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The 4 Components of a Business Model

Albert Jimnez, Luis Gasca and Alan Monroig

1/13/2014 1

Customer value (value proposition): what do I get? Market Segment: whos it for? Economic value: $ !!! Competitive value: how is it different/better?


Customer Value

is so easy to use, and

provides you the most range of videos on the Internet, which makes everybody use it. Its also

the most popular video

sharing page on the Internet
1/13/2014 3

Market Segment
WHO IS IT FOR?: YouTube is it made for a leisure

purpose, for whom wants to expend their time not

working, but watching interesting things.


Economic Value
A companys succes will only be possible when an economic value exists. Even though companies

have different misions, all of their assets need

money to survive the market.


Competitive Value
HOW IS IT DIFFERENT/BETTER? It is a key component
of a company to standout over the others, to have a distinct product or service no one else offers.


YouTubes Default Homepage

Footer Text


YouTube broadcasting power A BILLION monthly visits, compared to Vimeos 85 million

social network to share videos It only accepts videos that have been fully created by the account owner. Videoart (HD)

econd search engine just behind Google

YouTube is always free.

Plus version, increasing the storage capacity from 500 megas to 5 gigas. (7,95 /month) On Demand option

you can make money putting ads to your videos


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