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Two of these are Jeanne Woodford of San Quentin and Donald Cabana of the Mississippi Penitentiary System.

Cabana also worked years before as a warden in Missouri prisons. Woodford and Cabana spoke for many others in drawing the following conclusion:


Consider the Human Price Upon the Lives of Those Conducting Executions
ach time Florida Warden Ron McAndrew presided over an execution during his 22-year career, his doubts grew until he could no longer continue. He joined with other ex-wardens whose experiences have led them to oppose the death penalty.

Participating in the planned, cold-blooded killing of other human beings has haunted us, and has inflicted lasting trauma on corrections officers.

hey shared how many of their colleagues are turning to drugs and alcohol to lessen the pain of knowing they have had a role in the intentional death of others. In McAndrews words, The state dishonors us by forcing us into performing premeditated, carefully thought-out ceremonial killing. Their plea is for permanent imprisonment as an alternative that doesnt lower us to the level of the killer.

No More Killing in Our Name!

Vote for HB 1520 to Abolish the Death Penalty.

This flier is part of a series prepared by Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. For more information contact MADP at 816-931-4177 or visit our website at

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