Phs 12 English Language Arts Course Outline Literary Focus

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PHS Grade 12 English Language Arts

Literary 2013 - 2014

Teacher: Mr. A. Brouwer

Expressing ideas is at the heart of language arts instruction. This course concentrates on increasing students independence in making meaningful and effective language choices. Students will be challenged to speak and write information in clear, concise and explicit form, attending to specific purpose and audience, and to listen, view, read, and represent information critically and efficiently. The following represents the General Outcomes for secondary ELA in Manitoba.

Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences (GLO 1) Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts (GLO 2) Manage ideas and information (GLO 3) Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication (GLO 4) Celebrate and build community (GLO 5)


Comprehension o Reading, Listening, and Viewing Communication o Writing, Speaking, Representing Critical Thinking and Inquiry TOTAL

40% 40% 20% 100%

This assessment plan will determine 70% of your mark. The remaining 30% will be determined by a final provincial exam.

*NOTE: The aforementioned values are approximate and can be subject to revision.

Voice, Style, and Language Topics may include: o Public Speaking o Persuasive Writing o Editing o Journal Responses o Mechanics, Grammar, and Usage o Portfolios o Independent Reading Media Studies Topics may include: o TV and Film Studies o Advertising o Music o Documentaries o Popular Culture o Debate Critical Response to Texts Topics may include: o Short Story Responses o Novel Studies o Essays


Assessment is Formative Learning is a gradual process that requires lots of practice. Mistakes are simply opportunities to learn and improve. Use the feedback that you get to do better each time. Evaluation is Summative Eventually, you will demonstrate what you have learned in a series of summative assignments. These assignments will be marked and coded against appropriate learnings.

In order for you to be successful you will need to be familiar with the school policies outlined in the Prairie Mountain High School Policy Manual 2013-2014. Beyond these policies there are specific classroom guidelines that will be followed to help students succeed.

3 1. Respect The most important part of a successful classroom is that both students and the teacher must be respectful to each other, to themselves, and to their surroundings. 2. General Behaviour As a class it is important to develop methods of behavior that suite the unique nature of a group of individuals. That being understood, there are school policies that must be followed and will be rigorously enforced. a. You are expected to arrive to class on time, seated before the final bell rings. You should have all the necessary materials required to participate in class with you. b. Digital devices will only be used on teacher approved occasions, and students will be expected to follow the rules laid out in the Policy Handbook. c. You should not leave the room during class time unless you have permission from a teacher or school staff member. 3. Absences It is the students responsibility to catch up on any materials or information missed during an absence. Marks that are given for classroom participation, assignment deadlines, and presentations will not suffer to do unavoidable absences (see school policy). These marks, however, will be adversely impacted by unexcused absences. You must discuss any upcoming absence with the teacher beforehand. 4. Homework There will be regular homework assignments for the class, including reading, writing, researching, watching movies, as well as preparing for projects, presentations, and tests. Students are expected to demonstrate their independence by being aware of upcoming assignments and giving themselves adequate time to complete their work. Please see the Prairie Mountain High School Policy Manual for an explanation of the Intervention Process.

There are a variety of means for both students and parents to be able to monitor upcoming assignments and to ask questions. The following websites are dedicated to giving any additional information you might need. Teaching Email: Classroom website: Assignment Tracker: TBD

Student Signature:_______________________ Date:____________ Parent/Guardian Signature:_________________ Date:____________ (Please review the entire course outline before signing.)

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