EXAMPLE Questions: Course: Code Date Time Location

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Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

EXAMPLE Questions
Course : Code : Date Time Location Operations Management : : :

NOTE : This is not an entire exam exams of a predecessor course 1. Project Mana ge m e n t

Questions are stripped from old

onsider a pro!ect consisting of " acti#ities A$ B$ as depicted in the figure 'elo&(

A 8tart B

$ and % &ith precedence relations

Finish %

The time estimates for these acti#ities$ in days$ are gi#en in the ta'le( Acti#i ty A B % optimist ic ) ) ) , expecte d * * + ) pessimist ic " " ,*

a( .hat is the critical path$ the expected completion time of the pro!ect$ and &hat is the &orst/ case completion time of the pro!ect0 Assuming that e#erything &or1s as expected$ &hat is the slac1 of the acti#ities0 '( 2sing the 3E4T methodology$ calculate the #ariance for all acti#ities$ and calculate the pro'a'ility that the pro!ect is completed &ithin 5 days( c( ritically discuss the outcome of the 3E4T methodology$ using the a'o#e example( Also point out &hich of the 6implicit7 assumptions underlying the 3E4T methodology is #iolated(

2a) Using the inform a tio n give n below, dev elo p a com pl e t e MRP m at e ri al plan. It take s one unit of and two units of ! to m ak e one unit of ". "t the begi n ni n g of tim e period #, the following inform a ti o n is availabl e$
Item I% " &uantit' on (and #++ #,+ ! -+ )ead *ime # 2 #

*he gross re.uire m e n t s of item " are 2++ units for period / and 2,+ units for period ,.

Period Item " !ross re.uire m e n t 1n2 hand sche d ule d receipts 3et re.uire m e n t Planne d order relea s e s # 2 0 / ,

Period Item !ross re.uire m e n t 1n2 hand sche d ule d receipts 3et re.uire m e n t Planne d order relea s e s # 2 0 / ,

Period Item ! !ross re.uire m e n t 1n2 hand sche d ule d receipts 3et re.uire m e n t Planne d order relea s e s # 2 0 / ,

2b) If the lead time for item " incre a s e s b' one week, and the lead time for ite m ! also incre a s e s b' one week, what will the revise d mat e rials plan look like4 "re ther e an' proble ms which nee d imme dia t e atte ntion. Period Item " !ross re.uire m e n t # 2 0 / ,

Period 1n2 hand sche d ule d receipts 3et re.uire m e n t Planne d order relea s e s

Period Item !ross re.uirement 1n2hand scheduled receipts 3et re.uirement Planned order releases Period Item ! !ross re.uirement 1n2hand scheduled receipts 3et re.uirement Planned order releases # 2 0 / , # 2 0 / ,

A cereal manufacturer fills 'oxes to an a#erage &eight of ,+ ounces$ and has an a#erage range of 4 9 -(:+ ounces &hen the filling process is under statistical control 6using three/ sigma limits7( A sample si;e of n 9 ,- 'oxes is used in sampling the process( a( .hat is the central line$ and lo&er and upper control limits for the 4/chart0 '( .hat is the central line$ and lo&er and upper control limits for the x hart0 c( A sample &ith the follo&ing measurements has !ust 'een ta1en: ,+(--$ ,+(-+$ ,"(5+$ ,"(5:$ ,"(55$ ,+(-)$ ,+(-)$ ,+(--$ ,"(5+$ ,"(<-( =s the process still under control0 d( =s action re>uired$ and if so$ &hy exactly0

5ork center " produces parts that are then processed b' work center . 6anban containers used b' the work centers hold #++ parts. *he overall rate of demand is ,./ parts per minute at work center . *he table below shows setup, run, move and wait times for parts at each of the work centers.
5ork center A 7etup Run time per unit Move time 5ait time , +.2 2., ## / +., 8 20 B

5hat is the minimum number of containers needed between these two work centers4 9tc:

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