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OBIEE11g Architecture, Components & Internals

Mark Rittman, Rittman Mead BI Forum 2011 Brighton & Atlanta, May 2011
T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Overview of OBIEE 11gR1 (and whats new in High-Level Product Architecture, and Role within Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g The Oracle BI Domain, WebLogic Server, and the Oracle BI Instance Use of Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Database Filesystem and Environment Changes What do WebLogic and Enterprise Manager Do? How do Diagnostics and Systems Metrics work with 11g? How does the Systems API work? Clustering & Multi-Tenancy

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Oracle Business Intelligence 11gR1

The latest release of Oracles business intelligence platform Derived from Siebel Analytics; second major Oracle release Now at version (hopefully by the time of the BI Forum) 11gR1 new features focused on manageability and middleware integration

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Key New Features introduced with OBIEE 11gR1

New Fusion Applications / ADF look and feel for front-end components WebLogic Server and Oracle Enterprise Manager Some enhancements to the Oracle BI Repository Action Framework KPIs and Scorecards

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

OBIEE 11g Basic Architecture

Overall system called an Oracle BI Domain Made up of Java and non-Java components Java components hosted in WebLogic Server 11g Managed using OEM and WebLogic Admin Server Supporting database schema for repositories, metadata New in - Managed Server and Node Manager are optional

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Based on Fusion Middleware 11g Platform

Fully-integrated with Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Common security (Oracle Identity Management, Oracle Access Manager) Built on WebLogic Server Managed through Fusion Middleware Control (Enterprise Manager) Built using multiple technologies including JDeveloper (ADF)

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Leveraging Oracle Fusion Middleware Technologies

OBIEE 11g leverages many Fusion Middleware 11g technologies ! WLS (WebLogic Server) ! OPMN (Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server) ! OPSS (Oracle Platform Security Services) ! DMS (Dynamic Monitoring System) ! ODL (Oracle Diagnostic Logging) ! JPS (Java Platform Security) ! CSF (Credential Store Framework) ! OPATCH / OPACK ! UA (Upgrade Assistant) ! RCU (Repository Creation Assistant)

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

OBIEE 11g System Components, Java Components and OPMN

OBIEE components divided into System and Java components System components are still C/C++ executables, are controlled by OPMN, and are managed by Fusion Middleware Control Java Components are JEE applications, are usually installed in the managed server, and are controlled by Fusion Middleware Control

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Oracle WebLogic Server 11g

J2EE Application Server used for hosting OBIEE 11g Java components ! Plays role performed by OC4J/OAS in 10g version Managed using the WebLogic Administration Server ! Weblogic Server Administration Console ! Fusion Middleware Control ! JMX MBeans (programmatic access to BI Domain) OBIEE Java components held in (n) Managed Servers System Components Managed by Fusion Middleware Control, but exist outside of WLS domain

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Node Manager
Used for stopping and starting distributed Managed Servers Java utility that runs as a separate process from WebLogic Server Can also restart managed servers that have crashed The equivalent of OPMN, but for Java components Usually must be running as a service for full start of OBIEE 11gR1 New in - only installed when managed server installed

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server

Used for distributed process start/stop/restart Process recovery (optional), process ping Managed via EM, or from command line Can also be used for performance collection (DMS) Required on every OBIEE server Standard FMW process control tool

C:\Middleware\Oracle_BI1\opmn\bin>opmnctl status Processes in Instance: instance1 ---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+--------ias-component | process-type | pid | status ---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+--------coreapplication_obiccs1 | OracleBIClusterCo~ | 3364 | Alive coreapplication_obisch1 | OracleBIScheduler~ | 1012 | Alive coreapplication_obijh1 | OracleBIJavaHostC~ | 4400 | Alive coreapplication_obips1 | OracleBIPresentat~ | 2092 | Alive coreapplication_obis1 | OracleBIServerCom~ | 5040 | Alive

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The WebLogic Domain

Each OBIEE 11g Oracle BI Domain contains a single WebLogic Domain Contains one Admin Server, and at the start, one Managed Server ! New in - Managed Server is optional ! Can add managed servers through Horizontal Scaleout WebLogic Domain administered through Admin Console, and WLST (Weblogic scripting) Managed servers can be started manually, or through Node Manager

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Oracle Instance

A collection of System Components, spread over one or more physical servers Managed together using OPMN (instances are OPMN organisational units) Starts with one of each system component, on the initial server ! Can be added to by use of Vertical Clustering

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control

Manage System Components (BI Server, BI Presentation Server etc) Start, Stop and Restart all System Components and Managed Servers Configure Preferences and Defaults Scale out System Components Performance Monitoring and Diagnostics

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

11g Architecture Compared to 10g Architecture

Main difference is wrapping components in WLS platform and EM management Individual servers, components are still the same (BI Server, Presentation Server, BI Publisher J2EE application etc) Some reworking has taken place in 11gR1 (unified logging, management of config files using EM etc) Basic concepts, plus clustering (OBIEE), scheduling etc are the same as in 10g
Web Server (IIS, Tomcat, Websphere, iPlanet)

Web Browser
Javascript for Usability & Interactivity

Oracle BI Publisher
Delivery Server Layout Interfaces XSL Data Logic

Oracle BI Presentation Services

SOAP Web Services, XML and URL Interface Oracle Interactive Dashboards Oracle Answers

TCP/IP (SSL) Web Catalog Service XML Framework

User Profiling, Security and Session Mngmt Cache Services (Web) & Connection Mngmt


External Applications and Portals


Oracle Delivers Server

Scheduling/Event Services Agent Execution Logic Device Adaptive Content


Oracle BI Server
Logical SQL ODBC/JDBC (Logical Business Model)

Session Management Intelligent Request Generation

Metadata Interchange

Load Balancer

Oracle BI Cluster Controller

Logical Request Generation Cache Services Navigator Multi-Pass / Sub-Request Logic Fragmentation Optimization Aggregate Navigator Optimized Query Rewrites Execution Engine

Oracle BI Administration
Metadata Management Services Multi-User Development Services Metadata Documentation Services Server Management Services


Externalized Authentication LDAP DB Authentication Custom Authenticator

Data Source Adapters

ODBC, CLI, OCI, XML, MDX Analytical and Operational Data Sources

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

System / Perf Monitoring

Security Services

Query Govern.

Demonstration #1
WebLogic Server, Fusion Middleware and Enterprise Manager

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Core OBIEE Components Still Play Same Role

Once you strip away all of the middleware components, OBIEE 11g still works in fundamentally the same way as OBIEE 10g ! Users queries via the Presentation Server ! The Oracle BI Server converts these queries to physical SQL/MDX, via the Oracle BI Repository ! Queries are passed to the underlying physical databases and OLAP cubes ! Data returned to users in the form of dashboards and reports

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Oracle BI Server Still Works as the Analytic Middleware

Parses incoming logical SQL queries Uses the navigator to generate optimized physical queries Manages the query cache Handles row and subject-area security Provides load-balancing information to the Cluster Controller But now delegates authorization/ authentication to Fusion Middleware

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

OBIEE 11g Security and Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

OBIEE 11g delegates security to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g ! Leverages Oracle Platform Security Services Users and Groups in RPD now moved to embedded WLS LDAP Server Applications ! RPD and Webcat groups replaced by FMW11g Application Roles Comprehensive SSL and Credentials Management Middleware Encrypted RPD, plus optional report encryption and watermarking Database Flexible authorization model through Infrastructure & WLS and OPSS Management Still backwards compatible with LDAP model in OBIEE 10g

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

OBIEE 11g Security Administration Tools

WebLogic Server Admin Server (LDAP Server, Security Providers) Fusion Middleware Control (Application Roles) BI Administration tool (subject-area, and row-level security) Catalog Manager, and Presentation Services Catalog View (object permissions) Presentation Services Administration Page (PS functional permissions)

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

WLS Embedded LDAP Server

By default, OBIEE 11g users and groups are now held in the WLS LDAP Server ! More robust directory for storing user details ! Recommended for >1000 users WLS Admin Server Console now used for creating and maintaining users BI Server outsources all authentication, authorization to FMW11g BI Administration tool now used for subject area and row-level security, connection pool passwords only WLS LDAP Server can be swapped out for alternative directories (MS AD etc)

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Application Roles and Application Policies

Application roles introduce an indirection between LDAP groups and BI groups ! LDAP server provides users, groups ! FMW11g provides application roles ! Application roles are granted to LDAP users, groups ! Permissions are assigned to application roles Breaks direct link between groups Oracle and roles Groups Roles Business Intelligence Application roles can be exported Users Users between FMW11g environments All RPD, webcat permissions secured against application roles
Application Roles / Policies

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

OBIEE Security Providers

OBIEE 11g (through FMW11g) uses three Security Providers ! Authentication Provider (defaults to WLS LDAP Server) ! Policy Store Provider (defaults to WLS) ! Credential Store Provider (defaults to WLS) Flexible security framework that allows easy linking to external security All enabled through Oracle Platform Security Services

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Oracle Platform Security Services

Standards-based, portable, integrated enterprise-grade security framework Underlying security platform that provides security to Fusion Middleware 11g Abstraction layer in the form of API that insulate applications from security infrastructure

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Demonstration #2
Oracle Platform Security Services

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

So Whats New in OBIEE

Simple install option installs Java components in WLS administration server, doing away with node manager and managed server 64-bit Linux install lays down the 64-bit JVM 64-bit Windows install lays down a working 64-bit BI Administration tool (sort of) Option to install BI Composer, a simplified analysis generation tool Support for Oracle OLAP and SAP/BW as data sources In-place and out-of-place upgrades from

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Upgrading from to

To options for upgrading; out-of-place and in-place upgrade Out of Place Upgrade involves installing in a new MW Home ! Manually migrate RPD, catalog and other BI objects ! Manually migrate security, roles, users to new environment ! Advantage : conceptually simple, but resource-intensive In-Place Upgrade involves following the FMW11g patching process ! Detailed at ! Upgrade WLS from 10.3.3 to 10.3.5 via metalink-only Upgrade Installer ! Do software-only install of OBIEE into existing MW Home ! Perform pre- and post-patching steps ! Advantage : upgrades in-place, but a non-trivial exercise

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Common OBIEE 11g Architecture & Internals Questions

What is the new directory structure for an OBIEE installation (and why are there so many duplicated directories?) What does Oracle WebLogic Server actually do? What does Oracle Enterprise Manager Do? ! And What Happens When I Press the Activate Button? How Does Logging Now Work in OBIEE 11g? What is ODL and DMS? Where Does EM and WLS Keep Its Settings? What Secret Files Are There? So How Does the Systems Management API Work? Whats the Difference Between WebLogic and OBIEE Clustering? Can You Run Multiple RPDs and Webcats on the Same OBIEE11g Box? How Has Change Management Changed?

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

OBIEE 11g Directory Structure

Middleware Home is the top-level installation directory Binaries and template files in the BI Oracle Home Configuration files (RPD, config files, diagnostics, WebCat) in the Instance Home WLS binaries in the WL Home WLS domain files in BI Weblogic Domain Home Separation of binaries from configuration/instance files
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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Why So Many Duplicated Directories?

Throughout the /instances/instancen sub-directory structure, there are lots of duplicated directories for BI Server, PS etc These are for the System Components ! One per system component ! Divides config files, repositories etc into subfolders, one for each component Found under the following /instancen folders ! /bifoundation : for RPD, webcat etc ! /config : for NQSConfig.INI etc ! /diagnostics : for logs etc ! /tmp : for logs etc

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Demonstration #3
Filesystem Locations for Key OBIEE11g Files

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

What Does Oracle WebLogic Server Do?

Oracle WebLogic Server, along with Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, provides the following key areas of functionality ! Hosts the Oracle BI Analytics plugin (as per OC4J and IIS in OBIEE 10g) ! Hosts the other java components ! Provides the host platform for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g ! Provides the LDAP server, and other security stores for the OPSS security providers ! Hosts the WLS Admin Server and EM Fusion Middleware Control

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

What Does Oracle Enterprise Manager Do?

Enterprise Manager uses the OBIEE 11g Systems Management API to perform administration tasks ! You can also use this API through WLST scripting, or through Java code Uses a set of JMX MBeans (Java Management Extensions) to perform tasks ! MBeans are Managed Beans, Java utilities that have properties and methods ! Every EM task has a corresponding MBean method ! Some MBeans have yet to be exposed through EM

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The MBean Browser

The list of OBI 11g administration MBeans can be viewed in the MBean Browser Using EM, right-click on the AdminServer, then select farm_bifoundation_domain > Weblogic Domain > bifoundation_domain > MBean Browser OBI11g entries under several headings: ! oracle.biee.admin ! oracle.biee.local !

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The MBean Browser

The list of OBI 11g administration MBeans can be viewed in the MBean Browser Using EM, right-click on the AdminServer, then select farm_bifoundation_domain > Weblogic Domain > bifoundation_domain > MBean Browser OBI11g entries under several headings: ! oracle.biee.admin ! oracle.biee.local !

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Oracle BI Systems Management API

A collection of MBeans used for providing systems management functions for OBIEE A subset of the wider range of MBeans in Fusion Middleware 11g Key Systems Management API MBeans include ! ServerConfigurationMBean : upload and register new repositories ! BIDomainMBean : lock, commit and rollback changes to OBIEE config ! BIInstanceMBean : Start, stop and restart components ! BILogConfigurationMBean, EmailConfigurationMBean etc

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

What Happens When You Press Activate?

So what happens, for example, when you press Apply and Activate within EM ! For example : Uploading a new Oracle BI Repository (RPD file) online What MBeans are called? What files are updated? And can we then script this?

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

EM, Beans & RPD Uploads : Step 1

User presses Lock and Edit Configuration button within EM Deployments > Repository page This operation uses the oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service MBean

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

EM, Beans & RPD Uploads : Step 1

User presses Lock and Edit Configuration button within EM Deployments > Repository page This operation uses the oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service MBean

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain MBean

Main MBean type for managing Oracle BI Domain configuration state Methods for locking, rolling back, committing changes to the domain lock method is called to perform the Lock and Edit Configuration step

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain MBean

Main MBean type for managing Oracle BI Domain configuration state Methods for locking, rolling back, committing changes to the domain lock method is called to perform the Lock and Edit Configuration step

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

EM, Beans & RPD Uploads : Step 2

Within EM, enter the name and path to the RPD file, and the password Then press the Apply button to save the changes This operation uses the oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain.BIInstance.ServerConfiguration,biInstanc e=coreapplication, group=Service MBean

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

EM, Beans & RPD Uploads : Step 2

Within EM, enter the name and path to the RPD file, and the password Then press the Apply button to save the changes This operation uses the oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain.BIInstance.ServerConfiguration,biInstanc e=coreapplication, group=Service MBean

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The BIDomain.BIInstance.ServerConfiguration MBean Type

Another MBean type within the oracle.biee.admin MBean Used for managing the server configuration (i.e. uploading an RPD) uploadRepository method is called to record name and path to RPD

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The BIDomain.BIInstance.ServerConfiguration MBean Type

Another MBean type within the oracle.biee.admin MBean Used for managing the server configuration (i.e. uploading an RPD) uploadRepository method is called to record name and path to RPD

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Generating the RPD File Name and Sequence Number

OBIEE 11g adds a sequence number to each RPD, to provide versioning Obtained from the DataZipFileVersion attribute from the oracle.biee.local:Location=bi_server1,type=DomainConfigProxy, group=Config MBean] RPD file properties are then available in the ServerConfiguration MBean

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Generating the RPD File Name and Sequence Number

OBIEE 11g adds a sequence number to each RPD, to provide versioning Obtained from the DataZipFileVersion attribute from the oracle.biee.local:Location=bi_server1,type=DomainConfigProxy, group=Config MBean] RPD file properties are then available in the ServerConfiguration MBean

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

EM, Beans & RPD Uploads : Step 3

In EM, you would then press the Activate button This leads to the configuration files being updated, and the RPD uploaded This operation uses the oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service MBean again

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Activating the Change

Activate causes the commit method to be called with the oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service MBean A constant value (for example, ERROR) has to be passed to specify the degree to which errors will be allowed

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Activating the Change

Activate causes the commit method to be called with the oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service MBean A constant value (for example, ERROR) has to be passed to specify the degree to which errors will be allowed

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Updated Configuration Files, and File Transfer

Pressing Activate / calling the commit method will trigger several actions ! Updating the biee-domain.xml central configuration file ! Updating the NQSConfig.INI Oracle BI Server configuration file ! Transferring the RPD via the archive file ! Copying the RPD password to the credential store

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

RPD Password Stored in the Credential Store

All repository passwords (that have been taken online) are also stored in the Credential Store through the Activate / commit method Required so that the BI Server can get access to the RPD contents

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

EM, Beans & RPD Uploads : Step 4

After the changes have been made, you need to restart the Oracle BI Server ! System components need to be restarted to pick up configuration changes Actioned through Overview or Capacity Management > Availability tabs in EM

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The OPMN MBean

The, name=instance1,type=opmn MBean has methods for OPMN ! Stop, Start, Restart; Create, delete component; Get status ! Can run for single component, component group or all components

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The OPMN MBean

The, name=instance1,type=opmn MBean has methods for OPMN ! Stop, Start, Restart; Create, delete component; Get status ! Can run for single component, component group or all components

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

So Can This All Be Scripted?

All calls to MBeans can be scripted through WLST Command-line tool using Jython as the scripting language
connect("weblogic","welcome1","localhost:7001") domainCustom() cd ('oracle.biee.admin') cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') biinstances = get('BIInstances') biinstance = biinstances[0] cd ('..') cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object) strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String) invoke('lock',objs,strs) cd('..')

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

So Can This All Be Scripted?

All calls to MBeans can be scripted through WLST Command-line tool using Jython as the scripting language
connect("weblogic","welcome1","localhost:7001") domainCustom() cd ('oracle.biee.admin') cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') biinstances = get('BIInstances') biinstance = biinstances[0] cd ('..') Lock method cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object) Create lock on Oracle BI strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String) Domain, prior to configuration invoke('lock',objs,strs) cd('..') change

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

WLST Script Continued

cd (biinstance.toString()) biserver = get('ServerConfiguration') cd('..') cd(biserver.toString()) ls() argtypes = jarray.array (['java.lang.String','java.lang.String'],java.lang.String) argvalues = jarray.array(['C:/SampleAppLite.rpd','Admin123'],java.lang.Object) invoke('uploadRepository',argvalues,argtypes) cd('..') cd('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object) strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String) invoke('commit',objs,strs)

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

WLST Script Continued

cd (biinstance.toString()) biserver = get('ServerConfiguration') uploadRepository Method cd('..') cd(biserver.toString()) Obtain next RPD sequence no. ls() argtypes = jarray.array Copy the RPD name and (['java.lang.String','java.lang.String'],java.lang.String) password into the MBean argvalues = jarray.array(['C:/SampleAppLite.rpd','Admin123'],java.lang.Object) properties invoke('uploadRepository',argvalues,argtypes) cd('..') cd('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object) strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String) invoke('commit',objs,strs)

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

WLST Script Continued

cd (biinstance.toString()) biserver = get('ServerConfiguration') cd('..') cd(biserver.toString()) ls() argtypes = jarray.array (['java.lang.String','java.lang.String'],java.lang.String) argvalues = jarray.array(['C:/SampleAppLite.rpd','Admin123'],java.lang.Object) invoke('uploadRepository',argvalues,argtypes) cd('..') cd('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object) strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String) invoke('commit',objs,strs)

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

WLST Script Continued

cd (biinstance.toString()) biserver = get('ServerConfiguration') cd('..') cd(biserver.toString()) ls() argtypes = jarray.array (['java.lang.String','java.lang.String'],java.lang.String) argvalues = jarray.array(['C:/SampleAppLite.rpd','Admin123'],java.lang.Object) invoke('uploadRepository',argvalues,argtypes) cd('..') cd('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') Activate configuration changes objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object) Upload the RPD strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String) Update config files invoke('commit',objs,strs)

commit Method

Store password in Credstore

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Invoking an MBean using WLST

All Simple BI WLST scripts have the same common structure 1. Connect to the WLS Admin Server (connect) 2. CD to the correct Systems Management API MBean 3. Prepare input array for invocation 4. Prepare output array for invocation 5. Call the MBean method
connect("weblogic","welcome1","localhost:7001") domainCustom() cd ('oracle.biee.admin') cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') biinstances = get('BIInstances') biinstance = biinstances[0] cd ('..') cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object) strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String) invoke('lock',objs,strs) cd('..')

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Other Useful Uses of WLST Scripting

Stopping, starting and restarting the BI Instance Stopping, starting and restarting individual components Changing the web catalog path Creating roles and mapping them to LDAP groups Enabling and disabling caching Setting other performance parameters Vertical and horizontal scaleout

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Demonstration #4
Scripting the Upload of an RPD using WLST

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

How Have Diagnostics and Logging Changed?

OBI 11g uses DMS (Dynamic Monitoring Services) to record key system metrics ! Metrics and counters accessed via MBeans OBI 11g logging is still carried out to nqserver.log, nqquery.log Logs are now aggregated and parsed through ODL (Oracle Diagnostic Logging0 Logs can now be viewed in aggregate using the Log Viewer ! Enterprise Manager > Capacity Management > Diagnostics

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Log Viewer

On the Capacity Management > Diagnostics page on EM Click on individual log name, or click Log Viewer to search all logs

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Log Viewer

On the Capacity Management > Diagnostics page on EM Click on individual log name, or click Log Viewer to search all logs

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Log Viewer

On the Capacity Management > Diagnostics page on EM Click on individual log name, or click Log Viewer to search all logs Messages List

Most recent errors or warnings Headline details

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Log Viewer

On the Capacity Management > Diagnostics page on EM Click on individual log name, or click Log Viewer to search all logs

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Log Viewer

On the Capacity Management > Diagnostics page on EM Click on individual log name, or click Log Viewer to search all logs

Error Details

Error message Supplemental details ECID Component name

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Log Viewer

On the Capacity Management > Diagnostics page on EM Click on individual log name, or click Log Viewer to search all logs

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Log Viewer

On the Capacity Management > Diagnostics page on EM Click on individual log name, or click Log Viewer to search all logs

Search Tools

Search by name, ECID Headline details Message type Date range

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Adding / Removing Log Targets

By default, individual log views focus on a single log You can broaden scope by adding / removing log targets ! ECID searches automatically include all log targets

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Adding / Removing Log Targets

By default, individual log views focus on a single log You can broaden scope by adding / removing log targets ! ECID searches automatically include all log targets

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Execution Context IDs

Every client transaction is assigned an Execution Context ID (ECID) Log entries are stamped with the ECID, to enable tracing across components Can be seen in plain-text in log files, or searched for using Log Viewer

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Execution Context IDs

Every client transaction is assigned an Execution Context ID (ECID) Log entries are stamped with the ECID, to enable tracing across components Can be seen in plain-text in log files, or searched for using Log Viewer

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 1 : Analysis/Dashboard Error

To take an example, consider a situation where a user reports a dashboard error ! Theres a problem with the database The only error they report is an ODBC error Your job is to now use the logs to diagnose the problem..

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 1 : Selecting the Server Log

A database connection error will normally appear in the nqserver.log server log file, but you may have many BI Servers spread over many nodes From EM, select Capacity Management > Diagnostics Click on the Server Log link

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 1 : Viewing Server Log, Click on ECID

View the server log entries, and details, to diagnose problem Click on ECID link to see linked and related transactions

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 1 : Viewing Server Log, Click on ECID

View the server log entries, and details, to diagnose problem Click on ECID link to see linked and related transactions

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 1 : Viewing Server Log, Click on ECID

View the server log entries, and details, to diagnose problem Click on ECID link to see linked and related transactions

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 1 : Viewing Server Log, Click on ECID

View the server log entries, and details, to diagnose problem Click on ECID link to see linked and related transactions

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 1 : Viewing Server Log, Click on ECID

View the server log entries, and details, to diagnose problem Click on ECID link to see linked and related transactions

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 2 : Component Fails to Restart

You have recently rebooted your OBIEE 11g server, or perhaps uploaded a new RPD file, but the component fails to start What could be the reason? Luckily, theres a View Log Messages button directly in the dialog...

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 2 : Log Viewer Opens for ECID

Clicking on View Log Messages button opens the Log Viewer for this ECID All log file targets automatically included in search But none of the messages make any sense, and are mostly Java stack traces ! These are the various MBeans failing; however, they are not the root cause

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 2 : Log Viewer Opens for ECID

Clicking on View Log Messages button opens the Log Viewer for this ECID All log file targets automatically included in search But none of the messages make any sense, and are mostly Java stack traces ! These are the various MBeans failing; however, they are not the root cause

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 2 : Need to Investigate Other Logs

Root cause is actually in the Server Log, however this has not been tagged with the ECID for this transaction (limitation in this version) Sometimes therefore need to look outside the ECID, especially for system component failures that are known to be explained by their own logs ! MBeans are the process mechanism for EM, but action takes place in individual system components which dont always have ECIDs in their logs

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Log Viewer Example 2 : Need to Investigate Other Logs

Root cause is actually in the Server Log, however this has not been tagged with the ECID for this transaction (limitation in this version) Sometimes therefore need to look outside the ECID, especially for system component failures that are known to be explained by their own logs ! MBeans are the process mechanism for EM, but action takes place in individual system components which dont always have ECIDs in their logs

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Demonstration #5
Diagnostics and Logging

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Clustering in OBIEE 11g

OBIEE 11g Domains can be scaled-out (horizonal clustering) and/or scaled-up (vertical clustering) Adds resilience, reduces single points of failure Allows OBIEE systems to take advantage of more/larger hardware Installer sets up single-node OBIEE 11g Domain; cluster can then be extended out and upwards using EM and Universal Installer

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Vertical Scaleout of System Components

Spare capacity on an individual host can be used by adding additional system components Can add additional BI Servers, Presentation Servers and Java Hosts Useful for resilience, and usage of spare capacity ! Doesnt protect against the whole server failing though

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Horizontal Scaleout of Java Components

Used for adding additional managed servers (Java components) and system components to an existing cluster Used for scalability and failover Set up via the Universal Installer > Scale Out BI System option

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

WebLogic Clustering vs. OBIEE Clustering

Vertical clustering uses just OBIEE clustering features (Cluster Controller) ! Cluster controller routes queries to clustered BI Server ! Presentation Server, Cluster Controller, Java Host and Scheduler can also be clustered (active/active and active/passive) Horizontal clustering uses WebLogic clustering ! Uses MBean method to pack/unpack domain and clone to separate server ! Does not itself use/require OBIEE clustering ! Does require WebLogic Server EE license

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

So ... Can We Run Multiple RPDs and Webcats on a Single Box?

No (or at least, weve not got it working) Internal restrictions within OBIEE that stops complete isolation of RPD / webcat pairs Possibly coming (Multi-Tenancy) in OBIEE Otherwise, need to multiple Middleware Home installations

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

OBIEE11g has had a major architectural overhaul, adopting FMW11g technologies Core servers stay the same, but new middleware wrapper Uses WebLogic for J2EE application hosting, security, integration Major security enhancements and changes Enterprise Manager used for systems managemnet WLST scripting can be used for process automation EM and WLST both leverage MBeans for modularized administration Clustering now extends to WebLogic clustering for horizontal scale-out Diagnostics leverage MBeans and ODL for cross-node diagnostics and metrics

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

More Information
Thank you for attending this presentation More information can be found at Contact us at or Look out for our book, Oracle Business Intelligence Developers Guide due Q1 2012 Follow-us on Twitter (@rittmanmead) or Facebook (

T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

OBIEE11g Architecture, Components & Internals

Mark Rittman, Rittman Mead BI Forum 2011 Brighton & Atlanta, May 2011
T : +44 (0) 8446 697 995 or (888) 631 1410 (USA) E : W:

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

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