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(302) Tutor Marked Assignment

Max. Marks: 20 Note: (i) (ii) 1. All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given against each. Write your name, enrolment number, AI name and subject etc. at the top of the first page of the answer sheet. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words. (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. How do the beauties dance in the poem Leisure? Pick out words from the poem. What difference does the writer of the lesson Father, Dear Father see in his mother and grandmothers nature? Pick out two expressions from the chapter A Case of Suspicion that show that the doctor was suspicious of Evans. In the lesson If I were You, who is cleverer of the two- Gerrard or the intruder? Give reasons. 2 (Ref. Lesson 13-24) a) Baldeo, the watchman, was awake. He stretched himself slowly unwinding the heavy shawl that covered him. It was close on midnight and the chill air made him shiver. The station, a small shack backed by heavy jungle, was a station in name only; for trains only stopped there, if at all, for a few seconds before entering the deep cutting that led to the tunnel. Most trains merely slowed down before taking the sharp curve before cutting. Baldeo was responsible for signalling whether or not the tunnel was clear of obstruction, and his manual signal stood before the entrance. At night it was his duty to see that the lamp was burning, and that the overland mail passed through safely. (i) (ii) b) What time of year was it? How did you guess the time from the given excerpt? Why does the writer say that the station was a station in name only? 2 (Ref. Lesson 1-12)

Read any one of the following extracts and answer the questions that follow in about 40-60 words.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth (i) (ii) Why does the poet call the wood yellow wood? Why does the poet look down the road as far as he could see?


The peasants came like swarms of flies


And buzzed the Name of God a hundred Time to paralyse the Evil one. With candles and with lanterns Throwing giant scorpion shadows On the mud-baked walls They searched for him; he was not found They clicked their tongues. (i) (ii) d) Why do poets use figures of speech? Pick out a simile from the above lines. Who/What does evil one refer to and why is it called evil?

It is far more interesting and amusing to wander about without a gun or any other weapon and to find that wild animals are not afraid and can be approached. Animals have keener instincts than man. If a man goes to them with murder in his heart, they are afraid of him and run away. But if he has love for animals, they realize that he is a friend and do not mind him. If you are full of fear yourself then the animal is afraid too, and might attack you in self-defence. The fearless person is seldom, if ever, attacked. (i) (ii) Why, according to the writer, is it more interesting and amusing to wander about in a forest without a gun or any other weapon? In the light of the facts mentioned in the passage, say why a fearless person is generally not attacked? 2 (Ref. Lesson 25-36)


Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words. a)

Bholi was neglected and treated as a second grade member in the family. Her needs and emotions were never given any consideration. In other words Bholis parents had discriminatory attitude towards her. Pick out two examples from chapter 25 Bholi which suggest the discriminatory behaviour of Bholis parents. ESP Receptionists Write a dialogue between a receptionist in a hotel and a client who wants to book a room for two days. [Write four turns]. Or ESP Office Use You have been asked to write a report on an accident for the newspaper. Mention the points you would keep in mind while writing the report.



The flames of the sacred fire slowly died down. Everyone was gone. Ramlal turned to Bholi and said, But what about you, no one will ever marry you now. What shall we do with you? And Sulekha said in a voice that was calm and steady, Dont you worry, Pitaji! In your old age I will serve you and Mother and I will teach in the same school where I learnt so much. Isnt that right, Maam? The teacher had all along stood in a corner, watching the drama. Yes, Bholi, of course, she replied. And in her smiling eyes was the light of a deep satisfaction that an artist feels when he contemplates the completion of his masterpiece. (i) Describe Bholis state of mind when she told her parents about her future plans. 5



ESP Receptionists As a receptionist at a travel desk, send an email to the travel agency requesting them to send the taxi bills for the services rendered in the previous month in order to clear the payments before the closing of the financial year. Or ESP Office Use As a Senior Executive of a company, write a memo to draw the attention of the staff to the following points: to refrain from wasting electricity not to use office stationary


Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words. (a) (b)

4 (Ref. Lesson 1-18)

Write a case history* of a boy who had fallen prey to smoking and drugs. How can awareness be spread in this case? In his childhood days Gavaskar was not a sporting player. He would walk away with the bat and ball whenever he was declared out which brought the game to an abrupt end. What advice would you give to a friend who behaves as Gavaskar used to? What and why was the difference between the reaction of Veds father and mother when he lost his eyesight? The poem My Grandmothers House is full of sadness and pathos. Do you think the poet is sad only because of the loss of her grandmother or is the poem a reflection of the unhappiness prevailing in her present life? 4 (Ref. Lesson 19-36)

(c) (d)


Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words. (a) (b)

Why was Aradhna feeling shattered and shocked on the day of the annual dance show where she was to give an inaugural item? Why did her mother say Nothing has changed today, nothing at all? Bholis meeting with her teacher was the turning point in her life. From then on there was no looking back. She bloomed into a thinking individual with self esteem and decision-making skills. Explain this with examples from the story. ESP Receptionists What do you feel is the most important skill that is required for a receptionist? How important is dress code in this profession? Or


ESP Office Use Develop a small talk between two passengers who meet during a train journey for the first time. (d) ESP Receptionists As a new employee in a company, write a brief conversation you had with the Managing Director on your first day. 6

Or ESP Office Use How will you prepare yourself for an interview in order to prove yourself suitable for the job and the company? 6. Attempt any one of the following projects in about 500 words. (Lesson 1-36) (a) Ved Mehta overcame the challenge of blindness and became a famous writer and journalist. Find at least five persons from history who have overcome their physical challenges to achieve greatness. Step I - Identify the persons you want to include in your project Step II - Collect information about them regarding: a. their physical challenges b. how did they become the victim and what was their immediate reaction/feeling /wonder/emotional status? Step III- What brought hope in their life? Step IV- Their own qualities that came to their rescue. (b) Write a project on Girl-child education. Title: Girl-child Education Objective: Problem of Girl-child education Step I - Interview at least 10 families in your neighbouring colony Step II - Before interviews, prepare a questionnaire to derive relevant information from the families (Why are girls not sent to school?). Step III - Draw a table or chart to reflect the information? Step IV - Analyse the problem keeping the information in mind (magnitude /seriousness of the problem) Step V - Write a report in about 500 words with at least two practical suggestions to solve the problem. (c) You have observed that there are many environmental issues. Along with this health problems are increasing. In this reference, write a project on Health and Environment. Step I - Visit the surroundings of a neighbouring colony Step II - Conduct meetings with the Colony Pradhan or the President to draw their attention. Step III - Visit families in the slums and draw their attention to the fact that most of their health problems are related to the environment. Step IV - Based on your information and observation make notes for reference Step V - Write a report based on your information. (d) Saina Nehwal is an Indian badminton player who attained a career best ranking of 2 in December 2010 by Badminton World Federation. She is the first Indian to win a medal in Badminton at the Olympics. Write a bio-sketch of Saina Nehwal. Follow the steps given below: Title: Bio-Sketch of Saina Nehwal

6 marks

Objective: To be able to write a bio-sketch Step I - Collect information about the badminton player Saina Nehwal You may include: (a) birth place, year etc. (b) family background. (c) childhood training and attitude towards sports. (d) significant factors that shaped her career. (e) achievements at national and international level. Step II - Select the information which is important to be included in the biography. Decide which information will motivate and inspire the readers and sports persons in their life. Step III - Imagine you are Saina. You have to give an interview to a journalist who wants to write your biography. What would you like to be included in your interview? Step IV - Write a bio-sketch based on your information. * Case history is a detailed account of the facts affecting the development or condition of a person or group under treatment or study.


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