   are   definitely   saved   from 
chance of disaster, but that means more  destroyed by tank NATO's bloody claws. 
feedstock   for   Vivoleum.   Fuel   will  On   18th  July   the   highest   court   in   the 
continue to flow for those of us left."  On   the   15th  July   a   man   used   a   tank   to 
Netherlands   ruled   that   the   logging   of 
The oil bosses listened to the lecture with  demolish   six   mobile   phone   towers   in 
Schiveld forest is illegal and therefore 
attention,   and   then   lit   "commemorative  Sydney, Australia. After taking the tank 
must be stopped.
candles"   supposedly   made   of   Vivoleum  the man toured six Sydney suburbs and 
obtained   from   the   flesh   of   an   "Exxon  managed to ram the tank through fences 
janitor" who died as a result of cleaning  and   into   six   mobile   phone   towers,  Protest at weapons
telecommunication   relay   sheds   and   an 
up   a   toxic   spill.   The   audience   only 
electrical   substation   ­   all   in   just   two  manufacturers HQ
reacted   when   the   janitor,   in   a   video 
tribute, announced that he wished to be  hours!   The   damage   caused   major  On   24th  July   about   30­40   people 
transformed into candles after his death,  disruptions  to   mobile  phone  services   in  gathered   at   the   Nottingham   UK 
and all became crystal­clear. parts   of   Sydney.   More   than   20   police  headquarters   of   Heckler   &   Koch,   the 
started chasing the tank before realising  world's second­largest manufacturer of 
they couldn't stop it and running away to  handguns,   assault   rifles,   submachine 
Tesco Blockade in a safe distance to watch. guns,   machine   guns   and   grenade 
Porthmadog launchers.  
On 14th  July activists blockaded Tesco in  West London residents It was recently found out that their HQ 
is   based   on   an   industrial   estate   in 
Porthmadog,   Wales.   The   action   was   to 
protest about Tesco's destruction of small 
stop traffic outside DfT Lenton,   Nottingham   so   some   people 
local   shops   and   businesses   as   well   as  On the 20th  June West London residents  decided   to   pay   them   a   visit.  
their token use of Welsh on signs in their  protesting   against   Heathrow   expansion  There were about the same amount of 
stores   and   their   link   to   Adecco  plans   stopped   traffic   outside   the  police   officers   as   protesters,   in   an 
recruitment agency who recently banned  Department for  Transport  offices before  attempt   to   keep   them   off   the   actual 
their   staff   from   speaking   Welsh.   The  trying to invade the building. estate where the company is based. 
activists blocked the entrance and put up  After   discovering   that   the   DfT   had 
posters   announcing   that   the   store   was  secretly   passed   key   information 
shut.  supporting   expansion   of   Heathrow   to  Diary Dates
BAA   the   protesters   decided   to   carry   a 
bed   with   the   slogan   “DfT   in   bed   with  24th­26th August ­ Dutch EF! 
BAA” to the DfT offices. gathering. 
A dozen residents halted the traffic and  Workshops and discussions eg the 
painted   a   runway   on   the   road   before  five coal­fired power stations 
leaving the bed outside the building.
planned to be built in the 
Earlier in the year the residents, who are 
Netherlands, current campaigns, 
working   with   Plane   Stupid   activists, 
climate neutral squatting, DIY 
invaded Chatham House and disrupted a 
speech   by   Transport   Secretary   Douglas 
windmills, economic shrink and 
Alexander. much more!

19th­24th September ­ Gatwick 
Work stopped at Tara Dutch Earth First! No Border Camp 2007
On  the   18th  July   activists   protesting   the  Defeats NATO! The first No Border Camp in the 
building   of   the   M3   motorway   near   the  UK will be a chance to work 
Hill   of   Tara   in   Co   Meath   stopped  For   two   years   GroenFront!   (Dutch   & 
Belgian   EarthFirst!)   have   been   fighting  together to try and stop the 
construction   on   the   site.   Protesters 
with   the  local   community   in   Schinveld,  building of a new detention centre, 
climbed  on top  of  construction  vehicles 
in   the   South­east   of   the   country,   to  and to gather ideas for how to 
and   stood   in   the   way   of   moving 
preserve a forest that would be destroyed  build the fight against the system 
machinery in an effort to prevent work on 
the route of road. People also tried to stop  for the sake of the NATO air force base  of migration controls. 
construction   workers   from   entering   the  across the German border. The new base 
Soldier   Hill   archaeological   site   on   the  is planned to allow AWACS radar planes 
Hill.   7   campaigners   were   arrested   for  to lift off with more fuel in order to fly 
Palestinian Flag Hoisted three fishermen who had been granted  drum up support for the campaign.
bail that morning. Around one hundred  Financial   help   and   other   forms   of 
at Agrexco protesters entered and marched around  solidarity   are   urgently   needed.   Contact 
A   Palestinian   flag   fluttered   over   the  the   site   for   about   twenty   minutes.   or   ogopogos@ 
Agrexco   Carmel   depot   in   Hayes,  Taking control of the site was a fitting   if   you   are   able   to   offer 
Middlesex,   for   a   few   hours   on   the  end to a highly successful day. support.
afternoon of Sunday 15th July. Activists
entered   the   Israeli,   50%   state­owned  EF! Gathering report
fresh produce importer's premises shortly 
This   year's   EF!   summer   gathering   took 
after   1pm.   The   action   is   part   of   an 
place on a beautiful site, converting many 
ongoing   campaign   against   the   company 
to the wonders of Norfolk ­ trees, green 
which   is   the   major   distributor   for 
woodpeckers, at least 3 types of horsefly, 
settlement   produce.   After   replacing   the 
and even some undulations! Local history 
Israeli   and   British   flags,   the   activists 
includes   the   longest   strike   in   history   at 
entered  the   warehouse   and   conducted   a 
Burston. The area was also a centre for 
brief inspection before some of the group 
rural rebellions like the Swing Riots and 
D­locked   themselves   to   a   storage 
trailer.After disrupting business for about  Siberian protest camp the   tearing   down   of   fences   around 
common land by peasants (not to mention 
3.5   hours,   the   group   left   voluntarily  against uranium plant Boudiccea...). 
without any arrests.
Much   of   the   focus   this   year   at   the 
attacked by nazis gathering  was   of   course   around  climate 
Latest from Co. Mayo Early   morning   21st   July,   neo­nazi  chaos,   and   in   particular   much   plotting 
skinheads   launched   a   vicious   and  and planning was done for the Camp for 
This summer has seen the  Shell to Sea 
unprovoked   attack   on   an   anti­nuclear  Climate   Action.   Hopefully   as   you   read 
campaign gain increasing momentum as  protest camp in Angarsk, Siberia, Russia.  this those discussions are bearing fruit! 
construction of the proposed onshore gas  The  nazis  violently   attacked  activists  in  There   were   lots   workshops   on   practical 
refinery in County Mayo, Ireland begins.  their   sleeping   bags   and   tents   with   iron  skills:   from   tool   sharpening,   through 
Resistance   was   stepped   up   following   a  rods, knives and air pressure guns.   Ilya  blockades,   climbing,   night   navigation, 
jail   sentence   given   to   three   local  Borodaenko     suffered   a   head­fracture  researching   corporations,   arrest   role­
fishermen   accused   of   assaulting   Gardai  during   the   attack   and   later   died   in  plays, conflict resolution to squatting & 
(Police) during a Shell to Sea picket last  hospital  from  his injuries.  At  least  nine  squat   electrics   –   these   were   much 
year. In a show of strength on 12th July  others have been reported to be seriously  appreciated,  as  were  workshops   ranging 
people  came  to  show  their   solidarity   to  injured, one of which has had both their  from   Iceland,   nukes,   aviation   &   other 
the men and to their resolute opposition  legs  broken.  Tents  were  set  on   fire  and  climate chaos, Palestine, arms trade, anti­
to   Shell's   project.   The   following   day   a  several belongings were stolen. fascism,   No   Borders,   roads   &   other 
local   resident   and   someone   from   the  The camp started last week and is aimed  protest camps, to travellers & resistance 
solidarity   camp   locked   on   to   a   car,  at protesting against a planned centre of  against genetics. 
blocking   a   bridge   on   the   way   to   the  uranium   enrichment   in   Angarsk.   Ever  There was the same good mix we've seen 
refinery   site.   They   remained   locked   on  since   the   arrival   of   the   activists,   the  for the last 3 or 4 years of old hands and 
for   six   hours.   supported   by   forty  police have tried to intimidate them and  younger enthusiasm, with people getting 
protestors   (held   behind   police   lines)  have  entered  the  camp  in  an   attempt  to  involved  in  new EF! groups,  campaigns 
whilst   others   set   up   spontaneous  gather information about planned actions.  and next year's gathering collective and a 
blockades   on   alternative   routes   to   the  The organisation who planned the camp,  relaunch   of   the   EF!   Action   Update. 
site. Construction lorries returned to their  the   'Ecological   Wave   of   Baikal',   had  Hoorah! The atmosphere was enjoyable, 
quarries with full loads. planned various rallies in the surrounding  productive   and   supportive.   See   you   all 
In the evening one hundred cars met the  area to inform locals about the plans and  next year for more fun and plotting.

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Action Update c/o The Basement, 78a Penny St, Lancaster LA1 1XN

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