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1.888.257.6278 support@smartlunches.


Smart Lunches is coming to your school!

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*+, +-./- on our
easy-Lo-use webslLe:


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lunches every mornlng
Lo ensure Lhe freshesL

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before lunch. PoL
meals arrlve hoL &
cold meals sLay cold

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SLudenLs & sLaff en[oy
fresh, healLhy,
wholesome lunches

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SmarL Lunches' seL-lL-and-forgeL-lL meal plan !"#$! &'( )*+$ ",- +',$& .",- !)/$!!01

Cur daycare menu has someLhlng for every Loddler, from Lhe plcky Lo Lhe advenLurous eaLer,
Lo Lhe Loddler wlLh food allergles. lus, every meal comes wlLh a fresh frulL or vegeLable.
WanL Lo know Lhe besL parLs?
CeL lL whlle lL's hoL! ?es, we serve hoL meals as well as cold.
Crder one Lo flve lunches a week. Add-on snacks and drlnks are avallable for a yummy
and nuLrlLlous LreaL
Save up Lo $10/monLh on lunches - Lhe more you order, Lhe more you save! rlce varles
by slze and how ofLen you order ranglng from $3.73 Lo as llLLle as $4.40.
?ou're always ln conLrol: change or cancel anyLlme.

lor more lnformaLlon, vlslL us aL SLlll have quesLlons? Clve us a call aL
1.888.237.6278 or emall us aL supporL[
Aslan noodle 8owl
1urkey & Cheese 8olls w/ 1rlangles Crllled Chlcken llngers
laln asLa w/ armesan asLa Shells w/ Marlnara Sauce Crganlc 8eef PoL uog
SunbuLLer & !am-wlch CuarLers 1urkey veggle lnwheels
PomesLyle Mac & Cheese
uC-M 10.16.13

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