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Friday March 15 & Saturday March16, 2014 Fixed price $40.00
No s !stit te ca" !e #ade to t$is specia% #e"

Appeti&er '$oices
Pride o( Eri" so p Cabbage-onion-potato in a chicken broth )ird F%a"a*a" Potato Pa"cakes +,Shredded potato, Canadian bacon, diced onion and cheddar cheese Escar*ot i" .ar%ic ) tter Iris$ P ! 'o! Sa%ad ettuce, cucu!bers, to!atoes, shredded cabbage s"iced onions, hard boi"ed eggs and cheddar cheese #ith a !ayonnaise, !a"t $inegar, tarragon and !ustard dressing Iris$ %eek S/iss tarts

E"tr0e c$oices
Fa"" o%% the bone )raised 1a#! S$a"k #ith gar"ic !ashed potato and $egetab"es )raised !risket A"d 'a!!a*e ' rr2 3o se '$icke" . i""ess $o"e2 *%a&ed pork %oi" Iris$ Fis$ Pie

Dessert c$oices $4.00

&ai"eys Cr'!e bru"ee (rish crea! choco"ate !ousse cake )uinness choco"ate bro#nies #ith $ani""a ice crea!

Specia%t2 'o((ee
Traditio"a% Iris$ co((ee (rish #hiskey, sugar, co%%ee, #hipped crea! Iris$ 5iss &ai"eys (rish crea! and *ah"ua Trip%e Iris$ (rish +hiskey, &ai"eys, (rish Mist 3ot N tt2 Iris$#a" &ai"eys (rish Crea! and Frange"ico

///.t$e"e/d "deee#pori

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