Promotion Lesson Plan

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Jordan Ryder Promotion Lesson Plan Learner Profile The audience for this class is students 9-12 in an Introduction

to Business Class. They are takin this class as an electi!e and interested in takin Business in colle e. They are in the Promotion Lesson of the "arketin #nit$ %hich is one &art of the "arketin "i'. Contextual Factors This class is tau ht at (ale-)ttrick *i h +chool that has a total &o&ulation of ,2- students. .istri/ution of students %ith disa/ilities is 012 %ithout$ ,2 3ther Primary .isa/ility$ 42 +&ecific Learnin .isa/ility$ 22 )motional Beha!ioral .isa/ility$ 22 Co niti!e .isa/ility$ and 12 +&eech or Lan ua e Im&airment. This class %ill ha!e -5 students as &art of an electi!e course. Goal(s) Be a/le to identify and analy6e different ty&es of ad!ertisements 7naly6e sales &romotions .efine &u/lic relations Identify ty&es of direct marketin Common Core Standards BIT."819 +tudents %ill analy6e the elements of the marketin mi' "81.d9 Im&lement a&&ro&riate strate ies to communicate information a/out &roducts and ser!ices to achie!e a desired outcome. Objectives T+: list and descri/e the 4 )lements of a Promotional "i' (i!en an e'am&le ad!ertisement$ T+: identify the ad messa e and media ty&e. Time Frame 05 minutes

Resources "aterials9 Pro;ector Com&uter Internet 7ccess 25 co&ies Promotional "i' 7cti!ity 7ssi nment Instructional 4 minutes-7sk students to think a/out their fa!orite commercial< :hat is it tryin to =sell<> -+tudents can raise their hand and share their fa!orite commercials and tell %hy they like it. -Then$ ask students to think a/out if this is a &roduct or ser!ice that they ha!e &urchased or %ould /e easy for them to &urchase< 15 minutes -7sk students to share if they ha!e or %ould &urchase these &roducts ho% im&ortant the &roduct is?%as to them< If they %ould take the time to s&end time com&arin &roducts and /rands /efore they &urchase it< 7nd %hy<

-5 minutes

Promotional "i' Pre6i 24--5 minutes Promotional "i' 7cti!ity 7ssi nment Closure +ho% sam&le ads as time allo%s and instruct students to identify ad messa e and media ty&e. 7T@T Aicky Blash commercial Analyze thi a!

ssessment +tudents should com&lete e'it ticket identifyin the ad messa e and media ty&e of e'am&les from end of class.

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