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Topic: Tackling The Backlog of Cases in The Courts

Q. What is the data of pending cases in courts? 3 crore cases are pending in the courts. Of these, 74 are less than ! "ears old. The Chief #ustice of $ndia has e%pressed the need of &aking the 'udicial s"ste& !( free )" addressing *+ of the old cases ,hich are of &ore than ! "ears. -sta)lish&ent of .ational Court /anage&ent 0"ste& has )een notified )" the Chief #ustice of $ndia. This ,ould )e addressing issues of case &anage&ent, court &anage&ent, setting standards for &easuring perfor&ance of the courts and a national s"ste& of 'udicial statistics in the countr". Q. .ational /ission for #ustice 1eli2er" and 3egal 4efor&s? 5o2ern&ent has set up a .ational /ission for #ustice 1eli2er" and 3egal 4efor&s ,hich ,ill )e addressing the issues of dela"s and arrears in the 'udicial s"ste& as ,ell enforcing )etter accounta)ilit" at all le2els through a 2ariet" of &ethods ,hich ,ill include setting and &onitoring of perfor&ance standard, enhance&ent of capacit" through training at 2arious le2els etc. Q. What is the de2elop&ent in the esta)lishing 5ra& ."a"ala"as? The 5ra& ."a"ala"as 6ct, *778 has )een enacted for esta)lish&ent of 5ra& ."a"ala"as at the grass roots le2el for pro2iding access to 'ustice to citi9ens at their doorstep. The Central 5o2ern&ent is pro2iding assistance to 0tates to,ards non:recurring e%penses for setting up of 5ra& ."a"ala"as su)'ect to a ceiling of 4s. ;8.77 lakh per 5ra& ."a"ala"a. The Central 5o2ern&ent also pro2ides assistance to,ards recurring e%penses for running these 5ra& ."a"ala"as su)'ect to a ceiling of 4s. 3.*7 lakh per 5ra& ."a"ala"a per "ear for the first three "ears. 6s infor&ed )" the 0tate 5o2ern&ents, ;!3 5ra& ."a"ala"as ha2e )een notified alread". Out of these, ;!; 5ra& ."a"ala"as ha2e started functioning. Q. 6ll $ndia #udicial 0er2ice <6$#0=? The Constitution ,as a&ended in ;>77 to pro2ide for an 6ll $ndia #udicial 0er2ice <6$#0= under 6rticle 3;* of the Constitution. There has )een o2er,hel&ing support in fa2our of 6$#0 later also )" the 3a, Co&&ission in its 4eports, the ?irst .ational #udicial @a" Co&&ission, Co&&ittee on Centre 0tate 4elations and 1epart&ent 4elated @arlia&entar" 0tanding Co&&ittee. Ao,e2er, consensus on ha2ing 6$#0 has not )een possi)le in the consultations held ,ith the 0tate 5o2ern&ents and the 0tate Aigh Courts. But the 5o2ern&ent proposes to pursue it )" offering a &ore plausi)le and accepta)le for&ulation of 6$#0.

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