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IMMEDIATE RELEASE - January 13, 2014 Contact: Stephen Heverly, Alvarez for Mayor, 619-886-0926

Alvarez and Senator Feinstein: Assault Weapons Must Go

January 13, 2014, SAN DIEGO Today California Senator Diane Feinstein, announced her endorsement of Councilmember David Alvarez for Mayor citing his leadership on public safety. Senator Feinstein joined a growing list of endorsements for Alvarez but specifically referenced his leadership on public safety by introducing a resolution in support of her Assault Weapons Ban in the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee. The legislation calls for the city to support Feinsteins bill, which prevents the sale, manufacturing and importation of assault rifles with ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Alvarez is the only candidate to have signed the Mayors Against Illegal Guns pledge. I am so honored to stand with Senator Feinstein to get high powered assault weapons off of our streets, said Alvarez. Weve seen one too many breaking news stories ripping communities apart. Lets put an end to these senseless acts of violence with common sense solutions. Along with law enforcement organizations, health care associations and religious institutions, the San Diego Unified School District passed a resolution in January of 2013 supporting an assault weapons ban. Citing Police Officers who had been confronted by men wielding assault rifles, San Diego Police Chief William Landowne fully supported Alvarezs resolution and said at the time of the vote, We see it as a critical issue for public safety and certainly for law enforcement. (March 13, 2013)


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