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Cur populaLlon of lnLeresL ranges from boLh men and women of any age, whlch have onllne
access. ln addlLlon, Lhey had Lo vlslL lour eaks 8rewery (1empe locaLlon only) wlLhln CcLober
, 2012 Lo CcLober 26
, 2013. We flrsL sLarLed wlLh a fllLer sLaLemenL LhaL helped lndlvlduals
know lf Lhey quallfled or noL Lo be parL of Lhe sample frame before Lhey would even cllck on Lhe
survey llnk.
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We conducLed a non-probablllsLlc survey, uslng CualLrlcs, by uslng Lwo dlfferenL Lypes of
sampllng: convenlence and [udgmenL. Convenlence sampllng was done Lhrough Lhe use of
lacebook by sharlng Lhe llnk Lo our survey wlLh our personal neLworks. 1he user had come
readlly aware of Lhe survey lf Lhey caLch one of our posLs, cllcked, and compleLed Lhe survey.
1hls also, creaLed snowball sampllng due Lo our frlends sharlng Lhe survey llnk wlLh Lhelr
personal neLworks addlLlonal. nexL, when lL came Lo Lhe [udgmenL sampllng, our group senL
moblle LexL messages, phone calls, or emalls Lo our neLwork LhaL we know personally Lo have
been Lo lour eaks durlng Lhe allocaLed Llme frame and locaLlon.
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1he survey conslsLs of 12 dlfferenL quesLlons uslng scales of nomlnal, ordlnal, and lnLerval
measuremenLs. 1he baslc nomlnal quesLlons wlll help ldenLlfy such Lhlngs as Lhe way Lhe
cusLomers would vlew a new lmplemenLaLlon, Lo when Lhe cusLomers vlslLs durlng a day and Lhe
number of Llmes Lhey vlslL. Also, Lhese quesLlons wlll show Lhe dlsLance Lhey Lraveled, Lo Lhelr
gender, age, and lf Lhey are a college sLudenL. 1here ls one ordlnal quesLlon, whlch asked Lhe
cusLomers Lo Lake caLegorles relaLed Lo a resLauranL experlence and place Lhem ln order of
lmporLance Lo Lhemselves. llnally, Lhe lnLerval quesLlons addressed experlence, servlce, and
food saLlsfacLlon. As well as, we ended Lhe survey wlLh an open-ended quesLlon for addlLlonal
commenLs for any mlssed lnslghL we could have recelved from Lhe respondenLs. All quesLlons
were mandaLory Lo answer excepL Lhe flnal quesLlon abouL Lhe addlLlon commenLs. We would
also llke Lo noLe we Lrled Lo Lake ln conslderaLlon of quesLlon order blas ln Lhe lnLerval quesLlon
caLegorles and placed a more senslLlve quesLlon abouL ages aL Lhe end of Lhe survey.
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We are seeklng Lo answer Lhe research quesLlons, as well as several oLher Lypes of lnslghL
gaLhered Lhrough Lhe survey. We wlll be able Lo gaLher more lnformaLlon on Lhe resLauranL's
food, servlces, prlces, aLmosphere, locaLlon/parklng, and overall experlence from respondenLs
on a scale from 1 Lo 3, wlLh 1 belng very dlssaLlsfled, Lo 3 belng very saLlsfled, and lf Lhey dld noL
parLake ln one of Lhe caLegorles Lhey could selecL nA. ln addlLlon, we wlll learn Lhe level of
lmporLance of each resLauranL experlence caLegory ln order Lhey see as superlor Lo one anoLher.
1he survey wlll show lnslghL of Lhe Lype of cusLomer LhaL are comlng lnLo lour eaks, amounL of
Llmes, and whaL Llme durlng Lhe day. llnally, lL wlll help ldenLlfy how cusLomers would feel lf
lour eaks lmplemenLed swamp-coolers durlng Lhe summer Llme, Lo help wlLh Lhe summer
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1hree-example senLence of how our resulLs wlll be lnLerpreLed:
1he survey showed us LhaL over 40 of cusLomers would be very saLlsfled lf lour eaks
lmplemenLed swamp-coolers durlng Lhe summer Llme."
1he survey showed us LhaL Lhe servlce caLegory ln a resLauranL experlence ls Lhe mosL
lmporLance aspecL Lo cusLomers when Lhey go Lo a resLauranL."
1he survey showed us LhaL Lhe cusLomers raLed Lhelr overall experlence aL lour
eaks aL leasL as hlgh as 3 on a scale from 1 Lo 3."
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Survey CompleLlon Cnce SLarLed: 100
8esponse 8aLe LsLlmaLe: (33/903)=3.6*
*1hls ls based on Lhe number of lacebook frlends we share beLween Lhe Leam of Lhree
of us and a couple addlLlonal neLwork assoclaLes.
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AfLer analyzlng our survey, we hope Lo have a beLLer undersLandlng of cusLomer's saLlsfacLlon ln
mulLlple caLegorles. We wlll need Lo Lake lnLo conslderaLlon of errors such as non-sampllng
errors of non-coverage, non-response, and response errors because of Lhe llmlLed resulLs
produced from Lhe response raLe and populaLlon coverage. Slnce probablllLy sampllng would be
Loo expenslve Lo reach for Lhls research and Lhe respondenLs only range from convenlence and
[udgmenL of our personally neLworks Lo galn lnslghL on Lhe managerlal and research quesLlons
Cur flndlngs wlll a low lnfluence how we are able Lo answer our research quesLlons wlLh a
cerLaln amounL of probablllLy LhaL Lhe resulLs we recelved dld noL cover Lhe enLlre sample frame
from Lhe populaLlon of lnLeresL.

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